Liam Brandon

Liam is the youngest and newest addition to the Brandon Family. He was born at Harbor Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland on June 21, 1998 (Father's Day) to Lyle Brandon III and June Brandon. Liam is the youngest of five children in our family and is spoiled by all!!!

Liam (aged 1 1/2 months) sleeping with Daddy....zzzzzzzzz

Liam sure is growing and thriving. During the last part of the summer we took the Light Rail to Timonium to the State Fair (those pictures didn't turn out) but the pictures from the trip did....

Here's Dad showing Liam where we are...

Liam has had enough and is sitting at the Light Rail stop screaming I want to go home now....right now!!!!

Here's Liam having his first meal of solid food. Look yummy bananas. Cassie holds Liam while I try to feed him bananas. Bananas are still his favorite food but now he is eating three meals a day with bananas for dessert (12/98).

Here's Liam holding on to Daddy's hands while he takes a few steps. He loves to run around the house in his walker and unlike his brothers is very curious and now I have to take time away from quilting to baby proof the house!!!

Here is Liam enjoying his favorite television program (Sesame Street). I couldn't even tear his eyes away from Elmo long enough to take his picture!!!(11/98)

Here is Liam getting his first pair of shoes at the store (Jan /99). He just loves those shoes as they give him much more traction on the hardwood floors at home!!!

Liam's two favorite pasttimes are running around the house in his walker and eating!!! Here he is enjoying graham crackers.

Liam is sure growing fast and time is sure flying. I haven't loaded many new pictures in the last little while but have taken lots. Here are 2 new ones. Liam is now 14 months old (08/99) and growing to be quite a handsome young man (even though I am slightly biased).

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