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Last Updated: 11-3-08

Unii's Personal Page

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     So you came this far and actually wanna know about *me*! *Gasp* I was born and bred in Cleveland, Ohio on February 10, 1972 at Fairview General Hospital, also where MY children were born! I have a brother, who is 5 years older than myself (yeah that makes him like much way older than me, but I still love the death outta him!). His name is Bill, and he's the greatest brother a gal could have! Not to mention he's a great HTML editor! Drop in and take a look some time at his handy work! I am married to the most wonderful man alive, David. I have two beautiful boys, named Matthew and Justin, ages 18 and 15, respectively.

     I come from the epitomy of a dysfunctional family, but now days, who doesn't. Let's just say that our house was visited frequently by the Police. But aside from that, I turned out rather well, dontcha think??? My parents divorced when I was in grade school, and for that I am thankful, because I knew someone would end up dead or severly injured if they stayed together! That whole aspect of my childhood has made it difficult at times for me in relationships. I admit, I am not the greatest partner sometimes, but I do try my damnedest to work things through. I have my share of phobias, fears, ignorances, and predisposed hang-ups...but I try to figure them out and get over them!

     At the age of 16, I found out that I was pregnant. I found myself to be on my own, seeing as the father basically didn't want anything to do with me or the child, for we were both WAY too young to be dealing with this (A very long and drawn out story that continues to this day!). Still living with my mother, I chose to move out on my own, with a little effort of her pushing me out :/ I struck out on my own at 16 (well ok, I struck out with this really physically, verbally and mentally abusive jerk named Matt, who should be the poster child for Domestic Violence!). And let me tell you, it wasn't easy at all! It's hard to give up a social life and all the neat teenager-type things you should be doing at age 16! But I managed! I tried to get back into school, but just didn't fit in anymore in high school with the responsibilities of a home and child. So I went out and took my GED and was awarded it August 11, 1993. No, I didn't go to prom, or graduation, and that saddens me to some extent, but I wouldn't give up my son, Matthew, for the world! After ridding myself of Matt (of course this took alot of bruises and scars, and finally four stitches to my right eye), I got together with Justin's father. (Another long story, but is still a good friend and no negativity towards him! He is married now to a wonderful woman, and I am elated for them! They now have three girls of their now Justin is a big brother!) I had known Justin's father for quite a few years, and to this day I care about him as if he were my brother, but we just weren't for each other! He left...I moved back in with my mother for a year of hell.

     Eventually I moved in with my aunt and uncle, where I was introduced to Cleveland Freenet (which no longer exists) and a few local BBSes (which no longer exist) by my cousin. Eventually things between my aunt and I went awry and they all moved out. I had a few roommates, Julie (I call her Cheese-Woman, ask her about it some time! She's got married Oct. 25, 1997!), Ronnie, and then Peter, who was my boyfriend. Peter, hah, that's another whole story also...but I care not to bore you! On one of the local adult BBSes, I met David. It was funny, because at the time, I was still with Pete. Needless to say, when David asked Peter if he could kiss his girlfriend when we were at the bar...he lost me to David! *grin* (OK, actually Peter and I were ending anyways, but that's not how Peter sees it...oh well to each their own!) About two or so months after David and I were rid of Peter, David seriously asked me, "So when are you and the kids moving in with me?" I laughed! I thought he was joking! After I mended his hurt feelings I told him I would have to think long and hard about it. About a month or two passed and one day I just blurted out, "Ok!" The kids and I moved in with David, and we have been with him since! Over 13 years now we have been's a record for me in the relationship department! Hell, David has even gotten me to the point of being able to tell him all of those deepest darkest secrets that a person would NEVER tell anyone! So I guess after all the terrible things that have happened to me in the past, I am finally happy and satisfied! Thank Gawd! I was beginning to wonder if I would ever be happy with a man...Anyways, onto more interesting things...

     On December 13, 1995 (I remember the date because it was 1 day after Justin's 4th birthday), I was diagnosed with Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. I don't like having MS, but prefer it to some of the other things that I could have! You can read more about my MS if you want. You have to have a sense of humour about it...or it will get you depressed, and I already have to fight depression at times due to the medication and the disease! Besides, I am NOT that kind of person ( get depressed, that is!)! I also find that the most difficult part of my MS is the lack of energy and fatigue. It took me a year to learn how to "adjust" my life to this, and at times I still fight it. When I fight it, I usually end up in bed for a day with aches and pains because of it...but life goes on! I have gotten much support from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. They are not just there for people with MS, but are there for everyone to learn about it. They have many resources on MS, its treaments, how to cope with it, etc. As of June 13, 1999 I quit the Betaseron® shots, due to three wounds received from three different shot sites. Basically, I had started getting an allergic chemical reaction to the Betaseron® (in other words, my immune system started attacking the medication, not just germs etc), and the Betaseron® then bruised, then the flesh around the shot site started being "eaten away". This left a nice gouge out of my skin and was VERY painful!

     Hey, does anyone else notice a pattern in the above paragraph? You know, the dates... Dec. 13, 1995 & Feb. 13, 1996 & June 13, 1999. Heh, go figure! Lucky 13! :)

     I was also diagnosed with severe dysplasia (carcinoma in situ 4) of my cervix in 1996. I underwent a LEEP procedure to rid my cervix of the pre-cancerous cells. This was not too long after I started the Betaseron®! Wow! What a fun time in my life! So far things are going well with that, and have had clear PAPs since then. This was one of the scariest things that I have encountered in my life! The C word is frightening word for anyone, but when it hits home, you have to deal with it! David was right by my side through it all, even though at the time, our relationship was on the rocks, he stuck by me. No one should go cancer alone! It is a very frightening thing when you have a support system, but much worse without one! (Gawd, am I a healthy one or what!?!?! MS, cervical cancer...sheesh!)

     I was attending college in Cleveland and Painesville, before we moved down to Knoxville, Tennessee, to obtain my Bachelors Degree in Psychology. (That hasn't gotten too far, seeing as I don't even have my Associates yet!) I intended to eventually get my PsyD in Psychology, but that's turned out to be a bust, it seems that lack of tuition can beome a problem, and it's kinda hard to run a house, work 40 hours, raise kids, etc. Therefore, my education has been put on a long hiatus. I did a stint of work at Walgreen's for about 7½ months, but for what I was getting paid versus what I was doing...well, to say the least, I resigned and gave my 2 weeks notice. I was employed full-time at Arrow International running a Jar Ticket Machine. That got old quick with me, because I am not a factory type, I was there for almost 9 months. It did pay the bills, but I wanted much more out of my job. So I applied at Welcome House, Inc. on a whim. I was hired on May 8, 2001. Basically I worked with mentally retarded/developmentally disabled people. The people that I worked with lived on their own, and our staff went in each day, depending on their needs, to help them with everyday chores, transportaion, etc. It was a very rewarding career, and I kind of went to college for it. I majored in Psychology, but I was just wanting to help people! After three yeaers, the mental stress of the job became too much, so I began looking again.

     I am a very craftsy-type person. I enjoy sewing, quilting by machine, cross-stitching, and plastic canvasing. I have sewn all types of things; Rypyt's boxers, his Vampire Halloween Costume, a jumpsuit for me, baby quilts, curtains, over-the-door shoe organizer, among many other things! I am also into plastic canvas and cross stitching, but I haven't had much time to do this stuff lately with work and all! I would like to thank my friend, Sue, for introducing me to Plastic Canvas. I love it!

     This may come as a shock to some of you, but David and I tied the knot, got the ol' ball and chain, AKA Got Married finally! It was September 21, 2002. Not an eccentric or big thing, just family and close friends. So things are moving along ok with us!

     I am now working at Audio Craft Co., Inc. as an Administrative Assistant. I joined the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP®) Downtown Cleveland, # 105188 Chapter in April 2007. I believe that I have found my vocational forté. I am in charge of numerous duties, some of which are: Accounts receivable, sending bi-monthly statements, collections, general ledger closing & posting, compiling mail list data for large mailings, Mail merging for medium-small mailings, working with RCMS system, answering phones, copying, collating, general office duties, sorting & processing daily AP invoices, AR checks & mail, minor IT troubleshooting, web design, general office duties, assisting with Service/Repair Dept. administrative duties, obtaining product RMAs, checking daily server back-up logs.

     Welp, it's been 5 years...David & I will be celebrating our 5 Year Wedding Anniversary on September 21, 2007. I am planning a party in the back yard with friends & family. My 18 year old son, Matthew, has moved out of the house. Justin is now time sure does fly! My MS has been at bay mostly...only a little flare up here and there. So all is going ok!

I *LOVE* Sewing Sewing Machine, but Housework!!!!!

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