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Rose Vine

Beatitudes for People with Disabilities

By Marjorie Chappell

Blessed are those who take time to listen to the defective speech, for you help us to know that if we persevere we can be understood.

Blessed are those who walk with us in public places and ignore the stares of strangers for in your companionship we find havens of relaxation.

Blessed are those who never bid us "hurry up" and more blessed are you that do not snatch out tasks from our hands to do them for us, for often we need time rather than help.

Blessed are those who stand beside us as we enter new ventures, for our failures will be outweighed by the times we surprise ourselves and you.

Blessed are those who ask for our help, for our greatest need is to be needed.

Blessed are those when by all these things you assure us that the thing that makes individuals is not our peculiar muscles, nor our wounded nervous systems, but it is the God-given self that no infirmity can confine.

Blessed are those who realize that we are human and don't expect us to be saintly just because we have a disability.

Blessed are those who pick things up without being asked.

Blessed are those who understand that sometimes I am weak and not just lazy.

Blessed are those who forget the disability of my body and see the shape of my soul.

Blessed are those who see me as a whole person, unique and complete and not as one of God's mistakes.

Blessed are those who love me just as I am without wondering what I would've been like.

Blessed are my friends upon whom I depend, for they are the substance and joy of my life!!!

Rose Vine

MS Warrior
World's Top 100 Ms Sites - September 2000 1st Place Award World's Top 100 Ms Sites - July 2001 1st Place Award
Facing Challenge Award

Rose Vine

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Rose Vine

Multiple Sclerosis Links

Rose Vine

Personal Links
Self Advocacy Groups
Listservs, Newsletters & Newsgroups Links
Resource & Informative Links
Health and Medical Insurance Links
Treatments, Doctors & Wellness Links
Personal Cooling Products Links
Products & Aides Links

Rose Vine

Want me to add your link to my site? Well send it to me...just fill in the information below and it's as good as up! *smiles*

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Rose Vine

Personal Links:

My Battle with MS
Fairview Park, Ohio NMSS Support Group
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Rose Vine

Self Advocacy Groups

Advocating Change Together
Employment For All
Self-Advocate Leadership Network
Advocates in Action
Inclusion Research Institute
Self Advocates Becoming Empowered
Speaking for ourselves

Rose Vine

Listservs, Newsletters & Newsgroups Links: - UseNet News Group
Edgar Cayce's MS Treatment Group
Emerging Horizons - newsletter on accessible travel options
MS Canadian List - put subscribe ms_can-l your_email_address in the text
MS Web People - an Australian Initiative
MSLIST-L MS - Click on the link, in the text subscribe mslist-l (your name) - discussion forum for those of us with disabilities
Yahoo! MS Carousel Club - Where Understanding People 'Meet'
Yahoo! Multiple Sclerosis FYI Group

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Rose Vine

Resource & Informative Links:

Accelerated Cure Project
Access Center for Independent Living, Inc.
Accessible Home Ramp Manual
Advantages of Having MS
American Music Therapy Association
Americans with Disabilities Act
Americans With Disabilities Act Information
Band Against MS
Bracelets 4 MS HOPE
Boston Cure Project
Boulevard - Disability Resource Center
Brian's Home Page
Carolyn Cherry Zimmer's Home Page
CLAMS - Computer Literate Advocates for Multiple Sclerosis
CNN Larry King: A Look at Multiple Sclerosis
Consortium of MS Centers - CMSC
DIRECT-MS - community for people affected by MS
Fun Cruise & Travel
Gloria's MS Journey
International MS Support Foundation
Living with MS
Lorrie's MS Story
MedSupport - a good support system
Montel Williams MS Foundation
MS Crossroads - MS info
MS Focus
MS Only - compilation of journal abstracts on MS
MS and My Life
MS Association of America - MS info
MS Foundation - Dedicated To "A Brighter Tomorrow"
MS International Federation (MSIF)
MS LifeLines
MS Magnet
MS Sucks
MS Watch
MS Resource Centre
MS Watch Canada/MS University
MS World
My Story: A Photographic Essay on Life with Multiple Sclerosis
National MS Society - The best MS resource around!
Nerd World - Their MS Directory
Nervous System Diseases - Great list of resources and info
OZMS Australian MS Community
People with MS
Roam51's Life with MS
Rocky Mountain MS Center
Social Security Disability (SSDI, SSD) & SSI Benefits - Tips
SPLORE - Outdoor Adventures for People with Disabilities
Squiffy's House of Fun
Tel-Med - a medical information library
The Myelin Project
The Race to Erase MS - Stars Collaborate To Fight MS
Vanita Oelschlager - My Grampy Can't Walk
Waiting to Inhale
Wheelchair Getaways
Wheelchair Site - Guide to wheelchairs, scooters, etc.

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Rose Vine

Health and Medical Insurance Links:

Betaseron® Foundation - Helps MSers afford Betaseron®
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
Clinical Trials: Trial List
Department of Health and Human Services
Rx For Ohio

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Rose Vine

Treatments, Doctors & Wellness Links:

Avonex (Interferon beta-1a)
Bee Online - American Apitherapy Society
Betaseron® (Interferon beta-1b)
Biogen Labs - Avonex® and MS info
Enermed - for the relief of Migraine Headaches and MS
Ferris - Supplier Of Honeybees For Bee Venom Therapy
Good Life Resources
MS Active Source
Natural Health and Longevity - alternative/herbal
Novantrone (mitoxantrone)
Rebif® (interferon beta-1a)
TouchStar Productions - Body/Mind Wellness info
YTM Services - full service specialty pharmacy
Zanaflex - drug for spasticity

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Rose Vine

Personal Cooling Products Links:

Acrtic Heat USA
Body Cooler®
Cool Sport
Heat Relief Depot
Steele Vest
Texas Cool Vest
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Rose Vine

Products & Aides Links:

A-Med Health Care - Disposable Medical Devices
AbleData - Info on Assistive Technology
Accessible Environments
Alliance for Technology Access
Apple Computer - Accessibility
Briggs Corporation - Products, info, and resources
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9 - Continuous Speech Recognition System
Endless Pools - no-impact, body strengthening
Equinox International - innovative, high quality, environmentally friendly, life-enhancing products
IBM - Special needs home page
IBM's VoiceType - Speech Recognition
Life Enhancement Technology - IsoPro
Lubidet - transforms any toilet or commode into a bidet
MS Book Store
Neural Network Shareware - Neural Planner and NeuroDiet
New Arrivals - Incontinence Products
Power Trainer Exercisers - Accessible Rehab/Exercise equipment
Rand-Scot - Mobilization Products
Ranger All Season - Scooters, lifts, and accessories
ScootAround - scooter and wheelchair rental service
Table-Mate® II
USA TechGuide - Guide To Wheelchairs & Assistive Technology
Viewpoint Mobility - Rear Entry Wheelchair Accessible Minivans
Wheel Life
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Rose Vine

     And as a reminder to can do whatever you wish to...if only you try! *smiles* MS is a horrible disease, but one should not let it get them down! Remember, there ARE others out there, and we are more than willing to help support you!

     As Jimmie Heuga said once, "I have MS, but it doesn't have me!" -- He was a 1964 Olympics Bronze Medalist!

     As I say, "Live life for the here and now...not tomorrow or yesterday!"

Rose Vine