Hi!  I’m Kaycee, but everyone calls me Kaycee.  Ha ha ha . . . hey, at least I still have my sense of humor!  I was living on the streets for a little while and had built up a strong stomach.  My mind and mouth is very quick when it comes to the subject of food.  I had a litter of pups when I found myself in a shelter.  The people at the shelter told me they had to put the pups down due to financial deficiencies.  They were only thinking of me, though.  After all, I was weak and my nutrition was not good enough to take care of them.  I was quickly spayed and was fostered by a human by the name of Cindy Tumiel. 

She was very nice to give me such a comfortable home while I was recovering from the surgery.  My stay with Cindy was short-lived though.  Another foster, a male of course, wanted to return to Cindy to be with her because he was homesick.  Cindy had to make a tough decision and decided that I should go live with the Cobb family until I can find a permanent home.  Cindy lived in San Antonio and the Cobb’s lived in Houston.  Boy, was that ever the longest ride in my life! 

It was a shorter drive home with John and Thuong Cobb.  They gave me some water and we had a good conversation on the way.  We finally arrived at the house and John let me greet the other members of the family, one by one.  All of them looked like me, but of course, I was the good  looking one.  I can tell because my rear and tail wags at the same time.  They can wag only their tail.  I’m gifted.  Most of that day I spent taking a nap.  It was a long day for me.

It was challenging in getting along with Roxy, Tory, and Rubi.  The exchange happened without much warning to them and they were cautious around me in the beginning.  Now we’re fine with each other and we get along well.  I just think they’re jealous of me sometimes because they’re always hogging my bonding time with John.  Every now and then we all go out to the forest where there’s plenty of space and we run around silly to our heart’s content.  I’ve been disciplined and had been running to get back in shape. You should look at me now!  Hot Mama!

Other times I just lie on John’s lap and get my rubs until I fall asleep.  I’m very affectionate if you can’t tell already.  I give kisses when it’s deserved and of course, I give kisses as a way of saying thank you.  My new year’s resolution is to regain my self-confidence.  Even though it’s embarrassing for a female of my stature, I have to be honest and say that I am very submissive.  I love tummy rubs, but I also turn on my back when I think someone is angry with me.  I am sensitive at heart and I don’t like it when my feelings are hurt.  I think all I really need is a stable loving home where I can have as many treats that are available.   I just love to be spoiled


Kaycee is 3or 4 years old and is up to date on her shots.  If you think Kaycee is the Kee for you, contact Jo Ann  Hoffpauir  at Musikkee@wt.net. 

Click here to see pictures of Kaycee:  1   2   3