The Silent Night Lodge

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Silent Night Lodge Homepage

Located in scenic Bridgton, Maine

Updated September 14, 1999

The Lodge is closing down its 3rd sucessful season this October. Visitors this season were Shaun O'Keefe and Matthew O'Keefe. This spring we had more plumbing troubles, but they seem to be solved, finally. We'll see next spring.

The big project this year was installing a new lawn. To do this we imported 8 Cu Yds of loam and spread it over the sandy area at the head of the parking lot. Once the grass takes hold, we'll plant some lanscaping next season.

The kids love Adam's Bakery downtown, and we have to go to the AG supermarket every time up. We've seen 5 movies at the Bridgton Drive In (or "Drive Up";"Drive Thru","Drive To" as the boys call it). No Moose Safari this year due to my spring illness and inclement weather. We did, however, see a moose while touring Canada this summer.

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