Tentative Chapter Schedule:

No Idea Whatsoever. At this point I can say with some confidence that the chapters will be due before the class ends. Other than that....

Class Schedule:

September 2: Orientation and objectives. Labor relations pre-test inventory. Read chapters 1, 2, 3 for TEST 1—September 28. Films—watch them and one page reaction report. Do a log—Articles are ok along with clippings.

September 4: Team/Group formation—Steward selection. Discuss and contract for 30% of your grade. Steward and class brainstorm and invite a guest speaker to class on September 25.

September 9: More discussion of 30% of the grade. If we finish, discuss Chapter 1 with Dr. Roegiers. Roegiers’ History—"Blacks in America"

September 11: Cases from Chapter 1—Dialogue and activity. Do attitude survey today.

September 14: Guest Lecturer: Dr. Reinke. Personal thoughts and experiences about labor unions.

September 16: Guest Lecturer: Film#1 LRL Economics USA—Labor and Management. Discussion to follow. Remarks about how to prepare for Chapter 2.

September 18: Guest Lecturer: Chapter 2 reflections and discussion. Dialogue with Dr. Reinke. Be impressive. Group 1 initiates. Go out and find a copy of a current union contract and read it by September 30. (*Stewards supervise this effort)

September 21: Guest Lecturer: Chapter 3: highlights, reflections and group interaction. Group 2 initiates

September 23: NOTHING

September 25: Stewards guest speaker to class. Do be prepared for symposium forum interaction, i.e. the speaker takes 20 minutes or so then we open it up for discussion.

September 28: TEST #1 over Chapters 1,2,3

September 30: Discussion of union contracts. Great interaction period expected—full involvement.

October 2: Dialogue with Dr. Roegiers—Chapter 4. Group 3 initiates. Read the following pages before negotiation exercise. Chapter 6, pages 181-198. Film #4 LRL-Proud to be a teamster.

October 5: Catch-up period—prepare for contract negotiation exercise (3 days to complete). See negotiation exercise—page ?. Look at the book, "Wheels", by Arthur Hailey, 1971—Bantum Books. Choose Union-Management room sites.

October 7: Begin contract negotiation. Likely four groups (two union/two management). Two contracts "in writing" will result. Room 129, Room 200

October 9: Contract Negotiations. Be reading Chapters 5 and 6 for Test 2 coming soon. Room 129, Room 200.

October 12: NO SCHOOL

October 14: Finish contract negotiations. Room 129, Room 200

October 16: Discussion of negotiations experience and discuss Chapter 5 with Dr. Roegiers. Group 4 initiates.

October 19: Lecture on negotiation by Dr. Roegiers. Roger Dawson materials. Do ethnic group mistreatment/history and be ready for class discussion on October 28.

October 21: Union President, Mr. Gil Koetzle (AFL-CIO in South Dakota). Read Chapter 6 for next class period.

October 23: Chapter 6 discussion with Dr. Roegiers. Stewards give movie report in writing to Dr. Roegiers (progress of individuals in their groups). Read Chapter 7.

October 26: Guest Lecturer: Dr. Charles Kaufman—Chapter 7. Let’s have another great interaction period.

October 28: Ethnic/History discussion. Be prepared.

October 30: Guest Lecturer: Vickie Tanner—Chapter 8. Be prepared to ask her questions, she is the "authority".

November 2: TEST #2 over Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

November 4: Bring in movie logs for Dr. Roegiers to examine. Guest lecturer: Union organizer.

November 6: Watch the film, "Matawan" in class

November 9: Finish watching the film, "Matawan"

November 11: NO CLASS

November 13: Chapter 9 discussion: Group 1 initiates and sustains highlights and overview.

November 16: Chapter 10 discussion. Group 2 initiates and sustains highlights and overview.

November 18: Chapter 11 discussion. Group 3 initiates and sustains highlights and overview.

November 20. NO CLASS

November 21: SATURDAY CASTREY SESSION. 8:30-12:00 Meidation Workshop; 1:00-4:00pm Intermediate Workshop.

November 23: Castrey’s to class. Symposium forum. Evening session with Castrey’s will count as a film substitution. Stewards take roll.

November 25. NO CLASS

November 27: NO CLASS

November 30: TEST #3 over Chapters 9, 10, and 11

December 2: Chapter 12: Group 4 initiates and sustains highlights and overview

December 4: Chapter 13: Dr Roegiers or Guest Lecturer. Dr Fred Zuercher of the Political Science department.

December 7: Chapter 14 & 15—Dr. Roegiers.

December 9: Fill out feedback forms for the course and the exit interviews on December 11 and 14. Hand in all film logs AND chapters to be graded.

December 11: Exit interviews—Groups 1 & 2

December 14: Exit interviews—Groups 3 & 4

FINALS WEEK: TEST #4, over Chapters 12, 13, 14 &15