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Renee Class of '95

Renee's Senior Photo

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Mark's Senior photo

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Michael's Senior photo

Both Mark and Michael have become a couple of accomplished musicians. Both were in the school's Symphonic Band (the top band in school) and also in the Dickinson High School's "Gators" Marching Band. Away from school they both learned to play the guitar. Mark learned the Acoustic and Electric Guitar, and Michael learned the Electric Bass Guitar. Between the two of them they play the B-Flat Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Trombone, Alto Sax, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, and Electric Bass Guitar.
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Mark's Junior Band Photo
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Michael's Senior Band Photo

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Mark during their performance at the Bands of America competition, held at Rice University.
Fall 1998
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Michael during the Band's performance at the Spring ISD Invitational in Spring, TX.
Fall 2000
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Michael at the Katy High School Stadium during the State semi-finals Marching Competition,
waiting for the next band to take the field.
October 1999



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Last Update: 11/18/05
The Donahue Family
(Ken & Debbie, Mark & Diane, Michael, "Granny Evonne", Renee, Madison & Alex)
Rt. 1, Box 1605
Dickinson, TX 77539

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