Pictures, pictures, pictures ... (mostly of Buddy)


Photos posted in 1999 or earlier

Visiting SantaChristmas 1999

Christmas! Benjamin's favorite time of the year.

Benjamin in the mirrorBaby Pictures

Here are pictures of Benjamin when he was a baby. Looking back it's hard to believe he was ever that small. You can also see pictures of Marcia feeding Benjamin.

Painting porch railSeasons

It's beginning to look like fall around here. Seemed like a good time to look back at some summer photos and a Halloween picture. (Posted Oct. 1999)

Fishing with RickVacation

These photographs were taken on our vacation in June-July 1999. Lucky us, it was unseasonably hot while we were in upper Wisconsin, so a lot of talk was about the weather and whether someone would rather be hot or cold.

playing on slidePre-school Party

This set was taken in May, 1999 at his pre-school graduation party. You can see those photos by clicking on the photo to the right.

With Benjamin now in kindergarten, it seems like such a long time ago since he was in pre-school. One big difference between pre-school and kindergarten is starting time. Pre-school started at 9:30 and kindergarten starts at 7:45. He's going to bed much earlier these days.