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Clan MacDuff - Deus Juvat - God assists

Current Project(s)

Currently I am trying to trace my Grandfather's grandfather. I have a lead, but am still trying to confirm it. My Grandfather's father's name was Ambrose Fife and he lived from 1887 until 1942. His father was born in England and was a cockney (born within the sound of Bow Bells) but unfortunately I only have his name - George Fife.

What I have found though is the marriage certificate of a George Fife and a Catherine Moyce who were married in South Africa in 1886. Could this be he?

                                                                                (updated 03-2000)

I have discovered that George Fife was a stevedore that jumped ship in Port Elizabeth harbour. I don't know what year of the name of the ship...yet!!! :-)

                                                                                 Last updated: 23 June 2000

If there is anybody out there that can help me...please write:

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