Pemberville, Ohio ~ USA

Pemberville - 125 Years - 1876-2001

Pemberville's Quasquicentennial Celebration was on June 10, 2001 at the Pemberville Town Hall and the Pemberville-Freedom Fire Department.

Please follow along in our celebration with the text below, clicking on any links for photos.

From 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. everyone enjoyed the ice cream social that took place in the fire hall. Food items included chicken sandwiches, hot dogs, coleslaw, apple sauce, chips, and various soft drinks. Chocolate and vanilla ice cream was available for dessert.

A band was playing under one of the shade trees for everyone to enjoy. Close to 300 people came to the event to help celebrate.

Memorabilia items were being sold for the 125th year event. Items featured the 125th year logo on them.

Gustava Oberhouse gave the welcome to all who showed up on the stage. Earlier in the morning it had rained, actually poured, for about 10 minutes, Gussie commented on this saying the Lord knew what he was doing by washing off everything for a clean start to our 125th celebration.

Pastor James Miller, from the Pemberville Presbyterian Church, gave the prayer for the ceremonies, both at the beginning and the end.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given by Cub Scout Pack #344, Boy Scout Troop #344, both of Pemberville; Boy Scout Pack #346 of Luckey; and Brownie Troop #847 of Pemberville. Two of the scouts, Scott and Tim, from Troop #344 held the flags behind the stage during the whole ceremony because the wind was knocking them over.

Because our guest speaker was delayed in arriving the hearse was pulled by four "horses" (men). The hearse was originally purchased by the Nieman family of Pemberville. The 1884 Rock Falls Coach features its original interior and beveled glass windows. The exterior gracefully displays handmade wood carvings depicting flowers and columns. It is presently owned by Marsh Funeral Home, Dave and Fran Marsh, directors. Hearse attendants were: Alton Beeker *, Brent Beeker, Dick Beeker *, Nelson Busdecker *, Mike Gerwin, Tim Gerwin, Dave Marsh, Tom Oberhouse and Doug Wegman *. The asterisk denotes those who participated in Pemberville's 100th anniversary celebration in 1976.

Al Perkins introduced the guest speaker, U.S. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, who gave an address to the audience.

Many elected officials were in attendance including: Randy Gardner, State Senator; Robert Latta, State Representative; County Commissioners James Carter, Tim Brown, Alvin Perkins; Judges Mark Reddin, Davis Woessner, Prosecutor Alan R. Mayberry, Auditor Michael Sibberson, Recorder Sue Kinder and Clerk of Courts Rebecca Bhaer.

The historical marker was unveiled. It is located at the Town Hall. We were told that we were accepted the first time through for our marker, which is unusual. The marker cost is around $1700 and only 150 are given out per quarter. Many companies and organizations donate the monies so markers can be placed in historical places in Ohio.

Mildred Abke designed and hand made the Quasquicentennial Quilt that is going to be raffled off December 31, 2001. Tickets are still available for $1 each or six for $5 at local places of business. A close up of the quilt can be viewed here.

This part of the ceremony ended with the announcement of the cake decorating winners and the closing prayer by Pastor James Miller. Everyone then proceeded to the fire hall for the opening of the time capsule and to enjoy some cake.

At the fire hall Dave Marsh took a grinding tool and cut open the time capsule. Smoke came from the operation that took about 20 minutes to complete.

The capsule was buried 25 years ago outside of the Opera House. Items inside included Robby Frizzell's baby-blue sleeper his mother, Sue, has put inside the capsule. Robert is now a Wood County deputy sheriff, 6' 1" tall and 240 pounds. Other items included: children's pictures, an Apollo 11 glass, a man's beard he had shaved off, newspaper clippings, high school sports items, buttons, memorabilia from the 1976 celebration, a t-shirt celebrating the U.S. Bicentennial and more...

Plans are to have another time capsule buried in October at the town hall. Items will be put into it again, maybe items that were in the original capsule plus some new items. How long it will be buried before being resurrected again....only time will tell!

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