New Zealand Ferret Legislation


It is legal to own ferrets in New Zealand, however a license is required to breed or sell ferrets, or keep more than three ferrets in a single site. The rules pertaining to the issuance of licenses are contained in the Wildlife (Farming of Unprotected Wildlife) Regulations 1985, which are issued under the Wildlife Act 1953. Licenses can be obtained from the Department of Conservation (DOC), however DOC may require applicants to have the approval of their local authority before processing an application. DOC may also conduct a site inspection to ensure that ferrets are being adequately contained. Links to the relevant legislation are included below. There is also a link to an article "Ferrets and the Law" which was originally published in the November 1998 edition of Warm Fuzzies. Anyone having difficulty obtaining a license should contact for assistance.

In late 1999 the Minister of Conservation launched a public discussion document "What can we do about ferrets?" Over 900 submissions were submitted on this document, and it is quite possible that there will be significant changes to the law relating to ferret ownership as a result of this process.

The Wildlife (Farming of Unprotected Wildlife) Regulations 1985

Ferrets and the Law

Public Discussion Document (PDF)

Ferret PAWS' Submission (.doc)

Analysis of Submissions Received (PDF)

For more information, and updates on things that might affect the law, try these sites:
Landcare Research, Ferret Research in New Zealand
New Zealand Department of Conservation
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of NZ Inc.

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