Love Quotes
Love Quotes

When you're heart is shattered......
You love no more......*tears*

Love is...
When two people don't like to be apart
they want to share everything heart to heart.
A. Leonard

The way to love anything
is to realize that it may be lost.
Gilbert K Chesterton

If there is anything better than to be loved,
it is loving.

If it is not mutual it isn't love.
Bruce Kravetz

You never lose by loving.
You always lose by holding back.
Barbara De Angelis

I don't regret the things I have done
or the things I have chosen not to do
because what ever I've done,
I must have done something right
because I ended up with you.
Eryn Mlynarski

To love is to give all of yourself,
in return for that one special feeling
in the center of your heart.

love is the link that holds two hearts together.

I miss you most when I'm sad.
I miss you when I'm lonely.
But most of all,
I miss you when I'm happy.
An excerpt from Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul

Love from one side hurts,
but love from two sides heals.

When I saw you I fell in love,
and you smiled because you knew.

Love starts from the heart not the eye.

Whoever said it is better to have loved and lost,
then to have never loved at all,
must not have had their heart broken.

You've got to learn to love yourself,
before you can love anyone else.
Monica Henson

Something in your eyes captured my soul,
and every night I see you in my dreams.
You're all I know. I can't let go.
Mariah Carey

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