Meet My Webmaster...

Meet Tina Packer, my Webmaster

I would like to intrduce you to Tina Packer, someone I didn't even know until a few months ago, but who has become a good friend and is definately an earth angel.

I was struggling with trying to get a website together for my son Keith and was having little success. A mutual friend introduced me to Tina as she had done a website for her also. Well, Tina jumped right in and put into action the ideas that I wanted but was unable to do.

I wanted not only this to be a memorial tribute for Keith but also to make known the awareness of cancer in children/young adults and the necessity of the public learning about and becoming part of the National Registry of Bone Marrow Donors.

Along with doing all this work, and having infinate patience with me Tina got to know my family and also went through Keith's life with me which made doing this a little easier. I thank you so much Tina. I couldn't have done it without you.

Love, Janie


*Webmaster's note*
I have enjoyed working with you on this site Janie... getting to know you, your family, and especially Keith has been my pleasure (and at times, tears:-) I consider you my friend now, not just a client. Thank you for the sweet comments above.... *Warm Hugs* Tina

Tina's Banner

Richie D. Williams - Tina's nephew

Newborn Rebecca Hope Klitz - Tina's granddaughter

Reckless Horseplay - Joshua Hedglin's story

A Tribute to Baby Trevor

Columbine High School Memorial Tribute

8 yr old Maddie Clifton of Jacksonville, Florida

Christina Williams of California

8 year old Ryan Harris

John F. Kennedy Jr -- Carolyn Bissette Kennedy -- Lauren Bisette

8 year old Christin Rochelle Lamb of Wyoming

6 yr old JonBenet Ramsey

Visit DreamPackers

Tina has designed more than just memorial websites,
if you would like to take a look at a few visit her home page



Home | Keith's Story |Photo Index | Lights of Love | Dedications | Inspirations | The Family | Our Angel
Only Yesterday Cancer-Leukemia Resources | Through the Years | Obituary | E-mail Keith's Family | Web Rings | Awards~Blessings | Meet my Webmaster


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