Welcome to my Guestbook!

Bill Anderson - 12/17/00 05:33:13
My URL:/old_bill_61/herb/index.html
My Email:billfl@bellsouth.net

I like your web site..Thank You Bill I have a herb club I am just starting

World's Greatest Lover - 09/28/00 05:12:01
My URL:http://www.comedymadness.com/
My Email:mark@comedymadness.com

Man! THis page is horrible! It's just a pile of annoying webrings! Jeez! ComedyMadness.com

Eschiva - 08/27/00 11:15:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/eschiva
My Email:eschiva@yahoo.com

Loved your website. Such a wealth of herbal information. Tried a herbal rememdy once - not much success, though most likely erring on my account. However, your website has encouraged me to give it another go. Many thanks.

alycia - 08/26/00 21:27:26
My Email:wwfgirl_18466@yahoo.com

hey!please email me to get ot know mw better!!

Pamela - 08/19/00 04:36:50
My Email:psstumpf@home.com


sherry - 08/01/00 01:37:23
My Email:sherryschmitz@yahoo.com


Carl - 07/23/00 15:39:58
My URL:http://intrstar.net
My Email:allencf@intrstar.net

Good site!! Very useful and lots of info!!

DP Don - 06/21/00 18:40:16
My URL:http://digitaldelilah.com
My Email:dondrg@nidlink.com
ICQ UIN#: 6030887


Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? We invite you to apply to the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our web ring.

JaCi - 06/18/00 15:34:43
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/jaci74/
My Email:JaCi74@aol.com

Great website!! Useful too! visit my homepage as well

intan juita - 05/27/00 13:30:41
My Email:ej_dz@hotmail.com

hi Red,i very proud of you.Thank you very much to you because you give me much information about herb.Wonderful site.Can you give me more information about herbs in Malaysia and how to grow the herbs?I relly love this site.I hope you can help me.

pam - 04/19/00 15:30:37

you were supposed to be helping homeless children! Where is the love?

Brenda - 04/16/00 17:29:58
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/gardengirlbrenda/homepage
My Email:bobbrenda@ns.sympatico.ca

Thanks for the lovely tour, a really exciting experience. I just love touring other gardens, to see others ideas and plants they grow.I shall tell my friends so they can visit, thanks again.

Cornelia - 03/27/00 21:41:10
My Email:big_dragon_za@yahoo.com

it is very creative!!!

Cornelia - 03/27/00 21:40:41
My Email:big_draagon_za@yahoo.com

it is very creative!!!

betty glaser - 03/05/00 17:21:17
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~nikki5035
My Email:nikki5035@earthlink.net

Hi Red, What can I say except I love your web home. I, too am an avid gardener, although all my gardening is done on my patio. I doo dabble in herbs and take pleasure in using the herbs in all sorts of recipes. Thanks so much for sharing it with me. Oh, I also have those wonderful worms on my page! Happy gardening, Betty

Belinda - 01/30/00 10:02:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Boutique/2990/
My Email:bejak@excite.com

I love your site! There's so much information and the graphics are fun. It's a great place to relax and learn. Thank you!

Ron Jensen - 01/22/00 07:15:08
My Email:ourfathershouse@msn.com

I am looking for persons anywhere who would be interested in exchanging seeds and/or live medicinal plants of any kind. I live in the high desert area of southern California about 30 miles north of Palm Springs.

brunehilda - 01/14/00 14:31:06
My Email:janmather@hotmail.com
ICQ UIN#: 55865855

such a lot happening on each page , what do you recomend for eyestrain .

Glenn - 12/29/99 22:20:35
My URL:http://www.batesgardens.com
My Email:bates@softek.net

Everything is Beautiful!

Lisa Hildebrandt - 12/02/99 18:37:34
My Email:lmh102@hotmail.com

What a wonderful page. Thanx for sharing your garden...

Veronica Del Valle - 11/04/99 23:49:51
My Email:vdvalle@aol.com

I loved your website! Thanks for the tips with Lavendar and Rosemary! Veronica

Cheryl Eustice - 11/03/99 05:39:23
My Email:momsmerf@aol.com


Leyla Webber - 10/20/99 07:42:29

Ihad to do a school project and only had a limited number of days. We had to find a herb or spice and write an essai on it. when I looked up Herbs OR Spices I FOUND EVERYTHING I NEEDED write at your website.Thankyouso much!

LePohier - 10/19/99 23:47:05
My URL:http://homepages.tig.com.au/~lepohier/index.html
My Email:lepohier@ihug.com.au

Hi Red, By coincidence I just left your sisters web site. You both have made a very interesting site. Best regards, LePohier

David Denner - 10/11/99 20:23:23
My URL:http://www.anglefire.com/yt/Life7/
My Email:DavidR6978@aol.com

Thanks for giving me a chance to chat with you guys. Hope you have a chance to to check out my web page. Take care

Michele - 10/03/99 22:24:47
My Email:snbfulle@nedcomm.nm.org

I am looking for a recipe for a furniture oil using herbs and/or essential oils. Can anyone help? Thanks

Michele - 10/03/99 22:22:02
My Email:snbfulle@nedcomm.nm.org


rebecca ayotte - 09/28/99 20:22:05
My Email:natecam@midcoast.com

What a great site - refreshing and nicely done. I'll be back soon.

Jay - 09/21/99 12:27:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Creek/5269/
My Email:jay@geo.net.au
ICQ UIN#: 7506631

Brilliant site - thanks for sharing. I tried a couple of the herb oil recipes and they worked out great. I'll be coming back to try some more of your suggestions.

liz essenburg - 09/20/99 14:18:05
My Email:elizabethessenburg@hotmail.com

beautifully done! I love herbs and am new to the internet, Glad I found your site,I'llbe back.

Jasmine - 09/13/99 21:39:55
My URL:http://welcome.tosk8stuff
My Email:sk8stuff@hotmail.com

Enjoyed my visit. Great pictures. Nice site.

Joyce - 09/08/99 18:37:17
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Jad1234/Jad1234sTinyHomepage
My Email:Jad1234@webtv.net

Nice site!!!

Robin - 07/24/99 16:53:47
My Email:dcole@ieway.com

Good morning, I've already had my morning cup of coffee. Sitting on my porch swing, looking at my blossoming lavender, wondering what to do with it...My first year with the lovely herb. Go to the computer... enter lavender sachet and get sent to you and your lovely web site. Thanks for sharing. I'll come back again.

Anne Lise - 06/15/99 15:59:03
My URL:http://home.sol.no/~annea
My Email:petroselinum@hotmail.com

Hello there! How luccy I was to find you wonderfull site! I am wery interested i herbs and always looking for herbpages on internett....and here I am...I noticed that you have a receipe on dandillon-wine, and so have I, but i`m not shure it is the same....and I have m de the wine many times ....One of the bottles is 3-4 years now! And it`s a wonderfull wine....( and here in Norway there is dandillion every-where, and allmost everybody hates it!?) I have bookmarked your page so that I can visit you many times, and maby put you as a link on my herbpage..? if you don`t mind. (If you d mind, please e-mail me). I wish you all the best, Anne Lise.

Judy Clark - 06/01/99 00:45:44
My URL:/Heartland/Estates/6852
My Email:nannyjudy@webtv.net

I enjoyed the tour of your garden and the pictures of your lovely family. I know you must be proud of them all. The herb uses were quite helpful. I'll be sure to visit again. Come and visit my homepage when you get time I love to have company. I have a garden page also.Also some yummy recipies.

Judy Clark - 06/01/99 00:45:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/6852
My Email:nannyjudy@webtv.net

I enjoyed the tour of your garden and the pictures of your lovely family. I know you must be proud of them all. The herb uses were quite helpful. I'll be sure to visit again. Come and visit my homepage when you get time I love to have company. I have a ga den page also.Also some yummy recipies.

Mark Hornbeck - 05/24/99 04:42:42
My URL:http://intheheavens.org
My Email:markh@intheheavens.org

Hey what a nice site. Your hard work shows. My wife is in to herbs and I have sent her a link to your site. We would love to have you come visit us too. Check out our free materials and be sure and sign our guest book. God Bless. Mark H.

Kathleen - 05/21/99 16:08:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/5785
My Email:lkh@strato.net

Great site. It seems as though you have spent a lot of time in the garden, and now you are sharing it with the world. I enjoyed the tour.

Dr. Jane Susanna ENNIS - 05/18/99 18:47:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/9957/gardens.html
My Email:j.ennis@gold.ac.uk

Really lovely, thanks for the Lavender Tea Recipe! Hope you will visit my garden page too - look forward to seeing you.

blackduck - 05/17/99 03:53:45
My URL:http://www.seatite.com.au
My Email:jenny@seatite.com.au

These are beautifully put together pages I loved all your photos and the little worms on your herb index. love and peace blackduck

Anita - 05/11/99 11:03:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/4273/index.html
My Email:kobe@dx.com.au
How did you get here?: WW.

Hi and what a great site you have created. I have learned so much..............and a big Welcome to a great bunch of ladies..........WW..........from one WW sister to another God Bless You.

Kelli - 05/07/99 05:39:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/1805
My Email:gazkel@eisa.net.au
Optional Graphic URL: www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/1805/images/kelbanner.gif
How did you get here?: Wattle Women

Loved finding out about all the herbs! Will use some of the ideas too. You have a wondeful site here Mary. Well done!

Anne Red - 05/06/99 23:52:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mb/annered/index.html
My Email:AnneRed@webtv.net
How did you get here?: webring url

Hello! I found your page by shortening the url for the Herbs & Gardens webring. I love your site. There is so much information here! This is what I needed to help me get started. I'll definately be back so I can finish your pages. Keep up the wonderf l job & thanks for all the hard work you've put into your site.

Angie - 04/29/99 19:43:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/7286
How did you get here?: Heartland Webring

I enjoyed looking around your site. You have a nice page.

Steve Duneman - 04/27/99 02:10:40
My URL:/Heartland/Park/4309/
My Email:duneman@cloudnet.com
Optional Graphic URL:

< a>

How did you get here?: I activated your Heartland Webring

Red, I love your web sight. I really enjoyed surfing here. You have done a lot of great work and I'm sure you enjoyed it. Stop by my pages any time and don't forget to sign my guestbook.

Shannon Andreson - 03/25/99 18:49:08
My Email:
How did you get here?: linked from Herbal Encyclopedia

Wonderful site! Lots of great information for the struggling amateur herbalist.

Kitchen Sink Diva - 03/17/99 01:06:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Gardens/3009/index.html
My Email:Anarcoma2@aol.com
How did you get here?: From a link you left in my guestbook

I love your lil' home on the web...so cozy and inviting! =) Thanks for leaving me the link. (It was a while ago, but I just checked my book today! =) -Vickie

Aussie Gypsy - 03/14/99 07:44:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Geyser/4311/
My Email:loharris@tpgi.com.au
How did you get here?: from the Australian Webring

Hi and it was sure nice to wander through your pages. We lived in the tropics for 22 years and have only been down in Perth less than 12 months - so am still re-learning how and what to grow in this climate, including my herb garden so found your page gr at. Thank you for sharing so much knowledge!

Kath Hobson - 03/07/99 02:01:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/9284
My Email:kahobson@vic.ozland.net.au
Optional Graphic URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/9284/pics/cotgardenbuttin.gif
How did you get here?: from My Guest Book

I loved your pages. I am into herbs as well. I shall be back again to continue my exploration of your herb garden as well as to check out your other sites. I have another page that you also might like to look at. Regards, Kath :o) The Virtual Tourist of OZ and Kath's Cottage Garden and Faerie Glade < IMG SRC="/TheTropics/Paradise/6680/pics/ulurubutton.gif">

Yelena aka Flowerlady - 02/16/99 15:38:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/7527
My Email:ykoval@hotmail.com
Optional Graphic URL: http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/7527/rose.gif
How did you get here?: Through Web Ring

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I really loved your pages and that I would like to invite you to my Flowers and Herbs Lovers Webring at http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/7527/flowerring.html.
Love and light,

Jan - 02/10/99 14:56:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1406
My Email:jan-cl@geocities.com
How did you get here?: Heartland Gardening Webring

You've created a wonderful site!!! Keep up the fantastic work!! I enjoyed my visit very much.

Ilda - 01/30/99 00:54:44
My Email:maimc@mediaone.net
How did you get here?: from another guestbook

Great garden, loved to visit. I too am an avid gardener who started from scratch, 1/2 an acre of lawn, and now have some beautiful gardens. I've been at it for 5 years. Now that things are filling in it is looking great. My best to you. :)

Sue - 01/07/99 09:08:21
My Email:sooziq_50@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: another guestbook

Let me try this one please Mez, go and visit my page please.

10/05/98 10:58:32
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Fiona - 10/03/98 05:39:24
My Email:
How did you get here?: from you other Heartland page

Finally found you again, Red. Thanks for your help with the recipes and the rosemary. I like the new oils and vinegers too! I'll be back to check out the chages. FEE

Lozzie - 10/01/98 14:18:33
My URL:http://www.iexpress.net.au/~magalas/pinkspage/index.html
My Email:perrywinkle@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: Followed your instructions, MUM

Good work, mum, it's looking good. Now please take some time out and help me with my page. Love, Lauren.

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