Madeira sauce - Powdered sugar, Madeira wine, yolks of eggs and grated lemon rind beaten together over fire till thick. Used with puddings and sweet entrees. Madeira sauce - Equal quantities of Espagnole an tomato sauces well flavored with Madeira wine. Used with steaks, cutlets, tenderloin of beef, broiled liver, fried chicken, braised fillets of hare, partridge, roast pigeon, brochette or epigramme of rabbit, cutlets, croquettes and rissoles of rabbit, broiled veal cutlets, kromeskies of veal, broiled venison steak. Maitre D'hôtel sauce - Into melted butter add lemon juice, chopped parsley and a little grated nutmeg. Used with broiled steaks, broiled fish. Matelote sauce - Into a butter sauce work some boiled button onions, scalded mussels and oysters, a flavor of garlic, essence of anchovies, lemon juice and a dash of cayenne. Used with crimped codfish, bluefish, baked cod and boiled red snapper. Maintenon sauce - Braise some ham trimmings, chopped shallots, parsley and mushrooms with a little sugar and lemon juice; take out the ham, add some Veloute sauce, reduce, finish wit a liaison of egg yolks; then strain. Used with croquettes of white fleshed meats and fowls. Milanaise sauce - Into equal quantities of Veloute and Supreme sauces, work some Parmesan cheese. Used with boiled capon, boiled chicken boiled leg of lamb, breaded mutton add veal cutlets, quenelles and boudins. Mint sauce - Finely chopped green mint and a little grated orange rind placed in a tureen, vinegar brought to the boil with enough sugar to take off the rawness; poured to the chopped mint, etc.; served with roast lamb. Mushroom sauce, white - Into a Veloute or Bechamel sauce work a puree of mushrooms, and some sliced button mushrooms that have been lightly fried with butter; season with lemon juice and cayenne. Used with boiled chicken, capon, pheasant, partridge, legs and saddles of rabbits, turkey wings, croquettes and rissoles of poultry, veal, etc. Mushroom sauce, brown - Into equal quantities of Espagnole sauce and tomato sauces, work in some mushroom puree and sliced button mushrooms that have been fried with butter; a little chopped parsley, lemon juice and Madeira wine. Used with roast fillet of beef, braised sirloin of beef, broiled steaks, braised veal and fowls, braised turkey legs, roulade of veal, stuffed shoulder of veal, fricandeau of veal, venison chops, broiled veal chops and cutlets, broiled chicken, hamburger and Vienna steaks. Nantaise sauce - Into a white Ravigote sauce, work in some pounded lobster and coral. Used with fillets of fish such as soles, pompano, kingfish, bass, pickerel, red snapper, trout, whitefish. Napolitaine sauce - Into some Espagnole, work a little currant jelly, seedless raisins and port wine. Used with braised capon, tongue, venison. Neapolitan sauce - Braise some vegetables and bacon with garden herbs; when done, add equal quantities of Espagnole and tomato sauces, some game glaze and Madeira wine, simmer 20 minutes then strain. Used with braised game. Neapolitan sauce - Into a good Espagnole, work some currant jelly, grated horseradish, grated ham, port wine and Harvey sauce. Used with braised meat. Niceoise sauce - Into some cold Veloute sauce work a liaison of hard boiled yolk rubbed through a sieve and mixed with oil vinegar, mustard, chopped chives and parsley. This is a good cold sauce for cold meats. Use live oil to lend authenticity. Normande sauce - Equal quantities of court-bouillon and scalded oyster liquor thickened lightly with roux, then with a liaison of egg yolks and cream. Use with filleted sole, plaice, trout, pike, pickerel, whitefish, halibut. Nonpareil sauce - Into a Hollandaise sauce work some sliced fried button mushrooms, minced truffles, lobster coral, lobster butter and some slices of hard boiled whites of eggs. Used with boiled white flesh fish. Onion sauce, white and brown - Into a Béchamel sauce simmer minced onions till tender. Into equal quantities of Madeira and Espagnole sauces simmer till tender some minced fried onions. The white is generally used with boiled mutton, and the brown with roast and braised mutton. Orange sauce - Into a brown poultry thickened and strained gravy, simmer till tender some shredded orange peel and finish with the juice of an orange. Used with roast and braised ducks. Oyster sauce - Into a sauce Poulette, work some scalded and cut up oysters, also some of the scalded and strained oyster liquor. Used with boiled white flesh fish, boiled capon, boiled chicken and boiled turkey. Parsley sauce - Into a butter sauce, work some chopped parsley. Used with plain boiled fish, boiled chicken, dipping cutlets of meat and fowl in before breading; also for mixing in with foods in preparing various entrees. Pascaline sauce - Take some thin white Italian sauce and raw egg yolks with the juice of a lemon, simmer till creamy, strain, add some chopped and blanched parsley. Used with boiled poultry, turkey wings. Perigeuex sauce - Into a Madeira sauce work some minced and fried shallots, a little meat glaze, anchovy butter, sliced truffles and Madeira wine. Used with fillets of beef, croquettes of poultry and game, stuffed pheasant legs, cromeskies of veal, fried fillets of hare and rabbit, roast turkey, roast pheasant, larded and roasted pork, veal cutlets. Piquante sauce - Minced pickles, shallots, olives, capers, a spoonful each of lemon juice and caper vinegar, mixed into a Madeira sauce, simmered for a few minutes and served with boiled beef, calf's liver, carbonade of mutton, pork chops and tenderloin, braised venison, venison rissoles, antelope, bear, venison and buffalo steaks. Portuguese sauce - Reduce with 1/2 pint of sherry wine, a bay leaf, thyme, mace, peppercorns, cloves, for 10 minutes, then add 1/2 pint of Espagnole and half that quantity of consommé; let the whole boil slowly till of the required consistency, skim, then strain and use with braised fillet of beef. Poivrade sauce - Fry together with butter of a light brown color a diced carrot, diced onion and a head of celery, a slice of lean ham diced, some thyme, parsley, blade of mace, bay leaf, and a few bruised peppercorns; then moisten with 1/2 pint of sherry and the same of white vinegar. Reduce to half its volume, then add a ladle of Espagnole and a little consommé; boil up, skim, strain and use with braised mutton, braised roebuck, saute of rabbits and hares, roast young rabbit, broiled legs and saddles of rabbits; legs and saddles of cooked rabbit, cooled,then breaded and fried,; larded fillets of venison, venison chops and braised venison. Another way to make Poivrade sauce is to take equal quantities of Espagnole and tomato sauces, work in some minced shallots, a bunch of parsley, bay leaves, a tablespoon of white pepper along with 2 ounces of butter and 2 tbs. of vinegar; reduce to half its volume, strain, then finish with a little Harvey sauce, port wine and red currant jelly. Polonaise sauce - Make a sauce with veal broth and boil in it some grated horseradish, juice of a lemon, chopped fennel or parsley leaves and a little sugar; season with salt and nutmeg, strain and use with roast veal. Papillote sauce - Fry together for 5 minutes slowly a slice of bacon scraped, two scraped onions and 2 cloves of garlic, and some minced mushrooms, then moisten with a quart of Madeira sauce, boil up, finish with chopped parsely. Used with cutlets of food that are first sauteed, cooled, dipped insauce, then placed in cutlet papers and slowly broiled, such as salmon cutlets, mutton cutlets, partridge cutlets, halves of boned squabs, cutlets of veal. Poulette sauce - Make a white sauce with strong chicken broth thenwork in a liaison of egg yolks and crea; strain, finish with the juice of a lemon and some chopped parsley. Used with artichoke bottoms, boiled capon, boiled chicken, boiled turkey, inch lengths of stewed cucumbers, scallops of veal, stewed breast of veal, lamb and mutton. Provencale sauce - Four hard boiled egg yolks, four anchovies, a spoonful of capers, a little chopped tarragon, parsley, chervil, a clove of garlic, seasoning of salt, pepper, a wine glass of olive oil and half of vinegar. Pound the whole, then rub through a tamis; finish with a little chopped parsley and lemon juice. Used with fish salads. Provencale sauce - Stew together for 5 minutes, 4 bruised cloves of garlic, some thyme, parsley stalks, spoonful of capers, bay leaf, and the pulp of a lemon with a little olive oil; then moisten with a ladle of Espagnole, add a pinch of pepper and a piece of glaze. Let the whole simmer for a quarter of an hour, then rub through the tamis; finish with a little anchovy butter. Used with roast fillet of beef, briased ducks, braised leg of mutton; scallops of veal. Provencale sauce - Into some Espagnole work some minced fried mushrooms, onions, tomatoes and a clove of garlic. Used with braised beef. Ravigote sauce - Into a Veloute sauce work a puree of parsley and tarragon leaves, some minced fried shallots and a little white vinegar. Used with roast partridge, skinned perch boiled in white wine, fillets of turbot, fillets of halibut and other white fleshed fish. Ravigote sauce - Into a mayonaise work a puree of chives, chervil, parsley, tarragon and shallots. Used with cold meat and meat salads. Ravigote sauce - Take a small teacup and putin a third each of tarragon vinegar, chili vinegar and Harvey sauce; pour the cupful thus obtained into a small sautoir and boil it down to half the quantity, then add 1/ pint of butter sauce and a ladlespoon of mixed chopped chives, chervil, parsley and tarragon. Used with boiled poultry and fillets of fish. Regency sauce - Braise some ham trimmings, shallots and onions, then add equal quantities of chicken glaze,Espagnole and tomato sauces, boil slowly for 20 minutes then strain and use with braised meat, game and poultry. Raifort sauce - Into a Veloute sauce work some grated horseradish and a little white vinegar. Used with fresh boiled beef, salt beef and fresh boiled tongue; also some like it with steaks. Remoulade sauce - Pounded hard boiled yolks of eggs rubbed through a sieve, mixed with olive oil, vinegar, dry mustard, minced garlic, chopped parsley and parsley juice. Used with frog legs, cold meat and meat salads. Reform sauce - Another form or name of Poivrade sauce. Richelieu sauce - Into a white game sauce, work some minced fried onions and a little white wine. Used with game birds. Roe sauce - Into a butter sauce, work a puree of fish roes, using the soft roe or milt. Used with plain boiled fish. Royal sauce - Into a Veloute sauce, worka puree of chicken and bread panada; finish with a liaison of egg yolks and cream. Used with boiled capon, boiled chicken, boiled turkey, boiled partridge, pheasant, cushion of veal. Robert sauce - Minced fried onions, dry mustard, a little meat glaze and white wine mixed into Espagnole or other brown sauce. Used with roast pork, broiled or fried pork tenderloins, pork chops, and many entrees of pork. Russian sauce - (1) Into a Veloute sauce work some grated horseradish and vinegar, then work in a liaison of egg yolks and cream. (2) Into a Veloute sauce work some grated horseradish, vinegar, sugar, white wine, then some lightly fried grated ham, minced shallots and garden herbs. Used with boiled beef and tongues. (3) Made mustard, tarragon vinegar, salt, pepper, sugar, and grated horseradish stirred together. Used with cold meat. Sage sauce - Good for roast pork and goose. Make a brown gravy in the pan with the residue of the roasting, add some chopped sage leaves, simmer for 15 minutes, then strain and skim. Scallop sauce - Into a good butter sauce, work some cut cooked scallops and their strained and skimmed liquor. Used with plain boiled fish. Shallot sauce - Into a sauce made from the residue of roasting poultry, game or suckling pig, work some butter and minced shallots that have been stewed in sherry wine, and use with the meats mentioned. Sicilian sauce - Take some veal stock and boil in it a ham knuckle, a head of celery, a clove of crushed garlic, the peel of a lemon, a few cloves and crushed coriander seeds with a bay leaf; reduce to one half, add a little roux and white wine, strain, skim, and use with roast or boiled poultry. Shrimp sauce - Into a good butter sauce, worksome cut shrimps, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and anchovy essence. Used with boiled fish, fish croquettes, and many fish entrees. Sorrel sauce - Into a Veloute sauce work a puree of sorrel. Used with boiled beef. Soubise sauce - Boiled onion pulp worked into a Supreme sauce. Used with boiled mutton, braised legs and necks of mutton, larded and braised pheasants and partridges, larded and roast neck of pork. Supreme sauce - Make a rich Veloute sauce with reduced chicken liquor, then finish with pure cream. Used with delicate entrees such as boudins of breasts of chicken, and delicate white fleshed fish, sauteed fillets of chicken, garnished with scallops of tongue, boiled capon, boiled prairie hens, chicken patties,and vol-au-vents. Sultana sauce - Into a good game sauce, work some seedless raisins, simmer till tender, finish with port wine and use iwth roast game in general. Tartare sauce - Into a mayonaisse sauce work some finely chopped parsley, gherkins, chives, capers and shallots. Used with breaded and fried fillets of chicken and capon, frog legs, broiled salmon steak. Toulouse sauce - One pint of Hollandaise sauce, 1/2 c. white wine, 1/2 c. minced mushrooms, little chicken glaze, mix together, then bring to the simmer, without breaking or curdling. Used with boiled and stewed poultry. Tomato sauce - Take equal quantities ofgood stock and tomatoes, a veal and a ham shank, a few herbs, sliced vegetables, and bay leaves; two or three cloves of garlic are optional; boil till all vegetables are done, thicken with roux, strain, add a little sugar. Used with broiled steaks, chops, veal and pork chops, pork tenderloin, fried chicken breaded or in batter, quenelles of turkey, grenadins of veal, hamburger steaks, cod steaks, fried haddock and halibut, filleted pike and muskalonge, fried smelts, broiled whitefish and trout, broiled and fried oysters, venison chops and steaks, etc., and is used in conjunction with other sauces. Trianon sauce - Equal parts of Bearnaise and reduced tomato sauces carefully blended together. Used with broiled steaks. Veloute sauce - Into some strong chicken and veal broth boil a small piece of pickled pork, a small bunch of garden herbs, a few carrots and onions, a little salt, sugar and pepper, simmer slowly till the pork and vegetables are done, then thicken with white roux; simmer gently, taking off the fat and scum as it rises till of a smooth velvet appearance; then strain through a hair sieve. It is used as a basis for other sauces. Venitienne sauce - Court-bouillon thickened with white roux, simmered and skimmed; add chopped parsley and lemon juice; finish with a liaison of egg yolks and cream. Used with boiled fish. Verjuice sauce - Boil some green grapes in Espagnole tillsoft, then strain. Used with roast ducks. Yorkshire sauce - Into some Espagnole, work a little currant jelly, port wine, orange juice and finely shredded boiled orange peel. Used with roast ham.

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