Depression ~


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This is my personal experience of living with depression for ten long years, and how JESUS healed me. The Lord wants you to know that He is a healer, and there is HOPE


Don't be discouraged, Depression is very treatable. You are worthy of a healing, and having a new life in Jesus
There are warning signs and symptoms of depression.

Below is a list of warning signs  that are given for depression.  Keep in mind that these are only possible signs of depression, they don't necessarily mean that you are suffering from depression.  There are some illnesses which can bring on some of these warning signs, and there are also some drugs which can have similar side effects.  This is why it is very important to get help from a licensed medical doctor.

Decreased energy, fatigue to extreme fatigue, being "slowed down" or feeling sluggish
Difficulty concentrating, remembering things, or inability to make decisions
Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
Feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, guilt
Change in eating habits--increase and/or decrease in appetite with weight gain or weight loss
Change in sleeping habits, Insomnia, inability to fall asleep and stay asleep
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that you once enjoyed
Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as
headaches, backaches, pain all over.
Persistent sadness, anxiety, numbness, or "empty" mood
Restlessness, irritability, nervousness
Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts
Thoughts of self-injury, or attempting to injure yourself

If you, or anyone that you know may have depression, it is imperatiave that you seek medical assistance, or your local crisis line. Remember, you are not alone, many of us have traveled this road

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free John 8:32 (KJV)


This is the beginning of my Mental Health Links.

Mental Health Net - Depression
National Depressive & Manic-Depressive Association
National Foundation for Depressive Illness, Inc.
Postpartum Depression
National Mental Illness Screening Project - Depression
Depression - What Every Women Should Know
D/Art: - Depression/Awareness, Recognition and Treatment
Looking Out For Depression
Bipolar Disorder
Mental Health Publications & Education Programs
FAQ  About Mental Health and Mental Disorders
Depression - Effective Treatments Are Available
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
The Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health
National Mental Health Association br>National Anxiety Foundation
Dr Ivan's Depression Central - Information Page Only
Have - A - Heart's  Depression Page
Suicide Awareness/Voices of Education

Please visit them or if you don't have time bookmark this page to return to visit.



text | My Statement of Faith| My Testimony of Healing| A Letter from Jesus |
My pages on Anxiety | Depreession | | Fybromyalgia|
Journal Writing | Spirituality | Healing| Journal Writing Bibliography |
Alcoholics Anonymous| Prayers | Fasting | How to begin a prayer life
Depression | My Testimony of Healing | Panic Disorder| Anxiety.htm|
Christian Web Rings| Spiritual Warfare | My Other Webrings and Associations| text |text
text| Social Security Disability Information Game | My Ring of Ribbons|


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