Natural Born Killers

Got some new stuff on this page finally. Scroll way down...

Looks like Old Abe's been bird huntin'. Time to fire up the smoker.
November '96, Ithaca 37, 12ga.

Augie, Taylor an #1 Birddog Leah with a mess of doves from
Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area in September of '00.

How come wimmens always fergits ta turn on the flash on the camera???
October '99, genyoowine Hoyt Rambo, Zwickey 125gr. Eskimo Hunter broadhead

Jamie with her first buck. It's a good thing she shot this varmint, cuz he was
possessed by a demon - just look at them glowin eyes!!!
November '99, Browning A-Bolt, .243 Winchester

This is the scrawny lil buck what I shot awhile back. Not only was he possessed, but he was also
a very ill-mannered critter. Look at him stickin his tongue out at the camera. How rude!
November '99, Winchester Model 70, 30-06 Springfield

Got this runt a few years back. Won't ever be another one taken in this patch of woods.
Just out of the picture there is a house currently under construction. $#%& yuppies!!!
November '93, Winchester Model 70, 30-06 Springfield

This is Justin with his first tree rat. He's done quite a bit of growin since then.
He even has a lil fuzzy mustache now, an a girlfriend too!
October '96, Stevens 311A, 16ga.

Taylor has finally calmed down enough that I've started teachin him to hunt.
This mourning dove is his first contribution to the skillet.
September '99, Stevens 311A, 16ga.

No critter is safe from Augie durin huntin season. Just ask this ol gobbler.
This bird was absolutely delicious after he'd spent a few hours in my smoker.
April '95, Ithaca 37, 12ga.

Little fuzzy woodland critters not be safe when Augie and
no-brother-good-in-law Russ fill the skies with steel.
January '97, Beretta ML-390, Ithaca 37

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