Everyone in the house has their own web Page except for me.....Rosie. OK, so I'm a CAT, but that doesn't mean I don't know a thing or two about computers. After all, MOM spends HOURS playing with our computer. She thinks I jump up on her lap to be friendly......really I have been watching what she is doing and figuring out how to get my own page. I know her password, so I can get online anytime I want....after all, she isn't ALWAYS here,,,,,,,

I like to eat and sleep, of course.....thats what CATS do, after all. But in between, I like to run around(especially in the middle of the night when everyone is trying to sleep) and we like to follow MOM and the other people around and try to get them to share their snacks with me. I don't understand why they don't just teach me to use the can opener...or they could leave the fridge open..then I wouldnt need to bother them.

This is a picture of Angel and me with MOM.....when she tried to get us together, we acted like we hated each other(we sure had HER fooled....)


Here is a picture of me......


Angel lived her ewith us for over 10 years, but she's gone now. I dont' understand...Mom said she had diabetes adn had heart failure. I guess she dies. All I know is I dont' see her any more. I love Mom and if you want to learn more about her..co here Kathy's Home Page She likes to crochet and do crafts, and i LOVE to help her with her projects. She says i make a mess, but i know she thinks i am ADORABLE when i am playing with her yarn.
I spend lots of time in the window, looking at the birds and just relaxing.

[IMAGE] My name is Rosie. I have been with the family for almost 18 years. Yes, I'm THAT old...but I've been told I don't look it.I am black most of the year, but when i get enough sun, i turn a reddish color...at least thats what they tell me..i'm color blind so i don't know if its true. Before i forget, here is a picture of me.........


I've been on here a lot late at night and need a nap....P>


We haven't gotten a chance to collect many links, but these are a few of the places we looked for pictures to use on our page... HeartLand Cat Kit Back Fence Cat Club Willow Cat Links and Some Furballs Too! Beware of Cat! Triffan's Katnip Hut - PARTY!!!!!!! Cat Graphics


We put our pictures online willingly, but as members of the FOA...Felines of America, we feel it is our duty to supply this link to alert all the unsuspecting cats out there of some of the dangers that lurk on the internet (NOTE** this is NOT a porn site, its a joke) THE CORPORATION: Kitty Porn


Our all time FAVORITE link is this one : Madame Alto's Cat House...if you are a cat, you will love it too. Even if you aren't a cat..please check it out...

Before Angel came to live here, I had a friend named Pia. She wasn't very friendly, but MOM loved her, and she loved MOM very much..this is her picture........


Pia crossed the rainbow bridge in August of 1996.........she's now in KITTY HEAVEN
Angel crossed the rainbow bridge February 27th, 2007.........she's now in KITTY HEAVEN with Pia. They never met in life, but they're getting to know each other now.


"The Rainbow Bridge"

There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called
the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side
of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills, and
valleys with lush green grass.

When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is
always food and water and warm Spring weather. The old frail
animals are young again. They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing, they are not with their special
person who loved them so much on Earth so, each day they run
and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing
and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears rise up! The eyes
are staring! Then suddenly, this one runs from the group! You
have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you
take him or her into your arms and you both embrace. Your face
is licked again and again and you look once more into the eyes
of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together,
never again to be separated.

author unknown

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