Recipe for a Happy New Year
Take 12 fine, full grown months;
See that these are thorougly cleansed from all
old memories of bitterness, rancor, hate, and jealousy.
Cut these months into 30 or 31 equal parts.
Prepare one day at a time as follows:
Into each day, put 12 parts of faith,
11 of patience,
10 of courage,
9 of work,
8 of hope,
7 of fidelity,
6 of open-mindedness,
5 of kindness,
4 of rest,
3 of prayer,
2 of meitation,
1 of well-selected resolution
If you have no conscientious scruples,
add a teaspoon of good spirits,
a dash of fun,
a pinch of folly
a sprinkling of play
and a heaping cupful of good humor.
Pour love liberally in the whole, and mix with vim.
Cook thorougly in a fervent heat.
Garnish with a few smiles and a sprig of joy
Then serve with quietness,
unselfishness, and cheerfulness-
and a HAPPY NEW YEAR is a certainty.
--from "Leaves of Gold"