
Belief in Miracles Implies Belief in Science

Materialists frequently argue that religious belief in miracles means a denial of science, but that is exactly the opposite of the case. Belief in miracles implies belief in science and more specifically the natural order that is the subject of science. The early Christians were impressed the resurrection of Jesus and his other miracles because they knew they were contrary to the natural order. They understood in the same way we do that death is normally a one way street.

Communication is achieved through contrast: black ink on white paper, white chalk on a black board, the teachers voice and the silence of the class. In like manner the contrast between the normal order of nature and miracles is the contrast that God uses to write his love letters to humanity.

This is possibly one reason why healing miracles are relatively common, they demonstrate God's existance, his willingness to become involved, and his love all at the same time. But I digress, the point is that it is the contrast between the normal order of nature and the miracle that allows communication.

Another Reason to Study Science

In fact it provides another reason to study science. One could not recognise a miracle without scientific knowledge.

Furthermore, a lack of scientific sophistication makes one vulnerable to false prophets and others who falsely claim to speak for the supernatural. The classic example of this is the pagan priests impressing the community by predicting an eclipse of the sun or moon. The religous community has infinitely more not less reason to have a sophisticated and honest science.

There are many reasons to study science: it is inherantly interesting, many interesting and well paid careers require science, to get a good grade, to graduate from high school or college, it may help you live your life and could save it. Being able to tell the difference between false and real prophets may not convince many people that are not convinced by the above, but it would cost little to add it to the list and it might help some religious people become more interested in science.

It is commonly said that talk is cheap, which is a good reason to use talk when it might do some good.

There is usually a little section at the beginning of science text books on science and society, or why study science. Often there is a brief mention of religion. Some portion of the above point and some of the other points made in other essays on this web site might be added to text. Given that many of the people involved in the decisions, including many of the highschool science teachers, are religious it might help to sell text books.

As logical as this idea is, I suppose it is wishful thinking. We should teach the point in our religious education, but that is likely to also be wishful thinking. More realistically we need to use what ever media we can to get the message out.

This is the second short essay on science and religion on this site. The other explains how the irrationality of atheism makes it useful as a neutral ground for science.

If your are interested in science and religion you might be interest in this evidence for the Catholic faith. One of the pages is on Bible typology. This is your chance to play Amazing Randi and debunk miracle claims.

If you want to see some of my own scientific speculation you can check out my essay on why whales are so large. This will give you a chance to gage my ability to engage in scientific reasoning. Several professors said that the idea that I am applying to whales should be submitted to scientific journals.

Once your found the fatal errors in my reasoning you can pass on your insights in my guest book.

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