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Index of Wills

[Will of Wilson Lucas] [Will of Henry Royall] [Will of John Burton] [Will of John Wood] [Will of John Bishop] [Will of Issac Boothe] [Will of Henry Hatcher] [Will of Stephen Beasley] [Will of Robert Beasley] [Will of Tabitha Beasley] [Will of Charles Pain] [Will of James Thompson] [Will of John Jewell] [Will of James Aul/All] [Will of Benjamin Flowers]


Montgomery Co. Va.

Will Book 9 ; Page 521

Montgomery County Va. March 23, 1864

Through the mercies of the Devine Providence having been brought safe thus far beliving as I now do that my end draweth nigh and being in my right mind do Will and Bequeath unto my wife MARY LUCASS my land and property after paying all just debts (provided she remain unmaried) and pay unto JACOB H LUCAS my son one hundred dollars when he arrives at the age of 21 years , and my daughter MARY E LUCAS to be made equal with her sisters W 1 cow 1 bed 1 Side Saddle 1 chest 1 set of plates 1 set teas 1 set knives & forks. I will at the death of my wife MARY that the land and property be sold and the money equally divided with my Hires. I will ANN, THEODIA J, NANCY S, SARAH C, JOHN W, SAMUEL W, DANIEL T, JACOB H, ANDREW J, MARY E. I acknowledge the above to be my last will and testement. Signed in the presence of these Witnesses.






At Montgomery County Court May Term 1864 This last will & Testament of WILSON LUCASS dec'd was present in court and proven by the Oaths of ANDERSON ALLEY, DAN'L SHELOR two of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded,




Wythe County, Va Will book page 258

Date 5-20-1803

Sons: James, William, Robert.

Daughters: Mary, Margaret, Martha, Katherine, Isabell

Land adjoining Andrew BOYD, Edward's, Henry STONE's mill dam, and HONAKER's mill dam.

Grandson: William (4 years old) son of Thomas & Mary Foster

Grandaughter: Jean(under 21) daughter of Thomas.

Witness: Andrew Boyd, Benjamin W Jones, Mathais Hines, Thomas Chambers.

Received August Court 1803 Flemming Trigg Dewe

Exec: Entered into bond with Samuel Sayers, John Brawley


Will Book 8 Page 600 & 601

In the name of God Amen, I ISSAC BOOTHE of Montgomery County being of Sound mind and memory calling to mind it is ordered for me Amen to dy do make this my Last Will and Testament. First I desire to be buryed Christian like form then i give unto my beloved wife all the property real and personal which she brought with her, likewise I give a childs part of my own estate then i give unto my daughter Elizabeth Alley the sum of one dollar and no more, then i give unto my son JAMES BOOTHE the sum of one dollar and no more, then Hannah Bishop and Nancy Helms and Sally Lawrence, Pamelia Spangler, Druzillah Boothe, Adia Boothe, Anna Boothe, these are all my daughters I give them equal division of the rest of my estate, I desire that my wife shall have ample possession of my land and negroes during her natural life. I also desire that my three youngest daughters remain with my wife and to share equil with her in the proceed of the above mentioned land and negroes while they choose to remain with her, I alsi desire that David Spangler be the guardian of my daughter Adia Boothe, I also desire that my wife and Joseph Howard Signior shall be administrators of my Last Will and Testament witness my hand and seal this 30th day of August 1847 N B . I also desire that my daughter Anny shall have the young black girl name Mary Jane




At a court held for Montgomery County the 7th day of May 1855, this Last Will and Testament of ISSAC BOOTHE deceased was proven in court by the oath of Owen Summer and Anderson L Dobbins the witnesses thereto subscribed & ordered to be recorded and Joseph Howard and Mrs Boothe the widow both herein court both refused to take upon themselves the burden of execution thereof and Mrs Boothe having requested the letters of administration with the Will annexed be granted to Achilles Womack, on his motion who made oath and together with John Tinsley, John C Birchfield, Anderson L Dobbins & William Peterman his securities entered into and acknowledged a bond in penalty of ten thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs, a certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of the said ISSAC BOOTHE deceased in due form with his will annexed.




Dated: 22 December 1799

Executors pay all my just debts out of the debts which may be due my estate at the time of my decease and the crop which may be then on hand.

Unto my son HENRY HATCHER my two negroes BOWZAR and DAVID. Chargeable nevertheless with the payment of the interest on L 34 and 10 shillings should it come against my estate it being one moiety of a debt I contracted with Alexander Spires & Co.. BOWZER to remain in possession of Executors until son HENRY shall satisfy the above interest, or the hire of BOWZER shall have raised the sum after which time the said BOWZER shall be delivered to my son HENRY by my executors.

Unto my son JOSIAH HATCHER a negro man SAM, now in his possession , chargeable with the balance of the debt interest with costs of every description which may accrue on the debt due Alexander Spires & Co..

Unto my daughter PHOEBA CLARKE negro woman ROSE with her present and future children, also one feather bed, and one mare and colt in the town of Gatesville in the county of Chesterfield all of which is now in her possession.

Unto my daughter MARY HANCOCK a negro woman LUCEY with her present and future children also onr feather bed all of which is now in her possession.

Unto my daughter EDITH BURTON a negro man, CAPTAIN, now in her Possession. Also one feather bed now in my possession.

Unto my son JEREMIAH HATCHER the tract of land I now live on with its endowments with the reservation of so much of said land is to be included in the fence line on WHITE's line, along the said WHITE's line to the branch, up the said branch to HALLIES line, thence with HALLIES line and HARRIES to the beginning with this reservation I hereby lend unto my beloved wife ANN for and during her natural life, and at her decease the same return to my son JEREMIAH. I also give unto my son JEREMIAH three negroes SIBB, ABRAM, and CUFF , with my cart and four steers, one cow and calf, one black mare and one feather bed and furniture.

Unto my daughter SARAH HENSLY two negroes AMEY and MELINDA, also L4 10 shillings and one bed tick which she has now possession of.

Unto my daughter MARGARET TERRY one feather bed and furniture now in her possesion, also a negro girl named VIOLET.

Unto my two daughters SARY and MARGARET two negroes TOM and DELCEA with their future children. To be equally divided between them.

I lend unto my beloved wife ANN during her natural life and in lieu of her right of dower as also in lieu of a certain contract of marriage now subsisting between us my two negroes AGGIE and ISSAC. After the death of my said wife ANN the said AGGE unto my daughter EDITH BURTON and the said ISSAC to my son JEREMIAH. I also lend unto my beloved wife ANN during her natural life my sorrel mare with the colt she now has, two cows and calves, one feather bed and furniture, my table and kitchen furniture, six hogs and at my decease a sufficient quantity of meat, drink and "apparrell" for her comfortable support for one year to be adjudged of by my executors, also one man's and one woman's saddle which is in my possession. The above is hereby lent to my beloved wife. After her death, I give as follows- I give unto my daughter EDITH BURTON the sorrel mare and all the cattle and hogs, the table and kitchen furniture which may remain ay the death of my said wife. I give unto my son JEREMIAH the man's saddle hereby lent my beloved wife. I give unto my daughter MARGARET TERRY the woman's saddle and i bequeath unto two daughters SARY and MARGARET the Sorrell colt to be equally divided between them. The bed and furniture lent to my beloved wife i give unto her, her heirs and assigns forever.

It's my desire that every other part of my estate not herein given (except the crop of tobacco which may be on the land at the time of my decease) may be equally divided amongst my three children SARY, MARGARET and JEREMIAH and the tobacco above mentioned if any there may be I give unto my son JEREMIAH.

It's my will and desire that my estate not be appraised.

Executors: my two brothers JEREMIAH HATCHER and JULIUS HATCHER, and my son-in-law ENOCH TERRY


Proven: 22 December 1800 by CHARLES HARRIS and WILLIAM STEWART



Bond: $ 20,000


Page 533 Chesterfield County Virginia

To wife TABITHA, for life, 400 acres in Chesterfield Co. On south side of great branch of Proctors Creek, being land where I live; and after her death, to my son THOMAS. Also to my wife, land on lower side of licking Branch of Falling Creek, which I lately purchased from Wm BYRD Esq.; and after her death, to my daughter Ann. Also to my wife for life, 200 acres in Amelia Co., adjoining land where my son PETER lives; and after her death, to said Peter. Also to her, negroes and furniture, and after her death divided between my children, except my son JOSIAH. Wife is to maintain my son JOSIAH, who is afflicted with a disorder and unable to care of himself. If she die before JOSIAH, my son PETER to care for him.

To son PETER, 100 acres in Amelia, joining land I have already given him.

To son BENJAMIN, a negro.

To grandson ARCHIBALD, son of BENJAMIN, L 40 and to my 4 granddaughters, children of BENJAMIN L 25 each

To son THOMAS, land and plantation where my son STEPHEN formally lived in CHESTERFIELD, which I purchased of VANDERHOOD and Hon. Wm. BYRD; also negroes and L 50 To daughter OBEDIANCE, the other part of my land on Licking Branch and Falling Creek, lately purchased of sd. BYRD.

To grandaughter TABITHA HATCHER , 1 negro

To grandaughters SARAH and ANN CHEATHAM, children of my daughter TABITHA, L 25, and I release her husband WILLIAM CHEATHAM from L45 I lent him.

To my Grandaughter ANN EDWARDS, 1 negro

All the rest equally divided among my children, except JOSIAH.

Executors: Wife and son PETER

Dated 20-December. 1766



Page 537 Chesterfield Co.

To wife MARY, feather bed, etc.

The Plantation I live on , being land I bought of CURTIS KEATT, to my son WILLIAM, and he be the executor

Dated 12 Feb. 1762



Page 45 Chesterfield Co.

To son in law SAMUEL HATCHER, 2 negros

To Grandaughter ANN BEASLEY, dau. Of THOMAS BEASLEY, 1 negro

NELL, who is to go with her mother AMY to my dau. OBEDIANCE HATCHER, until grandaughter ANN BEASLEY is 7. If ANN die, then negro Nell to her brothers and sisters


To grandaughter TABITHA BEASLEY, dau of BENJ. BEASLEY, gold ring and silver shoe buckles.

To grandaughter MARY BASS , a gold ring.

To daughter FRANCES BASS, side saddle & bridle



Dated 22- July 1771


The Will of JOHN WOOD

This John WOOD came to Scott Co.Va when it was part of Wash. Co. Va or Fincastle Co. Va.

He fought at King's Mt., SC.

His wife was Nancy Davidson Osborne who had one child.

This will is in the Scott Co. courthouse.

Will of John WOOD

I, John WOOD, of Scott County and state of Virginia do hereby amke my last will and testiment in manner and form follwing that is to say:

1st After paying all my just debts and funerial expenses;

2d I give my wife Nancy Wood four Negroes Naly - David & Carter Bob & Rody also my mitch cows such as she may chose out of my stocks her best & all the homestead and furniture and one third of the plantation two horses of farming utentions also the kitchen furniture.

The above property is in durig her widowhood or life.

3d I give my daughter Matilda Carter formerly Matilda Wood ten dollars inclusive of what I have given her.

4th I give my son Martin B. Wood one Negro Nana Jonathan.

5th I give my son Jonathan H. Wood one Negro named Sugar.

6th I give my daughter Nancy K. Wood two negroes Sally & Fillis.

7th I give my son Thomas G. Wood two Negroes named Simon & Jacob.

8th I give my son George Wood one by the name Little David & the other Lucy.

9th I give my daughter Betsy Wood three Negroes named Sarrah, Emily & Berry.

I wish the balance of my property to be sold and converted to the use of paying my debts. The balance to divided among the children and ___ . I do hereby constitute and appoint my friends Jonathan Wood and Henry Wood and Martin B. Wood executors of this my last will and Textament hereby revoking all other former wills or Testaments by me hereafore made. In writing whereof. I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this 20th day of March 1821.

John Wood {seal}

Some words were hard to read incl. the date year. "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! - I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry

This will was contributed by

Edgar Howard at or


Montgomery Co, Va

I, John JEWELL, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following:

First I give and bequeath unto my wife Christina, all my property both real and personal during her natural lifetime.

Second i give and bequeath unto my sons James D Jewell and George W Jewell, all the land where I now reside containing 300 acres more or less by them paying the estate $ 2,000 after my wife and myself decease, to be paid in 3 equal installments of 1,2,3, years from the day of sale of my other property.

Third, I give and bequeath unto my three sons subject to their own decision Asa H Jewell, John G , and Charles W., allof the land on the south side of Prices Mt. tract that I now own , by paying the estate $1,000 on the same conditions as mentioned above.

Fourth, I give and bequeath unto all of my heirs an equal share of both my personal and real estate in other words, after myself and my wife decease that all my property both real and personal that may be left shall be sold and equally devided between my 13 heires. I hereby appoint James D. Jewell sale Executor of this my last will and testament.Nov. 1868


January 18, 1804

Wythe Co Will Book Page 272

Wife: Mary

Son: John (under 21)

Abraham Cooter given house if good to wife & Son, otherwise to Philip Cooter to have house and farm. If Philip unjust to wife and child then Lawrence Cooter to have it.

Exec: Joseph Crockett, Robert Crockett (clerk)

Witness: Joseph Montgomery, Samuel Montgomery

Teste: Flemming Trigg Dawe

Received: Feburary 1804- Flemming Trigg Dawe

Henrico County Virginia

Will of JOHN BURTON of Dale Parish

To wife ELIZABETH, personal estate for life, then to be devided between two sons and 4 daughters, vizt; Caleb Burton , Joseph Burton, Elizabeth, Sarah, Joannah, and Mary.

To son Caleb, land at fork of Nisoms Branch, and another 50 acres on south side of some branch, joining James Farley and James Hill, the whole being 130 acres To son Joseph, the plantation where I now live

If either son dies before 21 their portion to my daughter Elizabeth Burton, and if she die, then to my son John Burton.

To my son John, 1 shilling; to son Robert, 1 shelling; and to daughter Agnes Farmer, 1 shilling.

Dated September 5, 1746

Wit: Henry Hatcher, Josiah Hatcher, John Pophan

Rresented by John Burton and recorded Oct. 1747


To son Joseph, the plantation where he lives and 1 shilling

To son William, the plantation I live on , and items

To son John, livestock, items, negroes after the death of my wife Mary.

Also to wife Mary, 1/2 of the plantation I live on for life, items and negroes.

Executors: William Archer, Roger Atkinson, John Gough

Will presented by Richard Royall and John Archer, Gent. And recorded Qct 1747

WILL of CHARLES PAIN of Henrico County

To son in law Peter Delpish , 50 shillings.

To wife Mary all of estate for life to bring up the children, after her death, divided between the children, Vizt: Mary Delpish, Judith Delpish, Ann Pain, Priscilla Pain, Sarah Pain, Sarah Pain, and the one my wife is with child at present.

Wife and mr Robert Good to be Executors.

Dated September 11, 1747

Wit: Samuel Weldon, Rhodrick Easley, Warham Easley

Recorded Oct. 1747

Will of JAMES THOMPSON of Dale Parish 3-6-1746

After all debts paid, all of estate to ne equally divided 1/2 to my wife and the other 1/2 to my daughter Ann.

Wife and son-in-law Isham Randolph to be executors

Wit: Field Archer, Elizabeth Archer, Kath. Mail

Recorded Nov. 1747

Last Will and Testament of James Aul/All

I, James All of Montgomery Co., Virginia, do hereby make my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say 1st, I desire that as much of my perishable property as will be sufficient to pay my just debts and funeral expenses and such sum as herein after devised be immediately sold after my demise, and out of such money, pay of such debts and the several sums herein after appropriated or directed. 2nd, After paying off the above named debts, I give to my wife, Nancy All and my five daughters, Virginia Sally, Elizabeth, Margaret, Nancy, and Mary Jane, my whole estate, after paying my debts and other appropriations herein after named; Lands household and kitchen furniture, stock on the farm, and all and singular that appropriate interests to be preferably enjoyed by them during the natural life of my wife. After her death, to be equally devided between my five daughters above named, and to be enjoyed by them forever. 3rd, I give to my three sons Joseph All, James All, and Jacob All, each five dollars to be paid them out of my perishable property as above directed to be sold. 4th I give to my son Jacob All our Bay horse (value $110) my rifle gun and saddle. Our cow and calf and our breeding sow. If Jacob All continues to live on the farm and take care of his mother and sisters above named, I give him the use of my waggon during his mothers lifetime and after her death, shall be his own property. 5th To my oldest daughter Esther, I give one dollar.And for said in consideration of myself and my wife, maintainance of some years since deeded my lands to my two sons, James and Jacob Alls, but as I have had to maintain myself and wife ever since, and as I consider that contrast on their part made void, I now direct that they deed said lands to my five daughters herein above named. If they do so, I further give unto my son Jacob All, a certain sectry of 100 acres or more on which he now lives to be enjoyed by him and his heirs forever. If they do not deed such lands to my five daughters as here directed, I desire that they be charged with myself and wife support from the date of the deed from me to them up to the time of my death, to be collected of them and given to my five daughters above named, to be enjoyed by them forever. And lastly I constitute and appoint my son Joseph All and my friend James F. Preston, my executors to this, my last will and testament revoking all other former wills heretofore by me made. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this the 13th day of July, 1853.

Signed, sealed, published and declared by James All as and for his last will and testament in the presence and hearing of us who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as (witness for) witnefore.

his Redmond Eakins James X All

Edward Mcdonald mark

At a Court held for Montgomery County at the court house on the 7th day of May 1855 This last will and testament of James All, deceased, was proven in court by the oath of Redmond Eakins and Edward McDonald the witnefore. It's thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded and James F. Preston, one of the executors therein named here in court refused to take upon himself the cution of the execution of said will. And at a court held for said county at the courthouse on the 5th day of June, 1855 Joseph All who was appointed executor of this will came into court and refused to take upon himself the (countenence?) of the execution thereof, and on the motion of Jacob All and Joseph All who made oath, and together with Benjamin McCullock and James All, his securities entered into and acknowledged a (?) in the penalty of fifteen hundred dollars, conditioned as the law directs. A certificate is granted them for obtaining letters of administration of the estate of the said James All, deceased, in due form with his will annonated (?)


A.D. Montague

Aprelle the tenth, eighteen hundred and fifty five, know all men by their preasants that I, Alexander Price of the County of Montgomery and State of Virginia, hath this day granted, bargand, and sold unto Wm. Johnston of the same county and state one grey stud horse, one bay mare, one claybank colt, six head of Catel , forty head of hoggs and all of of my household furniture for the sum of five hundred dollars, to me in hand paid by the sd Johnston. The reciept whereof is hereby acknoledged . The obligation is such that if the sd Price does pay one half of the money by the first August, and the balance by the twenty-fifth of December next. The Sd Johnston is to let him have the property back again and if not , the Sd Johnston is to make it his own. The Sd Johnston agrees to take the claims that he, the Sd Price may have that can be made good, and to give a credent for the same on this accoumpt.

Teste (signed by)

Peter Carvin Alexander Price

In the Clerks Office of Montgomery County Court, the 5th day of June 1855. This Bill of Sale from Alexander Price to William Johnston, was delivered to me and proven by the oath Peter Carvin, the witneof thereto and admitted to record.

(signed by)

J. M. Wade DC

An inventory of all and singular the goods chattles and perishable property of James All, Dec'd as appraised by the undersigned, being first duly sworn for that purpose, this the 15th day of June 1855. $ cts.

One Profo and cupboard were appraised to 18.00

One Bed and Furniture " " 15.00

One Do Do " " 25.00

One Do Do " " 15.00

One Do Do " " 12.00

One Do Do " " 15.00

One Do Do " " 15.00

One Do Do " " 15.00

One Do Do " " 12.00

One Large Chest " " 3.00

One Toilette Table " " 2.00

Three Flat Wheels @ 2.00 each " " 6.00

One Wool Wheal " " 2.00

One Check Reel " " 1.50

One Bed stead " " .50

14 Milk Pots " " 1.60

2 ? 1 old Bbl and 1 Dow tray " " .50

1 Mill Pick " " .25

30 lbs. Wool @ 1/6 " " 3.25

13 Chairs @ 1/6 " " 3.25

1 Arm Chair " " .75

2 Brass Candlesticks 1 1/6 1 4/6 " " 1.00

18 Books " " 6.50

1 Wooden Block " " 6.00

1 pair And Irons and 1 Fire Shovle " " 2.00

From: Vicky Agee

Benjamin Flowers, Will 1782

In the name of GOD AMEN this twelvth day of May in the year of our Lord 1782 IBenjamin Flowers Senor of Nash County in the Province of North Carolina being week in body but in perfect sence and memory thanks be giving to GOD for the same and calling to mind the mortalaty of my body and knowing that it is the same and calling to mind the mortalaty of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make my last will and testament that is to say princpally and first of all I give my soul to GOD that gave it and as for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christine like and desent manner at the discretion of my executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of GOD and as touching such worldly estate where with it hath pleased GOD to bless me in this life I give and dispose of the same in manner and form following that is to say in the first place

ITEM I give an dbequeath to my son William Flowers my land and plantation where on I now live if ever he comes back and if he never comes back I give it unto my three daughters Dycea, Mary, and Reachel to be equally devided amonst the three excepting my wifes thirds.

ITEM I also give unto my son William Flowers on bed and furneture and three cows and calves and my young rone mare.

ITEM I give and bequeath to my daughter Dycea Flowers three cows and calves and a young grea mare and a bed and furneture

ITEM I give and bequeath to my daughter May Flowers three cows and calves and a white horse and a bed and furneture

ITEM I give and bequeath to my bequeathed confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness where of I have let my hand and seal the day and year above written.

Singned sealed and delivered in presents of us


His Joseph Philliphs

Benjamin Flowers SEAL




Jethro Philliphs


Cornelius Jordan Sen.






copyrite @ Rena Worthen 1999
