This page is an outline of earlier generations and will be added to when the info becomes available:

The HAMPTON clan helped in the "Dark Days" to crush the CAMPBELL clan. The home of the Earle of Hampton was Hampton in Northern Scotland between O Ban and Brora. This info is from "In the Footsteps of Joseph Hampton" by Vernon Boyce Hampton, published 1941, Buck Co. Historical Assn., Doylestown, PA.

John Hampton was borm 1640 in Mid Lothian, Scotland. He was a widower anc came to America with his daughter, Janet, in a Quaker migration from Scotland to escape the persecutions found there. Janet was his daughter from his first marriage in Scotland. Apparently he was a part of the William Penn colony who owned a great part of the Jersey's at that time and took indentured servants. John Hampton was one of them. (Another researcher reports him born Elphinston, East Lothian, England) and died 1-23-1701/02 in Freehold, Monmouth Co.,NJ.

He came to America and settled in NJ then went to VA and eventually to NC. Info about him can be found in (1) The John Hampton Family book, by Connie Belcher, (2) Directory of Scottish Settlers in N. America 1625-1825 by David Dobson, Vol 1, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore 1984....among others.

He first married (1) _______ about 1666 in Scotland.

In "In Liber A of Deeds" recorded in Trenton, NJ, pp 155-156 are listed the "Redemptioners" as they were registered in the public records of Trenton. The list reads:

"The names of such persons as were imported (came to America) into this Province (New Jersey area) and brought to be registered in the Secretary's Book of Records are as follows:

Upon the accomp of such proprietors of this province as belongs to Scotland (came to America from Scotland):

Janet HAMPTON (Indentured for 4 years

John HAMPTON and John REID, Overseers (Indentured for 4 years)

John HAMPTON and John REID were overseers in chare of the Scottish colonists and for tis service wwere subsequently granted extensive lands.

According to an account from John REID, this is how the departure from Scotland took place"

John Hampton and John REID sailed from Leith to Aberdeed, sighted Long Island to Cape May, to Sandy Hook, ashore to Staten Island and across land to Elizabethtown, going then to Woodbridge near Amboy Point. Hampton is listed as among the early patentees of 544 acres in Monmouth Co. (Stillwell's account gives dates of the trip).

John married (2) Katrine or Katherine CLUDSLEY or CLOUDSLEY 12-7-1675 in Scotland at the home of Alexander Hamilton in a Quaker ceremony according to Scottish Quaker records.

He married (3) Martha BROWN 3-3-1687 in a Quaker ceremony in Shrewsbury, NJ. They moved from Shrewsbury to Freehold in 1695. Martha died 1697. They had at least one son, Jon, who had children Isabel and George David who married Mary ____ and died 1710

He married (4) Jane Curtis OGSBURN, widow of Samual Ogsburn of NJ 1698 in Burlington Co., NJ.

In Scotland he was a gardner and lived in Elphingstoun, East Lothian, Scotland. At the time of his immigration to America he was given a 10-acre lot on Amboy Point in NJ on 11-22-1682 and was indentured as a servant to pay for that land for a four year period according to Colonial records. He arrived in NJ 12-19-1683 on the ship "Exchange" with his wife, Katherine, and four or five children.

1-8-18-1685 he purchased 164 acres on Neversinks River Cheesquakes.

10-25-1693 he purchased 500 acres at Monmouth, NJ.

7-3-1696 he purchased 60 acres in Monmouth, NJ.

10-7-1696 he sold the 500 acres and 60 acres to Benjamin Morgan.

He lived at Freehold, NJ at that time. He left Freehold in 1702 with his wife JANE and nine children.

Those children were: (John, Elizabeth and Lydia were reported to be the children with Mrtha BROWN and Joseph with Jane OGBORNE in "The Directory of Scottish Settlers".....you will have to decide for yourself unless I find further proof)

1. Janet, b. 1668 in Scotland, d. 1-15-1761 in NJ, m. 11-9-1689 to Robert Ray 11-19-1689 in Shrewsbury, NJ. CHILD: Isabel, b. Long Island, NY, d. Monmouth, NJ, m. Francis VAN SCHAICK 1723, son of Iden and Isabel BLOETGOET-VAN-SCHAICK. CHILD: Aaron VanScoy, b. abt 1732, Monmouth, NJ, d. abt 1828.

2. Elizabeth, b. 10-11-1676 in Scotland, m. Thomas COMBS in NJ. According to Thoms' will, their seven children were: Robert, Thomas, Rachael, Joesph, John, Elizabeth, and Jonathan.

3. Lydia, b. 5-14-1678 in Scotland, m. Charles GORDON in NJ. Charles will names the following children: Elizabeth, Lydia, David, Robert ,John, Peter and Katherine.

4. John, b. 1681 in Scotland, d. 1747 in Frederick Co., VA, m. Isabell REDFORD, daughter of William and Margaret Redford of Freehold, NJ. Their children: Isabel and George.

(These next four reported by another reearcher as children with Martha BRONW)

5. David, b. ______, d.1710, m. Mary _____. Children: David, Jr. and George, both underage in 1715.

6. Andrew, b. ______ (living in 1716)

7. Jonathan, b. ______, d. ____. He was a "cordwainer".

8. Noah, b. ca 1692, d. ca 1775 (Next the child with Jane CURTIS ODBORNE)

9. Joseph, b. 1702, d. 1767. He went from VA to NC.

When John died 1-23-1702, his will stated:

He was a "planter" and mentions his wife "Jean" (Jane) and children John, Joseph, Andrew, David, Jonathan and Noah (the last 4 underage) and Elizabeth and Lydia. The will refers to the late Jane's children by OGBORNE and leaves them a legacy and he also mentions "her" son Joseph and "my" son Joseph. He bequeathed his lands on Dutchman's Brook and other land next to John REID and land bought of John BUTLER, also personal property. He mentions his daughter Janet Reed RAY and children and also 4 grandchildren...names not given...presumably children of his married sons. Executors: his wife and Robert RAY of Freehold Reference: Stillwell's Miscellany, Volume IV, p. 1570).

Inventory of his estate: 2-3-1702--202 pounds, 19 shillings and 10 1/2 pence including a large and a small Bible, two pounds. The inventory made by Walter KER, Andrew BURNETT and William LAING.

Jane married Nathaniel FITZ-RANDOLPH 4-12-1706. Nathaniel died 1714. After his death, Jane married John SHARP in 1719. She had at least one son by him.

1755 Tax List of Granville Co., NC shows John "two whites" and Andrew and son Ephraim. A "white" was any white male above 18 years of age who was capable of bearing arms.

Noah had a son Capt. Andrew Hampton, born about 1713-1720 in Freehold, Monmouth Co., East NJ, who was in Company 8 on 12-6-1754 with Ephraim HAMPTON as Ensign, consisting of 60 men in Granville Co., NC Militia. Andrew went from VA to NC as well. He died 1800 in Gilbert Town, Rutherford Co., NC according to another researcher. He married:

1. Sarah Kukendall, born about 1710, d. after 3-3-1746 in Lunenburg Co., VA

This is what another researcher has found about Sarah's surname in a lettr from another researcher:


I have looked extensively into this. Apparently, when Col. Robert Cox put together his documentation on the Hamptons, which is one of my primary sources of information, he made an educated guess that Sarah, the wife of Andrew Hampton, may have been a Kuykendall. His educated guess was purely due to some long term interaction between Andrew Hampton and several of the Kuykendall's who had come from New England, lived near Andrew Hampton in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and then in North Carolina.

I have never personally corresponded with Col. Cox, but have read some of his correspondences with others. His original Kuykendall theory was from documentation he did in 1980. I have seen a letter that he wrote in 1993, where he questions the Kuykendall theory, and offers some other possibilities.

I have also looked at the research on the Kuykendall's. There is a LOT out there on that family. I have found many Sarah Kuykendall's, some even in North Carolina, but they have all been accounted for with other husbands.

That is not to say that she was NOT a Kuykendall, just that there is no evidence of it. Her only mention is in a land transaction shortly before her death where it is mentioned that she cannot travel. In that document she is only referred to as "Sarah, the wife of Andrew Hampton"


So take the KUKENDALL info with a grain of salt unless you have proof and if you do, I'd LOVE to know about it!

Andrew was found on the 1790 Census of Rutherford Co., TN in the Tyron, Watauga area as well as a Benjamin, Thomas and Jonathan Hampton. <>Rutherford Co was giving 640 acres at that time to families to help settle the Cumberland Gap area and "beyond lands" (KY and TN).

2. Catherine Hyder 1747-1749. He and Catherine moved from Granville Co., NC to Tyron Co., NC and settled on Dutchman's Creek on the north side of Catawba River. He is buried on his property on Nountain Creek Road, Rutherford Co., NC,

Andrew's children:

1. Jonathan, b. 1751 Rutherford Co., NC, d. 10-31-1843 same place, m. Nancy WALKER 7-14-1779 in Gilbert Town, NC.

2. Susannah, b. ____, m. John PRICE

3. Andrew, Jr., b. ____, m. Ester PRICE

4. John, b. 1745 in NC, d. after 7-20-1805, m. Nancy KERRIL 8-25-1789.

5. Elizabeth, b. ____, m. William PRICE

6. Nancy, b. ____, m. John BRADLEY

7. Benjamin, b. _____

8. Alice, b. _____

9. Rachel, b. ____

10. Mary Polly, b. ____, m. Anselm BRADLEY 10-25-1797 Rutherford, NC

11. Washington, b. _____

12. Ephraim (mother may be Sarah), b. about 1745 in Orange Co., VA, d. 5-1814 in Rowan Co., NC, m. Lemander HARRIS about 1769.

13. Ezekial (mother may be Sarah), b. ca 1735 in Orange Co.,VA, d. ca 1813 in NC (or 1811 in Jacks Creek, NC), m. Jenny RIGGS about 1759 in Old Grandville Co., NC

14. Adam, dates unknown but died before 1805 per Andrew's will.

15. Noah, b. 1759 NC, d. 7-15-1780. He was killed by a British officer (Major DUNLAP) on the Pacolet River in NC. In 1782, his estate was administered by his brother, Jonathan, and consisted of 300 acres and ten horses.

16. Michael, b. 1752 in NC, d. 11-29-1794 in NC

17. Catherine, dates unknown, but died before 1805 per Andrew's will.

The following were found on Rowan Co., NC census records: Ephraim,John and William (William surname spelled HAMTON)

Rutherford Co., NC cesnus shows: John W. Hampten, Jr. (High Shoals Dist), Adam (High Shoals), James (Fox Squirrel), John W. (Polk Dist), Jonathan High Shoals) and Samuel (Polk Dist).


1. Ephraim (mother may be Sarah), b. about 1745 in Orange Co., VA, d. 5-1814 in Rowan Co., NC, m. Lemander HARRIS about 1769.

2. Ezekial (mother may be Sarah), b. ca 1735 in Orange Co.,VA, d. ca 1813 in NC (or 1811 in Jacks Creek, NC), m. Jenny RIGGS about 1759 in Old Grandville Co., NC

3. David, b. 1746 in VA, d. _______

4. Zachariah, b. 1745 in Orange Co., VA, d. 9-8-1781 in Eutawville, SC, m. Mary KNOWLAND 1769

Capt. Andrew's son Ephriam had a son John David Hampton who married Elizabeth SMITH.

Ephriam was in his father's militia company as as Ensign in 1754. He also served as Captain in the Granville Co., NC militia under the command of Col. James PAYNE.


Capt. Andrew left a will dated 7-20-1805 in Rutherford Co., NC with his oldest son, Jonathan, named as sole exeutor. The youngest son, Washington, received the homeplace and "including the whole that appertains to being part of several tracts to be held by him and his heirs fully possessed and enjoyed forever". The remainder of the estate was divided among children.

The will also stated, "Adam, Michael and Catharine, dead, whose part is to be received by heirs or representatives in law within two years after my decease".


Here's the will on a "John Hampton I am trying to tie into our line. Plese be patient while I am in the process.


In the name of God, Amen. I, John Hamton of the county of Rutherford and the state of Tennessee, being sick and weak in body, but of perfect sound mind and memory blessed be God do this first day of May in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred seventeen make and publish this as my last will and testament in manner following that is to say - first - I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, all my personal property both in the house and out of doors, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, planatation tools, household and kitchen furniture all to be her lawful right and property during her life or widowhood, but at her decease or marriage then to be sold and equally divided between my three youngest children viz my daughter Rebecca and my daughter Martha and my son Isaiah - as to my elder children I have given them their portion to my son John I have given one [---] and $8. To my son James I have given one cow. To my daughter Mary I have given one bed, Thomas I have given one cow and calf. To my son William I give one horse and one cow and her increase, to my son Richard I leave one cow if to be spared - And to George [Stirnuell] my son-in-law I leave twenty five cents and lastly I make and ordain my trusty friend Edward Moreland and Solomon Beesly Esq my true and lawful Executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby revoke all other will or wills and testaments by me made and do hereby make and publish this and no other to be my last will and testament if witness hereunto I have set my hand and seal the day and year above written in presence of

Christopher Bates Nathl Underwood

Signed John Hamton

1818 Rutherford County TN Record Book 4 Page 128

The following infocame from another researcher and is miscellaneous HAMPTON info which I will be trying to tie in as time goes by. Hope it helps SOMEONE:

Washington Co., TN, Marriages:

1. David Hapmton to Margaret SLYGER

2, Elizabeth to Peleg RIGSBY and John DUNCAN

3. Herman to Sarah DUNCAN

4. I.A. Hampton to Thomas MOORE

5. John to Rosey McBROOM

6. M. Hampton to M. John UNNINGHAM

7. R. Hampton to Moses JOBB

8. homas to Joanna RENNO

9. Wade to M. HUNT

Dates not shown from researcher who sent me this.

Gibson Co., TN, Mt. Pleasant Church Baptist Cemetery records show: James F. HAMPTON, b. 12-8-1844, d. 7-6-1907 and Mary S. HAMPTON, b. 7-6-1844, d. 3-4-1929 wife of Jas. F.

ibson Co., TN marriages show: Mariah to Richard SELLARS, Thomas to Dolly WILSON, and William to Sarah KNOTT.

Lincoln Co., TN Biographies show: Thomas HAMPTON, son of Preston and sarah Hampton. Thomas stayed home until age 23. Three years later married Martha SMITH. Preston was born in NC 1777, died 1859. Sarah born TN 1788 and died 1830.

Caliborne Co., TN (where George HAMTON was born) was formed in 1801. David ROGERS, b. 1813, married Elizabeth Hampton 5-12-1836. Elizabeth, born 5-12-1816 Stokes Co, NC, daughter of Elisha and Lydia (MERRITT) HAMPTON.

Clay Co, KY, Jesse ROGERS, b. 1811, married Margaret WILSON around 1834 and later married Anne HANES.

Knox Co., TN Marriages:

1. Samuel HAMSON m. Louise HOUSER (C.C. HAMPTON??)

2. Elizabeth m. John COX

3. Erastus R. to E. Belle ROSS (there was an Indian Chief named Chief John Ross....possible connection??)

4. George to Matilda KINZIEL

5. James to Clara MOORE and Ida WEST

6. Malinda to David RAGAINS

7. Mary to Joe ARMSTRONG

8. Samuel to Adeline CRAIG

9. Thomas to Mollie WIDNER

10. Thomas O. to Maggie Jane HELLARD

11. Thomas S. to Nannie BROWN

12. Wade to Lavinia FILLER

