The House Committee
The house committee meets the last tuesday of each month at 8:00 p.m. This committee is
responsible for the successful running of our lodge functions. This responsibility
coordinating hall rentals, setting up for bingo, oversee the bar chairman. This year's
Committee Chairman is Alfred Nowak, PER.
Handicapped Children's Committee
Some of this committee's fund raisers are the Clam bake the Annual Charity ball and
Christmas tree sales. Our Handicapped Children's Committee chairman is Bob Shields.
Better Parades
Each year the New Jersey State Elks Association holds a convention in Wildwood New
Jersey. The convention includes a parade through Wildwood proper. This is the largest
parade in the State! Each lodge in the State participates and competes for prizes. The
convention is always a great fun FAMILY affair. We all have lots of fond memories from
conventions. For some of our legacy Elks have been enjoying them since infancy!
Attention 2119 Members:
Its never too early (or too late!) to start planning for Wildwood. The 2001 NJ State
Convention will be here again before you know it! Keep checking here for updates. This committee plans all aspects of the
State convention and is responsible for raising funds to offset the cost. Chairman: Kevin Cichon.