Kuwait Mar Thoma Sunday School
Kuwait Parish, P.O. Box: 20130, Safat, Kuwait

"Train up a child in the way he should go: 
and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22: 6

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( Since Jan 15, 2000.)

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Office Bearers

In 1999, Mr. Thomas Varghese was appointed by the Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish, to serve as the Headmaster for Kuwait Mar Thoma Sunday School for a period of next 3 years (2000-2002).

Selected Office Bearers for the year 2000

Mr. Thomas Varghese Head Master
Mrs. Dr. Susan Mathew Secretary
Mrs. Molly Anna Varkey Joint-Secretary
Mr. P. M. Cherian Treasurer
Mr. N.O. Mammen Co-ordinator
Mr. Jacob Thomas Auditor
Mr. P. T. Thomas Auditor
Mr. P. M. Cherian Rep. to the Kaisthana Samithi

Sunday School Teachers

Currently there are 80 dedicated and qualified members of our parish serve as Sunday school teachers.

List of teachers and their class