Frequently Asked Question about
The IrishWolfhound-H Email List
Welcome to all members and future members of the Irish Wolfhound-H email list. Here is some information which we hope will answer many of your questions about the workings of the list. Please keep this document to refer to when you need assistance, or have questions.

What does it mean when you say IrishWolfhound-H is a "moderated list"?

Many email distribution lists operate automatically without human intervention. Members of the list are free to submit posts, which are then automatically forwarded to all of the members of the distribution list. The problem with this system is that no one ensures that the content of the postings is suitable for public distribution. Sometimes postings could lead to "flame wars" where people use the list to send hurtful messages back and forth which have no relevancy to the subject matter of the email list. Sometimes libelous material was sent to the lists, which put the owner of the email list in legal jeopardy for allowing the material to be distributed. And sometimes things just got too far off topic...and needed to be brought back into line with the list purpose.

The idea of a moderated list is that all posts are reviewed to ensure that the content is not libelous or inflammatory. Occassionally we find that someone sent a post which they meant to be private to the list, or sometimes a post is sent more than once.  If a post is questionable in its content it is sent to all the members of the LAG (List Administration Group) and we discuss the concerns amongst ourselves and as a result, will do one of the following with your post

  • We will forward your post to the list without modification
  • We will return your post and ask you to make changes
  • We will reject your post and explain to you why we can't forward it to the list

  • We will ask you if you REALLY intended a post for the list or if it was meant to be a private posting

Is the List Administration Group the "Censor Police"?

That is not the intention of the LAG's but sometimes it may feel that way to the person who's post is rejected. Please don't take this personally, and realize that we have even rejected the posts of our own LAG's at times!!!

So if my post is accepted, why is there a delay in it getting sent out to the list members?

IW-H is serviced by the Hoflin server as you can probably tell. In allowing the use of their server for email lists such as this, they also have explicit rules as to moderation of posts. Every single post that comes to the list is sent to the administrators for review. The admin reviews the post, if there is nothing libelous or inflammatory it is forwarded to another address, from where it is distributed to the list. is the problem. One of our List Admin Group is up really early and at 5 or so every morning checks the list. Another checks it t at about 6:30 or so, and others check it frequently during the day.

Basically the distribution process is a semi-manual one, and there may be blocks of time when no one checks the server for mail for a few hours. Please be patient, your post WILL eventually be distributed, unless we advise you we are holding it for review.

Can I share pictures with the other members of the list?

Yes. Pictures are welcome but we require that they be no more than 64K. If your picture is too large you can send click here to find out how to resize it.

Where is the Irish Wolfhound-H Home Page?

The page is located at . Please stop by and visit and don't forget to sign the Guestbook!

How do I get my picture or my dogs picture on the homepage?

Send your pics and the relevant information to Shelley Camm at She will get them up as soon as possible. If you don't have a scanner, you can snail mail them to her along with a self-addressed stamped envelope and she will put them up on the list and return your pics as soon as possible.

Where can I subscribe, unsubscribe or change my mail settings from single posts to digests?

Please use the form at to change your settings.

Someone has changed my settings? Why?

If we are receiving notices that your mail is bouncing we will try to contact you, and set your subscription to digest to reduce the number of messages sent to you (and therefore bouncing!) If we get no answer from you, or your mailbox is full, we have no option but to unsubscribe you, but you are welcome to resubscribe to the list using the form above.

Who are the list administrators?

Please don't abuse the LAG's - after all they are unpaid volunteers and only human! But they ARE always available to answer your questions and will get back to you with a reply as soon as possible. They are

Shelley Camm -
Beth Flierl -
Donna Evans -
Susan Prokopenko -

How do I send a post to IrishWolfhound-H?

Well, first you must join the list as described above. Then you send your posts to

What do all of the funny abbreviations I see mean?

Here are some of the more common acronyms you will see:

BTW: By The Way LOL: Laughing Out Loud ROTFL: Rolling On The Floor Laughing ROTFLMAO: Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Assets Off (or something like that ;-) FWIW: For What It's Worth IMO: In My Opinion IMHO: In My Humble Opinion IMNSHO: In My Not So Humble Opinion YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary AFAIK:  As Far As I Know IIRC:  If I Remember Correctly 

Why do people keep asking for Candles to be lit?

There is a story about a place called the Rainbow Bridge, which is just outside of Heaven, where pets go when they die, to await their special person, so they can enter Heaven together. This story can be found at Along with the Rainbow Bridge story is a regular Monday night Candle lighting ceremony for pets who have gone on to wait at the Bridge, which is located at  Many of us have extended this ceremony to include those needing healing thoughts, both human and canine, so you will see posts asking for Candles to be lit, meaning someone requires healing thoughts sent their way.

Someone sent me a warning about viruses. Is it OK to send that to the list?

Please don't!  We know that you have the best interests of the list members at heart, but most of these warnings turn out to be hoxes. The only way to get a virus is to run an executable program, or with certain Word Macros. Viruses CAN NOT be spread by reading email. If you think you have found a legitimate virus please send it to the attention of the LAG's and we'll check it out. You can check this out yourself at which is Symantech's Virus Website.

I received a recipe for the Neiman Marcus cookie recipe. Is it OK to send it to the list?

No one will thrash you if you do, but you should be aware that this is just one of the famous Urban Legends that is circulating on the Internet. Many years ago (1982 if I remember correctly) this same recipe was being circulated as the Mrs. Fields cookie recipe - and the cookies ARE delicious, if somewhat expensive, to make. You can check out more information on Urban Legends at

My bitch just had a litter of puppies. I know that advertising isn't allowed on the list, but where is the line between advertising and sharing my good news?

We totally welcome birth announcements on IrishWolfhound-H, from regular posters. We discourage, and may even moderate out, posts from those who regularly lurk on the list, and only "come out" to announce a litter. 

An announcement stating that puppies were born to certain parents, containing the number, colours, and even birth stories are welcome.  Announcements of puppy availability and price are not. Anyone who is interested in acquiring a puppy will most likely contact you privately.

Postings about rescue hounds available are welcome - because there is usually no monetary incentive for the poster, and we want to see rescues go to the best homes possible.

Can  I forward email  from non-members to the list?

Members are asked NOT to forward email from non-members to the list.   Anyone is free to join the  list and  send posts to  the list themselves.

Who can join the email list?

The list membership is open to all Irish Wolfhound lovers.  If there is cause to remove anyone from the memberrship, it shall be only by a unanimous decision of the list administrators.

Can I sell my product on the list?

Advertising of products is limited to items  which benefit the Research and Rescue Fund.   If anyone  has a product to sell they can get a link from the Shopping page of the FAQ in return for a donation or portion of proceeds.

What is the IW-H pin?
The Irish Wolfhound-H pin, of two wolfhounds facing opposite directions to create an "H",  was designed by jewellery artist Elizabeth Trail for members of the Irish Wolfhound-H list.  It  is ONLY available to members of the IW-H list and is worn as a way to to identify other list members.  Part of the proceeds of the sale of this pin go towards our Rescue and Research Fund. For ordering info contact Elizabeth directly at 



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