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Justin David

December 16, 1981 - August 21, 1997


I would like for you to meet my son, Justin. Justin was in an accident on August 20, 1997, and we were told on August 21, 1997, that he was gone. He was our baby, he was fifteen and a half years old. His accident left our family with a big piece of the puzzle missing. His father and I can't get through an hour without talking about him. We miss him with every fiber of our being.

Justin has two older brothers, Roy and Clay, and two older sisters, Heather and Evalyn. He became 'Uncle Justin' on May 17, 1998, with the birth of our new granddaughter, Avery Michele. We believe she is a gift from him...her birth was nine months after his accident.

I always thought of Justin as an 'old soul'. He was so curious about the world around him and he knew things that most teens aren't even aware of. He seemed to have outgrown his age. Don't get me wrong, he was a very typical teenager in most ways. But he was such an individual. He walked his own path...and boy did he have a walk...he was very particular about the people he let inside his world.

Eleven months before Justin's accident....my father died waiting on a donor heart. Justin and his grandfather were very close. He couldn't understand why his PawPaw had to get so sick and still not get a heart. A few weeks after Dad died, Justin came to us and told us that if anything ever happened to him, that he wanted to be an organ donor. As the parents of a six foot, healthy teenager, we certainly didn't want to have that conversation. Fortunately, we listened to him. Because when the question came up about donating Justin's organs.....we knew what his wishes were. In the midst of all the agony and pain, he had saved us that decision. Because he had the foresight to make us listen to him, seven lives have been touched. All of his recipients are doing very well. I can't say that organ donation makes losing him easier, but it certainly is some comfort to know that my son has saved others families from this nightmare called grief. I do a lot of volunteer work for LOPA (Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency). Organ donation awareness seems to have become my new mission in life. I wasn't finished being Justin's Mom and this work helps me continue to do something for him....and for my Dad. To all recipients......live your life to the fullest, enjoy each sunrise and sunset. I think of you every day and I pray that you continue to be healthy. Try not to feel the guilt that I hear so much about. Justin didn't die in order to donate his organs. He died and therefore became a donor.

He had the most incredible blue eyes with very dark eyebrows and eyelashes. His hair was very thick and getting curlier as he got older. He didn't like the curls, but I loved them and so did most girls.

His girlfriend, Kristi Lynn is still part of our family. I have to say that he had great taste in girlfriends. A lot of his friends still come by very often. They even get together and come over and swim. We always laugh when they come to swim and say "Justin's having another swimming party". I believe that it is a great tribute to him that they still come over. I suppose it helps in their healing.

Justin didn't like shirts without collars, he didn't have many pairs of blue jeans. He wore a lot of slacks and he wasn't crazy about tennis shoes. His favorite thing to do was to play baseball. He played first base....he was 6'1".....and he made the all-star team. His baseball bag is still packed and ready for the next practice.

Justin's nickname was 'Pooh Bear'. Although, through his middle school years, he didn't want us to call him that in front of anyone. However, in the last year before his accident, he had decided it was pretty cool. He had even bought a 'Pooh' tie to wear to his sophomore homecoming dance. He didn't make it to the dance, but he is wearing his tie now.

I'll close by saying that my favorite thing about Justin was his integrity. He had more character than any fifteen year old that I have ever known. If you told him something in confidence...it went with him.

I'll miss you forever, my sweet 'Pooh'....forever my baby you'll be.


Philippians 1:3 --- I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

Author Unknown

The mention of his name,
May bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring
Music to my ears.
If you are really my friend,
Let me hear
the beautiful music of his name,
It soothes my broken heart
and sings to my soul.

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I would like to say a very special 'Thank You' to my dear friend who has created these pages for Justin. The words are mine, but the tender care that was put into these pages are from her heart. Thank you again........my very special friend.

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