Welcome To The Heart of Mie

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Welcome To My Homepage


Some where deep inside my heart,
There are places no one sees.
I keep them hidden far from most...
They are the inner me.
The me who laughs,
The me who cries,
The me who's scared,
The me who's shy.
They are the parts that no one sees...
Deep within the Heart of me.

KAO © 1998

This is a poem my grandmother shared with me a while back,
Just thought I would share it too! =)

Good Morning God!
You've ushered in another day,
Untouched and freshly new.
So here I come, to ask O'God,
That you'll renew me too.

Forgive the many errors
I made yesterday.
And let me try again,
To walk closer in Thy way.

Now, Lord, I'm well aware,
I can't make it on my own;
So take my hand and hold it tight,
For I can't walk alone!

Author Unknown


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  • About Me

    Hi! My name is Kim
    Thanks for stopping by to check out my page,
    I have not added any new poetry recently, however
    I have added a more recent pic...
    One of me and the love of my life...(My hubby)
    taken at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens December 1999,
    Hopefully, while I have some time on my hands
    I can finish up a few new poems and add them soon.
    Those of you who visit often to check..THANK YOU MUCH,
    your support in my writing has meant so much to me.
    I have been so blessed with "meeting" so many wonderful people in my life
    ON and OFF Line, many of whom have inspired some of my writing.
    For the gift of their friendship and the joy they have brought to me~
    I will be forever thankful!! This page is dedicated to
    All of those I love, and all of those I have yet to meet.
    May God Bless us all!

    Also wanted to share with you my favorite Shakespeare sonnet...Holds more meaning to me than most will ever know =)
    Alot of other people seem to like it too I have found lol =)
    Boy, that man could write huh?

    Let me not to the marriage of true minds
    admit impediments. Love is not love
    which alters when it alterations finds
    Or bends with the remover to remove:
    O no! It is an ever-fixed mark
    That looks on tempests and is never saken:
    It is the star to every wandering bark
    whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
    Love's not time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
    within his bending sickle's compass come:
    Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
    But bears it out, even to the edge of doom.
    If this be error and upon me proved,
    I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

    William Shakespeare

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    ©Copyrighted by Kim.
    Last revised: Sept. 13nd, 2000.