RikytyRags Ragdoll Cattery

In the
Waratah State Cat Alliance

Showing your Ragdoll can be lots of fun. Not only do you get to meet a lot of nice people, but also see some lovely cats, and if you happen to win, this tops the day off nicely.

The Waratah shows are usually held in the comfort of an air-conditioned licensed club. The day commences at about 7.30am when your arrive with your fluffy bundle to collect your show cage number. We then head to the show hall with kitty, curtains, food and enough supplies for a small army (just to make sure your kitty is the most spoiled in the show hall).


The next job is to put up your show curtains in our kitty's show cage which are usually made out of some lovely satin or the like in a colour that complements our adorable breed. Then we settle kitty into the cage, ready for their vet check and we go and have a cup of tea. (This is essential so the cats get a chance to have a chat with their neighbour cat while the mums and dads aren't around, and then settle down for a little nap).

The judges will then commence judging and will judge all the cats and kittens in the show hall. Usually there are about three judges and this is called a three-ring show. This means your kitty will be judged three times by three different judges.

The judge will take the kitty out of the show cage and goes on to tell you what the standard for the breed is and picks qualities he/she likes in the kitty/cat, what she would like to see improvement on etc and then places the cat/kitty back in the show cage. When he/she has finished judging all the kittys in that section he/she will place their top five best cats and then their top ten.

In the middle of the day we all break for lunch which gives us a chance to have a nice lunch and a drink or two and catch up with our friends. Our cats usually enjoy the day as they know they are going to be loved and pampered and even get a special lunch.


My special treat for Molly is shaved smoked ham and cheese for lunch, so this usually ensures she is on her best behaviour for the day, but then, she has me totally convinced that she was born to be a show girl.

Molly in particular, just loves show day, as she is in her carry cage the night before when I pack all her things, and she is ready to go then. When the judges come around, she lays on her back with a cute look on her face and just as the judge goes to pull her out of the cage, she sits up and gets ready for her turn. She then sits on the showing bench as if to say, "look at me, my mum tells me I am the most beautiful in the whole world, and I know it"! Then in between judging she curls up and sleeps. All in all it must be very exhausting somehow, as she will sleep all the way home and go straight to bed after her dinner when she gets home.

The day is usually complete at about 4 - 5pm when the awards for Best Kittens and Cats in show and Supreme Exhibit are awarded. Prizes and ribbons handed out and the last of the speeches wound up.

All in all it is a wonderful relaxing day with our cats and our friends that we look forward to and get excited about every month.

If you are interested in showing your Ragdoll, please feel free to email or telephone me. I can give you some more details about getting involved in the wonderful show scene.

Very best wishes in your showing career.


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