"Drench yourself in words unspoken~ Live your life with arms wide open~ TODAY is where your book begins"

WOA! I should update more! How in the world does one catch you up to and summarize the past 2 years of their life?!?! As my dearly departed MOM would say, "very carefully" :) Yes, she is still with me, in my heart, alive and well even after 13 years of passing on to a better place. On the note of my mom...THANK GOD I was able to resolve drammas with my SISTER, Marianne right after my niece Melissa brought a blessing by the name of CLARA in to the world~its wonderful how babies just have a way of bringing us big people together thru good and bad, dont you think?! That was back in 04 and Melissa just gave birth to her 2nd child, David, so congrats to proud parents Melissa and Sean a 2nd time! Ok so now lemme start with the highlights with greatest of them all of coarse being LOVE who is now 4 and continues to shine as the light of my life. Love got to finally meet her FATHER (if u want to call him that & also by the way who I no longer want) in our trip to CANCUN during OUR eventful summer of 05 immediately before my friend of 22 years, JESSICA'S wedding that we took place in the Iowa area. LOVE and I took a road trip with KELLY (kelly is far left in pic obviously).. and her daughter to attend the wedding. Kelly is another friend from WAY back and I had a blast reacquainting with her on the excursion. Jessica and her husband are now pregnant and expecting in AUG of 06, we just attended her SHOWER! Congrats J&A! Love ya both! Then for the past 2 Mays we have ventured back to Houston to see my dear friends AMIGA Flaka and her hubby SYLVESTRE all in the name of their most recent creation EMELIANO who has just turned 2 and is the truest of blessings in everyones life! Amigas fairly new little family has been in their new home for a year now and I am happy for them and feel SO blessed to have the honor of partaking in this newest chapter of her life!! I look forward to many happy years of our KIDS knowing one another and growing up together! My PRIMA Gesala is still here in STL and doing well, she and her husband just had their 3rd child (who was still in her belly in this pic taken on the 4th!) and Love is really close to primas kids as well. Love officially started school in fall of 05 and is getting appreciated extra help with the communication delays that they detected in preschool screening (she TALKS, she just doenst talk your ear off like most 4 yos) and although our school year initially had a rocky DRAMATIC start, SCHOOL and being around CHILDREN has been SO good for her and she has come LEAPS and BOUNDS in a short time and her EAGERNESS to learn never fails to amaze me on a constant basis so I have all the faith in the world she will be right where she needs to be come time for Kindergarten...which by that time we will hopefully be ready to sell our HOME and move on to bigger and better places (maybe CA or TX-stay tuned to find out) by then! You didnt think this small town could really hold us forever and ever did ya?.... and my recent house guest world-walker CESAR was quite influential as well. Im currently in the process of major renovations thanks to the gracious help of a saint of a contractor by the name of Kevin of Honeydo Contruction, get ahold of me if your local and need a good contractor-I will put you in contact. ANYWAY, Im anxious to see what the future holds for US! OH! And last but not least I cannot forget to mention that I have attended not one, but TWO BON JOVI concerts sense my last update!! How ME is that?? FIRST one in CHICAGO was so last minute that I literally walked out the door and was on my way to it within an hour of hearing about it...SECOND was in NASHVILLE (YES!hes pointing to ME in that pic! we were less than 5 feet from him TWICE! it was AMAZING BEYOND explaination!) and I had a bit more time to plan, score insanely AWESOME seats and meet a new friend TABATHA who was my partner in crime. BOTH concerts were nights that I had basically waited all my life to experience and will never be forgotten!

Good lord! time to update this page again!...man o man time is flyin! Its been a whirlwind excuse of 6 months to say the least! We have been living each day to the fullest and counting every blessing! My POTTY trainer has been keepin me occupied when Im not working, lots of dirty laundry to do plus she is now into almost EVERYTHING as we anticipate another beautiful FALL in Washington, MO! Spring allowed us a chance to escape to Houston to visit Flaka and Sylvestre's new arrival, welcome to the world Emeliano(pics soon to come)!! It was on that trip to Houston that I determined that my good old explorer was on its last leg so I am now LOVIN my '02 TRUCK that I scored off my ebay...lots of thanks to my internet friend, AMY and her son Aidan for spicin up that trip to NC with us! Most of the summer was spent POOLSIDE at the town pool...Love got brave with the water all at once after experimenting with her water wings in Houston. This year was my 10 year high school reunion and I got to see LOTS of GREAT old friends FRIENDS...and we cant forget those SMOKIN HOTTIES of the past as well!. And last but very not least, to top off all the good stuff Love and I just got back from MEXICO CITY, where we spent time with tia LUZ and enjoyed a GREAT stay with her. More updates soon to come!

Wow! Do I have some updating to do or what?!?! Finally found a moment to sit down and think long enough to give an update of OUR last wonderful year the best I can. I am working a new and better job STILL AT HOME and no longer with NHCD for starters...YEAAA! Life is bout 150 times better now than it was this time last year. Love was the cutest GIRAFFE on the block this past Halloween. Lets see, what else, we were able to do alot of traveling this past year, went to my cousin Cindys wedding in CO in Sept..had a GREAT time, but lost my camera at the airport, so sadly I dont have pics to share. Then shortly after was Love's second BIRTHDAY and that went perfect. We were so happy to finally have met Nick and ZANN from our online message board of mommies with babies born in the same mo as Love. Then a couple mos later we had a GETOGETHER with yet a couple more members, Laura and Judy...that was a fun day we all had at the MAJIC house. Right smack after Loves birthday party we headed for Houston for my friend ALMA'S wedding and spent time in the company of old FRIENDS. New Years eve found me out on the town with my one of my best friends of 20 yrs JESSICA who has sense moved out of state to pursue a happy life with her declared soul mate and Im hoping a wedding is in their near future. Oh and I cant forget to show off my cousin Gesalas ANTHONY who just joined the world a few months ago...and im SO bummed that I MISSED the very first birth that I was ever invited to! Tracey and Todd have a recent addition to her family too! Welcome Melonie Faith!...pics are soon to come! WHEW! So thats our highlights sense my last update! Beautiful LOVE and I are just basically playing catch up for the not so greatest prior year and counting our BLESSINGS as they come! If I didnt bore your eyes out enough yet...from here you can either read on to past updates below or head back to my MAIN page!

WOW! Life is moving so fast for me now it seems I have little time for breathers or to post all the BEAUTIFUL new pictures that I have taken of LOVE with my cool new camera! I am officially a WAHM with NHCD and left my full time day job at Citbank a month ago. You can apply HERE if you are interested in becoming a WAHM too!! The group that I manage is getting bigger and better every day and I am making a lot of great friendships with those I work with! The change has been an adjustment that I am bound and determined to make work for the well being of Love….I just could no longer stand to miss another day of her sweet little life! She did start walking in March but is still very cautious and even now still prefers to crawl most of the time. We had a great Easter over with Lori and her family….HERES some sweet PICTURES of Love in her dress…the second makes me laugh the most cause she was yelling at the big kids for stealing the egg that she was going after!! Shes ganna be a woman who speaks her mind like her mama!!

Life has been so busy I don't even know where to begin this update! LOVE and I had a wonderful 1st holiday in our new home….with the exception of me not being able to film her ever so sweet squeeeeeeeels as I opened what cheap little trinkets I could afford for her one at a time on Christmas morning because I was unable to score a camcorder in time off ebay, better luck next year. As I said, I couldn't afford too much for her and was ever so pleased at how excited she got over each and every little brightly colored dollar store trinket…it was absolutely priceless and will forever serve as one my best memories so far of her infancy. Look at my beautiful COMFORTER that I got from my sister for Christmas! Thank you Marianne! Also, right before Christmas I was blessed with the true fortune of taking on a second job that I have been doing at home with a company called NHCD and hope to ultimately manage to make that into my full time job and give Love a WAHM! The work is very simple and not only has it REALLY helped my financial situation, I REALLY feel like I have landed a job that I am finally making a positive difference in the life of almost every single person that I speak to. I have always wanted to make a positive difference in this world! All this extra work has made me really glad that I stepped on the gas right after I moved in and used Love's birthday party as my motivation to do mostly all the cosmetic work that I wanted done with my house because I sure wouldn't have the time to spend on it now! I think the part of my house that Im most happy with and pat myself on the back often about would probably be my porch. Here is one of the very few BEFORE and AFTERS that I have to offer (of the whole house) to exhibit some of my hard work!

We had a great weekend! My sister had her WONDERFUL early annual Thanksgiving dinner Saturday night and there must have been over 60 people there! Each year she tops herself in presentation and that dinner has become a highly anticipated event in my family. THEN Love's 1st birthday party was yesterday and was a success!! She got a lot of really cool GIFTS. Im so very lucky that I had dear friends and neighbors that worked hard to help me pull little things together at the last moment. Heres a pic of my DINING room that Flaka festively decorated. I pulled an all-nighter the night before the party (I slept about 2 hours the morning of the party) finishing Love's ROOM and was glad I did; it turned out just as I had hoped and I was so proud to show off all the love I put into the making of it! It is now the little girls room of my dreams and Love seems to enjoy her colorful flowers every time she enters it! Despite a few issues with rude and inconsiderate family members acting their normal selves, NOTHING was going to stand in the way of my little girl's or my enjoyment yesterday, I kept in mind one very important thing….I was born on my birthday 27 years ago but my REAL life began on my daughters birthday one year ago yesterday. Love's tia Flaka arrived from Houston the day before bearing Love's very special and delicious 3 leche CAKE that she carried on her trip with care and we were so very lucky she did! Now, the best part of the party will be the ability to relax and enjoy my 1 YEAR OLD, my best friend Flaka who will be in town for a week and all the hard work I put into Love's party. Oh yea, Life is GOOD!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BABY LOVE!!

We had a wonderful HALLOWEEN! As you can see Love was a very fitting lovable lady bug and we had a great time TRICK OR TREATING with our neighbors! Now I am kicking things into high gear and trying to get our new HOUSE all pretty in time for Loves big 1st birthday party! Every weekend I have been painting room after room and finally only have 2 more to go! Love has become an all out PRO at being patient with me while I paint and never has trouble occupying herself. The KITCHEN is now a beautiful sunset toned shade of orange, the dining room is a very pretty heartthrob red and the old smoke stained walls of my living room are now a very pretty grayish/purple tone. All 3 of us are so very excited that FLAKA will be coming up from Houston for Love's birthday party and staying till the following weekend!! I am looking forward to just the 3 of us sitting down to a that COMPASSIONATE Thanksgiving day dinner at the $6 dining room table that I scored from a garage sale. Good that I got all I needed because it is getting too COLD here for anymore garage sales this year.

I finally did it! Love and I closed on our HOUSE today! I found the perfect 1.5 story 72-year-old home in Washington, MO - which is a historical town 30 miles west of St. Louis. I am feeling very good about this big step that I have made at this point in my life. The town really gives me the "Mayberry" feel that I was looking for. Luckily I was able to take possession prior to close due to a few last minute chaotic glitches, so we moved in last weekend. My friend to the end, Lori and her sister Linda and I moved all my stuff…just the 3 of us via multiple SUV, van and trailer loads. We made a great womanly power team! Special thanks to Lori and Linda for all their hard work! My route to work is now a narrow 2-lane backcountry road that lets me see cows, horses and llamas now on a daily basis which I really enjoy. My biggest worry was my childcare situation and thankfully it all fell into place at the last moment (story of my life) when I went and recruited my WONDERFUL child loving neighbor 2 doors down after my other WONDERFUL neighbor told me about Stephanie as I was moving in. Love Bella is now just short of her 10-month birthday, has 5 teeth and is really keeping me on my toes! She has recently learned the power of her POUT...but on the brightside, that lip could lead to her future supermodel startum!

This has turned out to be my favorite 4th of July yet! My $20 camera turned out to be brand new when it arrived and proved to be worth its weight in gold! I got a lot of great pictures of our weekend and am sure I will have many more great ones to follow. Love and I began the long weekend by catching the parade with PRIMA Gisela, who is actually my x-cousin n law that lives here in STL who I love dearly and have remained close with despite my separation with husband. Gisela is now taking care of Love thru the day while I work. She just recently married VICENTE and they are expecting a baby of their own in December. After the parade the morning of the 4th Love and Gisela were pretty TUCKERED out so we headed back to rest and before long it was time to join the others in the park for a picnic and later Love anxiously AWAITED her first fireworks display which she really enjoyed. Saturday morning the three of us were up early and out again for a bigger parade downtown and Love and I even managed to catch a HUG while we waited for the floats. It was a great FOURTH!

Wow! Time has been flying by. I have been working hard on my divorce and pre-approval of our home loan while at the same time shopping for that house in the perfect trick or treat neighborhood. Love is growing like a weed and has just started sitting up on her own this week and combined with the worm-like crawl she has also mastered, she is really becoming a handful! Our Baby Einstein videos have become my best friend so I can actually manage to turn my back for a second. I was the highest bidder of a $20 digital camera on ebay yesterday so pictures should be added to our page more often now. I did however break down and finally take Love for her first professional pictures (I usually look at stuff like that as a luxury that I cant afford) yesterday and HERE are my FAVORITES . Isn’t she beautiful?

For my first mothers day I was blessed with an entire week of exciting happenings. Last Sunday on our way home from a family wedding Love said MOM very clearly in front of everyone. Then Monday Ma-ma-ma-ma became very frequent. Then the next day she started with Da-da-da-da which goes to show a daddy does not have to be around for that to be uttered. Then Wednesday I overlooked with joy as she rolled herself from belly to back over and again on my floor. Then Thursday night I noticed that her first tooth had appeared in her bottom center gum! Then last but very not least what warmed my heart the most was yesterday at a bridal shower at my sister's house she did a full blown reach for me (over someone’s shoulders) when she caught sight of me after being passed around and gushed over by several women! A SMART and BEAUTIFUL baby, I couldn’t possibly be a happier or prouder mommy! To top it all off, the day after my birthday the IRS deposited my very nice return in my account, so with pleasure I report that Im no longer poor just as happy as I can possibly be and that much closer into my house!

Today is my 27th birthday and I can honestly say I have reached a very good place in my life. Im broke, but Im happy. On the bright side, I am blessed with the most beautiful BABY in the world, a handful of golden friends that I would walk through fire for and I am now surrounded by a large circle of family who loves me, yup, life is good. A person could not ask for much more than what I have. HAPPY baby Love has recently started laughing and my eyes fill with tears of joy every time I hear her. That little laugh is the most beautiful and precious sound I have ever heard…I want to dub it on a tape and just play it again and again. I look forward to a long and happy life of listening to Love laugh.

Love and I are doing very well. She gets bigger and makes more sounds with each day. I think she is going to be an early walker because she is constantly pushing herself in a stand position and gets upset when you stop supporting her. I have recently started a new job as a customer service rep with CitiMortgage. I am seeing more and more how all my priorities are totally changing and now revolving around my daughter, which I am just fine with. Before my career was very important to me but now I am simply interested in a job where I can make ends meet and still have plenty of time to be with Love. I hear from Arturo often via email and he says his passport will be ready by mid February….Im not going to hold my breath.

HAPPY 2002 EVERYONE! Last night was my first night out away from my baby and it did not go at all the way I expected. I spent BIG money in preparation for the night and on the actual night it self and found myself just wishing I was at home in myT-shirt and chonies at midnight snuggling with my beautiful baby Love n watchin’ Dick Clark! The good part I guess was that I went out and totally splurged on myself (which I NEVER EVER do) complete with an expensive hair cut, eyebrow waxing, new outfit and new awesome boots. So at least I felt good about myself on my way out to miss my daughter and regret leaving her !

We had a wonderful Christmas and for the first time in a couple years I was in the company of family and friends both days.

My sisters and I took Love to the doctor today just to double check that everything was ok. She got her PKU shot and I think I cried more than she did! It broke my heart to rub her foot like the nurse told me to do in preparation for the shot that was coming with her being totally clueless as to what was going to happen. HERE is a picture of us waiting for the shot. On top of that, we had just both stopped crying after seeing the lactation consultant who subjected us both to unnecessary pain because we were having some problems in the breast feeding department. I hated how my precious little baby was being subjected to so much discomfort and it only being her 3rd day in this world!


I was blessed enough to have been contacted by my dearest friend from Houston, Flaka, just out of the blue today via email! We had a falling out shortly before my wedding 2 years ago (because she warned me that my cheater husband was no good and that I should not go through with my wedding plans but I just would not hear her out, I was blinded by love at the time) and we had not spoken sense. Regardless of past issues, the way true friends always do, we have remained on each others minds and hearts all this time and now that I have her back, nothing will come between us ever again!


Right now, I have had no other choice but to retreat back to St. Louis, where Im from, due to the financial and emotional support of my family being in the best interest of Love, and believe me-her best interest is my first priority. I was able to get work rather quickly after my arrival and I bought a 93 Ford Explorer within the week as well, so things are a little brighter than they were where I just came from. Boy, talk about a Gypsy, I have lived in 3 different states in just over a month now!! I can’t wait to settle into a place of my own now that I have my transportation and employment issues in the bag. Actually, I feel like I am being punished for no reason for having to retreat back to my original starting point….but I will always stick to my belief of everything in life happening for a reason.


Well, unfortunately a shaky situation has gone from bad to worse and the deal on my house that I was buying fell through 3 days before it was set to close. I'd like to cry, but instead I'll say...hey THAT’S ALLRIGHT, THAT’S OK, WERE GANNA BEAT UM’ ANYWAY!! I don’t give up easily and I am still determined to get a place to live that I can stand long term (I prefer to buy or rent a cheaper house verses moving into another apartment) before the arrival of Love.


We have arrived! The real estate couple who has been working with me, Mike and Gail Hunter of Remax has really been wonderful and are going out of their way to assist me in settling in town until I hopefully close on the house in the beginning of October. They have helped to find me a place to stay, Mike unloaded my Ryder into storage and they have even lended me one of their vehicles until I can get into my house and buy one of my own; mainly because the loan has been a little shaky and we dont want to make anything fall through by my purchasing a car at this moment. I have really been blessed to have these good people in my life! Now all I need is a JOB and I will be set!


I'M BUYING A HOUSE! Pictures will soon be posted but I dont want to jinx anything right now until it is actually all mine. I was initially shopping in Chicago but ended up finding the best deal in Merrillville, IN...which is about 40 mins east of Chicago. Arturo is still working on joining us. Livie, Love (who is now kicking wildly in my tummy daily)and I will soon be loading up our Ryder truck and making our treck back west...and it wont be long before we hopefully settle in our nest!


I got my first ultrasound today!! They are pretty sure she is a girl and she looked very healthy to us on the screen. I counted 10 fingers and 10 toes on the monitor, she stuck them right up there for me to see! My heart melted as I saw her move around vigorously the entire time, her hands and feet were exercising joyfully as if she were doing water aerobics! I have been proudly showing off my first pictures of Love Bella. My favorite is this one because her head is resting on our placenta as she patiently waits for her November arrival. This one is a very clear shot of her face and then this one is of her profile. I couldnt be more proud of these pictures and what I have growing inside me!


My midwife has put me on early maternity leave from the airline. I hope the old wives tale about having a girl on the way if you are morning sick is true, because I sure have been sick as a dog these past few months and a little girl would make everything double worth while for me! I have been steadily home shopping online all this time and plan to make a series of weekend trips to Chicago in the month to come to actually see possibilities. Arturo tells me that things on his end are going the way we want them to and he should be joining me any time now. I recently began working temp in a Foster care agency, how bout that? I got an assignment that fits into my AAAW list without even searching! Let’s hope I have the same kind of luck finding a home.


Oh baby! I have decided not to move to Cancun with Arturo BECAUSE I am 4 months pregnant! Instead of me going there, he is going to move up here to the states with me. We have plans of buying a house (back west, closer to my family) and living happily ever after together! We are both very happy about our little blessing that we have on the way. Arturo has supported my decision of wanting a home birth involving delivery in the water. I have been reading up on that a lot lately.


I was lucky enough to find one of my childhood friends, Amber, who I have greatly missed for many years now on the internet. She was infact the reason I started surfing classmates.com in the first place! Our friendship has really picked up right where it left off. It just so happens she works in the airline industry as well and her husband is even a pilot. I got to have lunch with them just recently on one of my layovers in the Columbus airport. It was great seeing her and meeting her husband.


I have met a wonderful new boyfriend who lives in Cancun. His name is Arturo Santiago and we met one day on my plane. He works as a member of the ground staff there in CUN. I have been spending a lot of time with him lately, flying over there on my off days which could be up to 4 days in a row. We get along so well that he wants me to move down there to be with him. It is a possibility and who knows what will happen?!?


I spent New Years Eve in great company and surprised myself by not even missing my husband’s kiss at midnight! I am having great fun on my new job and feel so fortunate to have finally doing something that matters to me! Every day is different and I have in fact already been involved in about 4 emergency situations concerning different problems with passengers. It is a neat feeling to know I could have the opportunity (and have what it takes) to save someone’s life on any flight at any given moment. This kind of stuff keeps the job exciting despite the very long hours that I have to put in. Don’t worry, my sweet Livie is just fine because all of my trips are quick turn arounds, meaning I leave very early in the morning and get back very late that same night.


I have been keeping in touch with my birthmother and her boyfriend (they have been together 20 years). Mike sends me emails now to let me know how Mari is doing. We sent each other Christmas presents, which I enjoyed because I didn’t really have anyone else on my list because I was scheduled to work the whole holiday.


I had a great Thanksgiving in St. Louis with my family as usual. We had about 50 people at the table this year and they were all very supportive and ready to offer me a shoulder to cry on about my separation and very excited about my great new job that I am enjoying!


Well, as you can see my wedding web site containing all the pictures of my beautiful Wedding has been pulled due to my marriage having recently crumbled apart unfortunately. It turns he was a cheating dog all along and there was indeed reason behind all the mental anguish he put me through. So enough about the cheater, oh yea, by the way, I felt the unbelieveable ETHAN ZOHN is much more worship worthy (closest thing to GOD that any man on this earth will ever come!) and would have looked much better by my side on that beautiful day! I am now trying to move on with my life and enjoy the new flight attendant job that I have just finished 3 weeks of training for with Ryan International Airlines!


I finally gained the courage to leave the administrative position that I have held for going on 2 years now at the Urology company. My husband thought I was very stupid for doing this and chastised me even though today is a Friday and I already have work lined up to go to on Monday from the temp agency I applied at on my way home this afternoon. I wish I had a husband who was supportive of me. I have been wanting to leave this job for a long time now because it has felt like I was selling my soul to the devil for a job that meant absolutely nothing to me other than good money and excellent medical benefits. I want to enjoy what I do, life is too short not to! I have decided that I am just going to work temp and never take another full time job unless it fits into my AAAW list….which is a list of my four career passions being either Airline, Animals, Adoption or Weddings. Any job having something to do with one of these 4 fields is a job that I am sure I could be happy spending the rest of my life doing.