The System Goddess posing as Superwoman.....
You have lots of balls in the air and are having trouble keeping them afloat. No have too much to do. Keeping a house on top of being with your kids full time or working full time or homeschooling or all three is too much. That is why we allow you slack.
Remember, slack is not optional. You may not accept or deny your slack. It is a state of being.
Plan B
1. Make a list of 10 things that should be done everyday for your life to run smoothly. These can include housekeeping tasks, health and fitness habits and personal growth goals.
2. Make a list of 6 more things that should be done on each weekend day for an addition of 12 items. These tasks should be more specialized than your basic ten list.
3.Total your points for the week. That is your percentage for the week.
4.Give yourself a point for each task completed.
5. Add....Slack ... this is an 18 point once per week bonus. What if you have a full time job and small children?????? Sorry. In life as in this system, slack will only go so far. Then you have to just do it.
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