Hello, I am Lee, the System Goddess. I live the fascinating life of a New Jersey housewife. I have a husband, three kids and a part time job and STILL had time to come up with this marvelous system for personal organization. Therefore, it will come as no surprise to you that I am not organized. No, System Goddess is a clear case of the blind leading the partially sighted. |
I get many questions about myself. Let me take this opportunity to answer them..... |
How many points do you usually get in a week? Sadly, I am one of the weaker performers on System Goddess...I average between 65-75 points per week. I see myself as more of a visionary than an actual doer. |
Do you have a personal philosophy that guides you in your efforts as an organizational expert? I conduct my affiars in accordance with my theory of NICE/NASTY. Summed up , N/N means that I beleive that people who are excessively nice are being so to conceal a particularly nasty nature. This extends to other areas of life, for example, I am an organizational expert because I am working to conceal my disorganization. Excessively religious people are that way to conceal a propensity for sin. Blah, Blah, Blah. System Goddess is rooted in many deep spiritual movements . Click here to participate in our spiritual program. |
Here are some fav links..... |
Visit the irrepressible Zippygirl. Her site has book reviews, organizational help and lots of fitness links. |
Claudia has put together a great site for those of us who lose track of the details of life. Check out her wonderful information on women with ADD. |
[laho@erols.com] |