The above picture is of "Benjamin Franklin Oliver" born 1848 in Ga. He was the son of William F. Oliver and Elvira Humphries.

Oliver Lineage

Exerpts from Early Settlers of Alabama by Col. James E Saunders and his dau. Elizabeth Stubbs.

Oliver Family of Elbert Co., Ga.

John Oliver, planter, was living in 1647, in the Parish of Hampton, York Co.,
  Va., when he made an acknowledgement to Dennis Stevens, merchant of a debt
  of 1030 lbs of tobacco. In 1648, he, with James Besouth, Francis Flood,
  and Thomas Shaw inventoriedthe estate of John Hartwell, of Queen's Creek,
  deceased. In 1659 he sold to Major Joseph Croshaw a tract of land called
  "St. Andrew's Neck," signing John Oliver, his seal. York Records.
John Oliver, grandson of the above(1737), a suit vs. John Mundell, and  
  also a suit vs. John Taylor.
Thomas Oliver(1743) had a negro, adjudged twelve years old.
In 1719,Richard Oliver and wife, Sarah, of Antigua, son and heir of the 
  honorable Richard Oliver, of Antigua, appointed an attorney to take charge
  of their property in Va. late estate of Richard Oliver. York Records.
John Oliver had sons Thomas and Peter; If others, it is not known. Peter
  (or some descendants say Thomas) married Ann, dau of Florence McCartie,
  of Bruton Parish, York Co., Va., b. June 25,1706.
Peter or (Thomas) Oliver and his wife Ann, removed to the neighborhood of 
  Petersburg, Va., some time before the revolution. Of their children , 
  little is known except their names. These were: 1. Peter, 2. John,
  3. McCarty, 4. James, 5. Dionysius, 6. Eleanor, 7.Mary Ann, 8. Francis 
  and perhaps 9. William and others. Of these:
6. Eleanor Oliver (b. 1738) married Drury,son of Robert Thompson, "the
  goldsmith and planter.Issue :1. Jane Thompson,m.Robert H. Watkins
  (b. 1762) of S.C., son of James Watkins,I(b. 1728)of Va.
7. Mary Ann Oliver m. (1758) Isham Thompson, also son of Robert Thompson. 
  Issue: 1. Sarah Thompson m. Daniel Marshall of Va. 2. Polly Thompson
  Died unm. 3. Jane Thompson (b. 1762, d. 1815)m. (1779) James Watkins,II
  (b. 1758). They removed from Va. to Elbert Co., Ga. after the revolution,
  seating on the Savannah River, ten miles above Peterburg. 
8. Francis Oliver remained in Va.: Issue, among others:1. Elizabeth,m. Peter
  Peter Oliver, her cousin and son of Dionysius. 2.Francis m. Dionysius
  Oliver, Jr., son of Dionysius. Of other descendants we have no record.
5. Dionysius Oliver,above b. 1735 d. 1808 in Elbert Co., Ga.;m.(I)in Va.
  1758, Mary Ann(b. 1740 d. in Elbert Co.,Ga. 1802),dau. of Valentine 
  Winfrey,of Va., and had 10 children. He married (II) in S.C.(1805) Susan
  Jackson and had one son. He removed from Va. to S.C., to Elbert Co., Ga.,
  where he served in the revolution.

Oliver, of Alabama

Samuel White Oliver, lawyer, born in Va., came to Dallas Co., Al.,quite young
  and engaged in cotton planting; m. a sister of Judge John Hunter, of Dallas
  He was speaker of the House, and Attorney General of Al., and ran for Gov.
  in 1836. Died at the age of 36.Issue:
  1. Henry Oliver, d.1862 in Dallas Co.
  2. Virginia m. Paul Ravisies, of Mobile, AL. Issue: 1. Gertrude m. Cecil
  Fleming of Al. (2) Paul.
  3. Betty, m. Gen. James Hagan and d. 189_ . Issue: James Oliver and others.
  4. Samuel White Oliver d. Dallas Co. 1894; m. Pauline Allen. 
  Children: Amandine m. _____ Clarke; 2. Pauline,d. young 3. Samuel W.
  and 4.Starke H.
  5.Frances m. Aristide Bienvenue
  6.Starke Hunter Oliver, Mobile, Al.m. Kate Hopkins. Issue:
  (1) John Walker Oliver, of Thomasville, AL. (2) Percy Oliver (3) Katherine
  Hopkins Oliver, m. (June 7, 1899) Arthur Addison Hall. (4) Henry Oliver.
The widow of Samuel W. Oliver, Sr. m. (II) Col. Sprague. Issue:1. Laura who 
  m. (I) Charles Forsyth, (II) Mr. Becker, of Milwaukee. 2. Pauline m. James
  Lyons, of Mobile, Al. 3. Corinne m. Mr Weber and had several children.
John McCarthy Oliver, of Wilkes Co. Ga. m. the widow Edwards, with children
  Austin, Edward, James and Betty Edwards, m. John Hill. Issue:
  Jane McCarty Oliver b. 1783, d. 1833; m. Marshall Martin, b. 1780,
  d. 1845, of Edgefield Dist., S.C., and moved to Meriweather Co. Ga. 
  Issue: (1) Abram Martin (2) elizabeth m. Col. alfred Wellborn (3) Nancy m.
  (I) James Oglethorpe and (II) Rev. Thomas McGehee(his first wife)
  5. Nathaniel 6.John Oliver died young 7. John Oliver II died young.
  8. Rev. Wm. D. m. Martha Johnson. 9. Peter Marshall Martin,b. 1827, of 
  Columbus, GA. m. Jane Ellison Ware. 
An Oliver family was in Jefferson County ,Al., in its early settlement.
  "John Oliver lived on the Cahaba," writes Mr. Thomas M. Owen, and left
  descendants there.


Mac Oliver,of Virginia, was twice married, and had eight children, all of
  whom settled in Ga. 1. Wiley; 2. James; 3. Joseph; 4. John; 5. Ann;
  6. Charlotte; 7. William; 8. Mac(by 2nd wife) and killed in civil war.
  (Mrs Oliver m. (II)Mr. Wheeler, of Clayton, Al.) Of the above
  1. Wiley Oliver, lived in Barborn Co., Al.
  2.James Oliver,m. ___,Issue: 1. Henry Oliver, Macon Co., Ga.,m.____, and
  had Kate,m. Mr. Cooper. Her son, George Cooper in U.S.N. ; Nannie, m. Mr.
  Orr; a son, Oliver Orr. 2. William; 3. Frank; 4. Sarah; 5. Nancy. 
7. William Oliver,(b. Dec. 10, 1798; d. 1836), lived in Twiggs Co., Ga., and
  removed, 1835, to Randolph(now Quitman) Co.,married (1) Dorcas Harrison
  (b. Oct.29,1802, d. Sept. 18, 1830) and (2)1834, Irene Drake, of Americus,
  Ga. He has relatives in Eufaula, Al. Issue: 
  1. Andrew J. Oliver, vet. of Mexican War, living near Clyattville, Ga. 
  b. 1825 m. (1862)Sarah Francis Studstill. Issue:1. William Thaddeus(b.1862)
  of Quitman, Ga. 2. Alice Ida,(b.1866)m. Alex Keel. 3. Dora Ann (b.1870),
  m. James Lowery. 4. Florida S. (b.1874) 5. Florence E. (b.1877). Mr. Oliver
  has thirteen grandchildren.
  2.Thaddeus Oliver,(b.Dec.25,1826), m. Sarah P. Lawson(living in 1899). He
  is said to be the author of "All Quiet Along the Potomac To-night". Issue:
  1. Rev. Hugh F.,of Florence, S.C., m. Bessie Smith; Children: Hugh,
  Thaddeus, Bessie, Edith, Louise, Ester M., and David. 2. Lieut. James H.
  Oliver, distinguished officer in the U.S. Navy, m. 1882 Marion, dau. of
  Robert Carter.
  3. Ann Oliver, m. (I)H.H. Rainey and had Laura who m. Mr. Evans of 
  Greensboro. Wed (II), Charles Darden.
  4. Charlotte Oliver, m. Christopher McRae. Children live in Telfair Co.,
  5. Francis Oliver, d. y.
  6. Dorcas Oliver, her mother died at her birth, and their children were
  reared by the Harrison relatives, as their father died soon after his 
  second marriage. Dorcas m. John McLean. Children: 1. William, lives at 
  McRae, Telfair Co., Ga., 2. Thaddeus and others.
  7. William Oliver, solicitor of city court of Albany Ga.(mother ___ Drake),
  m. Sallie Collier, of Albany, Ga. Children: 1. Willie, m. S.C. Moore. 
  2. Irene m. W.T. Cox, and had Oliver, Thomas, Wilmore,and Kathleen.
  3. George. 
Wiley Oliver, of Twiggs Co.,Ga., moved in 1833, to Barbour Co., Al. Among his
  children were: 
1. William Oliver,b. Twiggs Co.,Ga.,Feb.24,1829;d. at Wesson, Miss.,July 
  1891; m. (I)Oct 12, 1847,Mary Milner d. Jan. 10,1888, and settled in Eufaula,
  Al.; moved to Minden, La., 1853, and ten yrs. after to Trenton, La. and 
  formed partnership with Mr. Drake in merchandising; captain in 31st La.
  Regiment in C.S.A., in quartermaster's dept.; engaged in cotton business
  in 1866, in New Orleans, With John T. Hardie. They bought the Wesson Mfg.
  Comp. in 1870, and he moved to Wesson, and took charge of the mills as 
  Secretary and Tresurer. The plant was then estimated at $100,000; Mills
  burned in 1873, when Col. Ed Richardson, the Commercial King of Miss., 
  bought the stock and established a new Company, with $344,000 stock and 
  Capt. Oliver general manager, and the stock increased, by 1891,to
  $2,000,000. His dau. Mary Ella m. John P. Richardson, who after his 
  fathers death, became President of the Company.
  Rilla E. Oliver(eldest Dau.) m. Dr. R.W. Rea.
  John M. Oliver, the only son, is a merchant of Wesson.
  Col. Wm. Oliver married (secondly) a niece of his wife, Melissa D. Callaway
  He joined Dr. Palmer's Church(Presbyterian), in New Orleans, in 1867.
2. A. B. Oliver, of Osyka, Miss.
3._______ Oliver. Has a son Wiley E. Oliver, merchant, Wesson, Miss.(from 
  whom these notes were obtained.
McDonald Oliver,of Twiggs Co., Ga., was married twice. By last wife, who 
  was Lurena Holmes, had issue:
  1. Augustus Oliver m. _______ . Issue: Eight children.
  2. Nancy A. Oliver m. George Roberts. Nine children: among them :
  Clarence P. Roberts of Eufaula, Al.
  3. McDonald Oliver m. Paine Ricks. Issue: 1. McDonald,d.s.p. 2. Lamar 
  Oliver, of Houston, Texas. Mrs. Oliver m. (II) Capt. Hart, and her dau.
  Lila Hart, m. Washington Toney Flournoy.

Oliver, of Kentucky

Peter Oliver, of Va., and of the Revolution,m. (1775) Mildred(b. 1761,
  d. 1848), dau. of John(will 1787) and Ann (Osborne) Randolph. Of Prince Wm.
  Co., Va.; Mrs. Randolph was the dau. of Thomas Osborne, Burgees of Prince
  Wm. Co., Va., who had daughters: Mary, Margaret, Ann, and Prudence Osborne
  "co-heiresses of Thos. Osborne, deceased, and owning 161 acres in Prince 
  Wm., 1741."
Mrs. Osborne m.(II) Cuthbert Harrison. Peter Oliver removed to Fleming Co.,
  Ky., after 1790. Children:
  1. William Oliver, major in war of 1812. Had Military land warrant for
  much of the land on which Toledo, Ohio, was built, and where he resided;
  also had gov't position in Cincinnati,1850, and was an elegant gentleman.
  Issue: Harriet Hall of Cincinnati. Her husband built the Oliver Hotel in
  Toledo-for some time the largest city in that state.
  2. Mildred Oliver, m.______ Patterson, and(II)_______ King,of Troy, Ohio.
  3. Margaret Oliver, m. Joseph Hill, Sr., of Ohio. (His first wife). He m.
  (II)her cousin Sarah Purcell. Issue (I) marriage; Sarah Hill(b. Nov. 21,
  1801), m. (May 7,1821) Calvin Fletcher, and had Stephen Fletcher, father
  of Mrs. Hodges.
Margaret Randolph, sister of Mrs. Oliver, m. George Purcell,ensign in the
  revolution from Alexandria, and brother-in-law of Col. Symes. He removed
  to Ky., 1800, d. 1805. His brother-in-law John Randolph, Jr., witnessed
  his will. Issue: 
  Mary Purcell,who m. Joseph Hill(above)(second wife). His two mother-in-laws
  Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. Purcell,sisters, resided with him, and died at his home
  and are buried near Urbana, Ohio. Issue: 
  1. Joseph Hill,Jr., of St. Louis, m. ________, and had Joseph Hill.
  2, Josie Hill, of St. Louis (Miss Hill, who furnished these notes).
Four Oliver Brothers also lived in Kentucky about this time, and were probably 
  of the same family as the above-Peter G., Thomas, William, John, and sister
  Mildred Oliver. -- of these:
1. Peter G. Oliver, lived in Fleming Co., Ky. m. Mary, dau. of Truman Day,
  and his wife, Miss Saunders. Issue:
  1. William trueman Oliver, of Rayville, Miss.
  2. Thomas F. Oliver (dead)
  3. Saunders Day Oliver(b. Fleming Co.,1826, d. 1887),m. Cornelia Elizabeth
  Dollerhide( whose father, _________ Dollerhide, from Holland, married
  Miss Smith).Issue: Several children- of these a dau. married Dr. Rollo Knapp, of
  New Orleans(parents of Miss Emily Knapp, who furnished these notes).
2. William Oliver, of Cincinnati, Ohio, postmaster under Wm. Henry Harrison.
  Children: 1. Washington Oliver; 2. Mary m. Mr. Hall.
3. John Oliver, of Indiana. had many children.
4. Mildred Oliver, m. Mr. Fitch, and lived in Urbana, Ohio.


John Oliver (1767) Justice in Orange Co., N. C.-(N. C. Colonial Records.)
James Oliver (1768) of Orange Co., signed petition with other citizens.
Mr. John Oliver(1773) petitioned the Assembly to be relieved of a moiety 
  debt, and the treasurer of the Southern Dist. was ordered to discharge the
  same.-(N. C. Colonial Records, XIII, 445.) 
George Oliver (1773) of Guildford Co., petition, with other citizens, as to
  Court House. Also John Oliver, the same.-(Wheeler's History N.C.)
John Oliver, of Granville Co., N.C., member of Provincial Congress which
  met at Halifax, April 13th, 1776-(Wheeler's History of N.C.)
Andrew Oliver, of Bertie Co.,(1788) member of convention which met at 
  Hillsborough (1788) to consider the Federal Constitution, which they did
  not ratify until 1789.
Frances Oliver, of Duplin Co., same convention. -(Southern Historical Mag.,
John Oliver and Fleming Pope, Ensigns of First and Second Regiments, N.C.
  Continental Line, August 8, 1775, by order of Congress.
(There is a published pamphlet of the descendants of Pierre Oliver, of Va.,
  the Huguenot by the Rev. Horace Hayden, of Wilkesbarre, Pa.)


Francis Oliver, 1620, of the Virginia Company of Adventurers and Planters.
Edward Oliver, 1623, alive, "on the Maine," after the massacre, in James
  City county
Edward Oliver, 1636,fifty acres deed of gift to Ann Cordwell, his wife,
  from Sir John Harvey.----Virginia Magazine of History, V. 459
Edward Oliver, 1639, Tobacco Commissioner, with Christopher Lawson and 
  Robert Hutchinson, in James City county.
Edward Oliver, 1657, bought of Henry Perry 350 acres in Surry county, on
  upper Chippoaks' creek, on the river (once James City county).
Edward Olver, b. 1661; died 1695; of Henrico County; his home with John 
  Worsham, "where he lived." In 1694 he was sued by William Bryd for 430 lbs.
  of tobacco; John Worsham, his bail. His estate appraisement was small.
John Oliver, 1647, living in York County, Va., and, later, John and Thomas
  Oliver, also.
John Oliver was a planter in Hampton parish.----York Records.
James Oliver, living in Hanover town ,1778, advertised a stray cow.---Va.
Miss Oliver, of Hanover, m. 1789, Mr Menx, of Kent County.---Va. Gazette
William Oliver, will, 1687, in Middlesex County, Va.
Thomas Oliver, 1708, married Sarah Howe, Middlesex County, Va.
Isaac Oliver, died in Middlesex County, 1725.
Thomas Oliver married Susannah_______, and had issue:
  William, b 1722, died infant; Isaac, b. 1725; William, b. 1726
  (Middlesex County). 
Ignatius Oliver, of Northumberland County (will proved 1710); wife, Elizabeth.
William Oliver, of White Chapel parish, Lancaster County, 1730 (will 1750);
  wife Ellison. Children: John Oliver and others; witnesses, Isaac White,
  Martin Shearman, Hannah, Tomlin and Ann Shearman, wife of Martin Shearman
  (she was the daughter of Rawleigh Chinn,who was of Christ ch. vestry in 
  1739. Her mother was Ester Ball).--- Lancaster Records and Lee Family
Mrs. Ellison Oliver, of Rapp, "received a letter, through Hobbs Hole
  Post Office," in 1769.--- Va. Gazette.
Nicholas Oliver, m. Eliz_____, and had Eliz. b. 1701.
William Oliver, m.___________, and had William, b. 1710; Edward, b. 1715;
  Alex., b. 1722, and Andrew, b. 1734. 
John Oliver, m.______, and had Sarah, b. 1720 (all from Abingdon Parish
  Register, Glouchester County, Va.).
William, Thomas, and John Oliver were living in Abingdon Parish, Glouchester
  County, 1786, and each owning slaves.
Thos. Oliver,1795, was heir to a portion of John Figg's lands in Gloucester,
  as was, also, Thomas Wiatt, John Johnson's children, Jonathan Lyall's
  children and John Figg.__ Old Survey Book.
Gravely Oliver, 1820, conducts a suit in Gloucester, in which year all the 
  Records were burned.
James, son of James Oliver, living in Gloucester in 1821.__ Glouchester 
James Oliver, died 1822; Agnes Oliver, administratrix, will be annexed.
John Oliver, died in Gloucester County. Children: Catherine, John and Nancy.
  Edward Dew was Guardian of John, and John Dixon guardian of Nancy Oliver.
  In 1822 Edward Dew and Catherine, his wife was Catherine Oliver, sued 
  John Dixon, guardian. In 1823, Edward Dew, guardian of John Oliver,
  summoned Susan, widow of William Oliver,to administer on the estate of
  her husband, William Oliver.
William (1824) settled estate of Ambrose Oliver, in Gloucester County.
Gravely Oliver (1823) a suit; William K. Perrin, his common bail.
John Oliver, of the Isle of Wight County. His grant was on the river (1652)
  and joined Thomas Greenwood and Major Fawden, also James Pyland. His will,
  Apr. 17th, 1652, mentioned: Wife, Ellen; son, John Oliver, Jr.; daughters,
  Eleanor and Mary. Overseers: James Pyland and Robert Bird. Witnesses:
  James Pyland, John Burton and John Renney. Eleanor and Mary Oliver, 100
  acres (Mar. 1662), joining Major Fawden and Thomas Greenwood, on the river.
  ___William and Martha Quarterly. VII, 222.
John Oliver (1714-1727), lands in Princess Anne County, on the Blackwater.
  "Oliver's Run Creek," mentioned 1711, in Nansemond records.
Thomas Oliver, 1740, God-father to James, son of Joseph and Mary Wheless.
  __Albemarle Parish Register Surry and Sussex Counties.
Thomas Oliver (1741), 175 acres, south side of Nottoway in Surry County.
  He died in 1760, as certified William Oliver,__Ibid.
(FROM---Bristol Parish Register; Chesterfield Prince George, Amelia, Nottoway
  and Dinwiddie Counties.)
William and Elizabeth Oliver, had issue: Drury, b. April 12, 1685 (first 
  entry in the Register).
Drury and Anne Oliver, had issue: Elizabeth, b. 1718; John, b. 1720; William,
  b. 1722.
Drury and Amy Oliver of Bristol parish , had issue: Martha, b. 1725, d. 1726;
  Martha, b. 1727; Mary, b. 1728.
Drury and Elizabeth Oliver, had issue: Ann, b. 1734.
Thomas and Anne Oliver, of Bristol Parish, had issue: John, b. 1728.
Isaac and Elizabeth Oliver, had issue: Mildred, (b. 1742), Thomas, (b. 1743).
James and Ann Oliver had issue: Mary (b. 1748).
(Bristol Parish then included Chesterfield County (which was taken from 
  Henrico in 1748) Goochland (taken from Henrico in 1727) and parts of 
  Prince George and Amelia (which was taken from Prince George 1734); 
  Cumberland (taken from Goochland, 1747); Prince Edward (taken from Amelia
  1753); Nottoway (taken from Amelia 1788); Dinwiddie (from Prince George in 
Thomas and Agnes Oliver Godparents 1741-to neighbor's infant. (Albemarle
  Parish Register.)
Isaac Oliver, of Surry(1751) had 354 acres on Nottoway River. He married
  Elizabeth _________, and had issue: Martha,b 1751. Godmother; Mildred 
  Oliver. _____(Ibid.).
William Oliver, of Surry (1750); married Frances _______, and had Isaac,
  (b. 1751); Lucy (1758); Ann (1761); Frances (1763); Jane (1765) and 
  Rebecca (1771), who married William Wellborn, and had son, Benjamin O.
  Wellborn, father of Mrs. Scruggs, of Marion, Al. Ibid. 
John Oliver, of Surry (1740), married Elizabeth _______, and had Elizabeth
  (b. 1741) Godparents: John Pointer, John King and Elizabeth Rogers.----
  (All from Albemarle Parish register).
James Oliver,(June 1743) 400 acres both sides Great Nottoway River, and both
  sides Snales Creek. -( Amelia Land Book No.376).
James Oliver (June 1749) 75 acres both sides of Deep Creek; and in 1751, 400
  acres on the south side of North Fork of Great Nottoway.
Isaac Oliver, (1751),352 acres in Surry, south side of Nottoway, on county
  line between Surry and Brunswick. Isaac Oliver's lands in Sussex in 1755,
  near Richard Cocke.
Drury Oliver (1749), land in Prince George County, on Maw whippowack Creek
  and Hatcher's Run.
Drury and William Oliver Oliver, Godparents (1769), to Thomas, son of John 
  and Betty Chambliss.-(Albemarle Parish Register).
Drury Oliver of Dinwiddie County (1769) advertised a stray horse (Va. 
  Gazette). His estate near Petersburg (7 miles) administered 1773. 
  Considerable property. (Ibid.).
John Oliver of Dinwiddie County. Inventory 1813. (Records)
James Oliver, of Amelia County, (will 1745). On Nottoway River.
James Oliver of Amelia County (will 1787) mentions children : James, John,
  Asa, Isaac, William, Richard, Elizabeth Forest and Sarah Bolton. (Will
  Book 4, pg.42).
Isaac Oliver of Nottoway (son of James of the above will, 1787), married
  Sarah, sister of Elisha Betts. When a widow, Mrs. Oliver, with her four 
  younger daughters, removed to Botecourt (now Roanoke County) to be near 
  her brother, who had married a Miss Walton, of the family of Madame
  Octavia Le Vert, of Mobile, Al. Miss Betts died 1857. Miss Oliver, and
  daughters , lived on their estate called "Huntington," in Roanoke County.
  Issue: 1. William 2. Carter, m Sarah E. Mitchell, and had Carter B. and
  Isaac H. of Glade Springs. 3. Charles, of Roanoke County, b. 1777, d. 1851,
  m. 1807 Lucy Young Neal, and had Col. Yelverton Neal. b. 1808, d. 1887,
  only son, who built Metairie Race Track in New Orleans; and was father,
  among others, of Lucy Neal Oliver, who m. 1854, Dr James Mc Gavoc Kent,
  and had several children. 4. Asa, of Nottoway, d. s.p. 1850. 5. Isaac,
  m. Mary A.G. Bacon. 6. Nancy, married Mr. Coleman and had Mary; married
  Charles Carter of Nottoway. 7. Sally C., D.S.P. 8. Elizabeth, m. late in
  life, Thomas Walton, nephew of Mrs Betts; no issue. 9. Mary , m. Mr.
  Spraggins and went South. 10. Matilda M.; d.s.p. 11. Rebecca S., d.s.p.
Of These: No. 5, Isaac Oliver,of Nottoway m. Mary A.G. Bacon, and had issue:
  1. Judith, drowned, 8 yrs. old.
  2. Martha C., m. Peter Epes, of Nottoway, who, when he died,was about to 
  South. Had 5 children, and among these Richard Epes, father of Professor
  Horace Epes.
  3. Edmund Parks, of Al., Student William and Mary College 1830; m. Sarah
  Ward; three children living.
  4. James, d.s.p.
  5. Judge William C., of Tuscaloosa, Ala., b. 1817, Eminent lawyer; m. 
  (1) Miss Phillips, and had one son; m.(2) Lizzie Whitehead, and had a son
  (not known), and also Mrs. D.W. Duncan, of Eutah, Al.
  6. Mary Booker, m. Alexander White; twelve children, among them a daughter
  7. Isaac, of Hendersonville, m. Julia Murphy: three children.
  8. Charles Augustus, M. D., of Mississippi, came with his brother from Va.
  married Sarah Spann. Issue: Tyrie Spann, Edward Park, Isaac Epps, Alexander
  White, Sallie Generosa, William and Reverend Father Charles Augustus 
  Oliver, Catholic Priest, of Jackson, Miss., a popular and scholarly man, 
  taking great interest in his lineage, who has furnished these notes of his
  ancestry, in conjunction with Mrs. Lucy Neal Kent, Miss Anna Watkins and
  Mrs. Lucy J. Tuggle of Nottoway Court House, whose father was John Oliver
  son of Richard, mentioned in James', his father's, will, 1787.
Thomas Oliver, Trustee, in Charlotte Co., 1791, for a Mason's lottery, with
  Joseph Wyatt, and John B. and Francis Scott, William Hubard, John Coleman 
  and others, (Hening's Statutes, XIII, 315.
Isaac Oliver, of Prince George Co., m. Sally, daughter of Colonel Peter and 
  Mary Poythress Epes. (Va. Magazine of History. III).
Martha C. Oliver m. Peter Epes, son of Richard, and grandson of Colonel 
  Peter Epes of Nottoway. (See above).
Captain Benjamin Oliver, Jr., m. Lucy Harrison Tomlin (b. 1792), daughter of
  Colonel Walker Tomlin, in Hanover Co. She m. (II)1825, Dr. Wm. Randolph
  Nelson (who died 1862), of Hanover. No issue. Her Dau., Lucy Oliver,
  m. (1839) in King Wm. Co., Dr. Cary C. Cocke, of Bremo (b. 1814, d. 1888)
  and had John Hartwell, Nanny Oliver and Lelia Cocke. - (Hayden).
James Oliver,(1767) private in Colonel Nathaniel Gist's Regiment, 8th Comp.
William Oliver (1777) 3d Corporal Comp. C, in Colonel Alex. Spotwood's
William Oliver, Captain Lieutenant in Va. Continential Troops, State Line.--
John and Moses Oliver, privates in the same. 
John, Lewis and Turner Oliver, Privates (1778) in General George Rogers 
  Clark's Illinois Regiment.
John Oliver of North Carolina, Ensign in Second North Carolina. 
Thomas and James Oliver, Privates in General Marion's Regiment.
William Oliver, Corporal 3d Company, General Marion's Regiment. Killed 1779.