
The many colors in the spectrum of the rainbow reflect the many facets that comprise the whole of me. Welcome to my lil' corner of the World Wide Web. Here you will be able to experience a taste of who/ what/ where/ when/ why I am here, sharing this planet with you.

Sit back, relax (as this is a *NO-STRESS* zone), and enjoy the ride...

"Get over yourself, get on with it, and quit holding up the show!!!"(c) 2000

The Flow

My musical tastes are as wide and varied as my desire is great for just about anything that flows. If I hear something and it *grabs* me, *moves* me in some way, I definately enjoy it. A bit of philosophy, someone's name, the way someone speaks, whether it be in a song or not, if I have been *captivated* by it, it has a measure of influence over the flow of my life. I feel that life is best enjoyed when you are all about the flow. Anything and everything can be an addiction, and just because something is easy doesn't mean it is a part of positive flow. In fact, if that something is harming anyone (even yourself), it is being utilized in "excess" and is disrupting the positive flow. "And it harm none (not even yourself), do what you will." A very straight-forward way to approach a positive life.
In recent months, I am currently interested in new friendships within the local Pagan community and invite one and all to contact me @ if you feel inspired to do so.
Take Care and Blissed BeTM