The Ghostmachine

Resource Links to Amiga info, Mac info, Web Design info,
Free Original Graphics and Art. Tidbits, Tutorials, Miscellaneous,
and all the Stuff that makes a Home Page Personal.





dp Amiga News
What IS the Ghostmachine?

It's a new era and the Amiga is still a cost effective solution to one of the fastest computers of today utilizing dual processers, a 100mhz bus, and UltraSCSI-Wide. Such systems require LhA. The internet is not about IBM clones only, and even Gateway is EXTREMELY late in attempting to get any code onto the platform. It requires Adobe Postscript, QuickTime, Shockwave, but has advantages in file format standards such as GIF, PNG, IFF, ANIM, MPeg, JMPeg, and now the world is looking to disclude it from MPEG4, MNG, LhA and other internet standards. Gateway has certainly not been getting the word out, and so it will eventually be left up to us hardcore Animators, TV Artists, Web Graphic Artists, Television Production Professionals and Amatuers to keep each other afloat with freeware and shareware and what extremely little commercial (but extremely professional) application software we can find. I want LhA at geocities. -dp


What's New at the Ghostmachine? Nothing. Geocities refuses to allow .LZH, .LHA, .BRS, and AWN. Quite Frankly, they are really annoying me on NOT allowing the lha files at GeoCities thing. Delete the account then. The internet isn't about certain platforms and radical censorship, and they should know that, they make their living off of it and they are in violation of my freedom of choice as well as my freedom of speech.

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Copyright © Doug Peters,
Feb 25?, 1998, 1997

Welcome to The Ghostmachine

XRX Inc production artist and Symbiotic Design proprietor, designer, animator, consultant (p/t).


This site sponsored by: GeoCities
Please ask them to support LhA.
With Gateway in charge of Amiga, we may need it.

Either we get HDTV systems or we lose.