Official Kellie Smythe Homepage

maintained by Merijn van der Meer

created: August 11th 1996
Last change: October 25th 1999


What's new?

  • HOT NEWS, SOON!! SOUNDS of SINGING!!. (This time for real! Oct 1999)
  • Updated live performances, Oct 1999)
  • sound for "Raw FM" now available!!. (Jan 27)
    pictures later
  • Kellie has been in "Neighbours" and "Raw FM" as a guestrole.
    details and pictures later
  • Picture Gallery for Halfway across the galaxy
  • Changed look of the page (January 18th)
  • Added singing engagements dates.
  • More pictures of Lauren and Kellie
    and from Galaxy (November 11th) -> NEW ADDITIONS
  • Sounds! updated(Oct 11th 1996)

    DateName of show

    March   7th 1998 Future Millionaires club

    March 14th 1998 Armstrong (cancelled)

    March 21st 1998 Future Millionaires club

    is that Kellie just performed as support act for "The Seekers" in July!
    In total she sang about five songs, under which: "My heart will go on", "I will survive" and "I will always love you".
    And Kellie will be appearing in a new movie. The movie has just been filmed and it's called: 'Witch hunt'.
    Details are unknown.

    This is what Kellie has to say about her own page:

    August 11th 1996:
    Hi this is Kellie,
    It's really great to be on the web. Thank you for taking interest in what I do, hope you enjoy it.
    Please feel free to access this page whenever you like.
    Bye for now. Kellie!

    And this is what I have to say about it:

    In my opinion Kellie is a real nice person with a talent for
    singing and acting. (see Halfway across the galaxy;
    if you don't believe me!)


    She has a clear and powerful voice.
    Unfortunately she hasn't done that many TV shows so far.
    (Hope she starts doing that soon.)
    For that reason we only hear very little about her in Europe. So through this
    homepage I hope to change all that.
    Now a very few things about Kellie. She has brown hair of her own, but dyed it blonde this time. What's next Kellie? Red? We have had black and blonde now. (I'm only kidding). And the prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen. (Hint: listen to the song: "Spanish eyes", only replace Spanish with Australian) She likes Drama, singing, rollerblading, swimming, dancing and music. She really likes the "Falling into you" cd of Celine Dion. Her favourite song at the moment is: "I love you". Hmm, I have the feeling that this is slightly outdated now. She also likes groups as CDB, which is an Australian boy's group. She has quite a busy life, since she's doing TAFE and attains singing and dancing lessons.

    She has become friends with Lauren Hewett during the filming of Galaxy.

    Title  Year  Links  Pictures  Character/info  Sounds
     Anti-child abuse commercial




     main role, looks as if it's real.  not available
     Halfway across the galaxy and turn left  1991/1992 My pagepictures

     1,  2,  NEW 3,  NEW 4,  NEW 5,  NEW 6,

     Jenny Roland  available
     New faces





     not available
     Coca cola commercial





     not available
     Promo for Channel 10:"The extraordinary"





     not available
     Neighbours (nrs: ?)

    November 1998



      no text lines

     not available
     Raw FM (Raw 'n soar)

    9 January 1998




     in future
     Raw FM (B4 & after)

    20 January 1998



     Fan #2


    Live theatre: Professional singing engag ements
       Name Role Info
    1  Cinderella lead -
    2  Snow White lead -
    3  Sleeping Beauty lead -
    4  Art's sake lead -
    5  Kids in Space   -
    6  Frog Prince   -
    7  Fiddler on the roof Beilke -
    8  The sound of music Louisa around 1992
    9  The golden mask of Agamemnon   -
    10  Snow White and the dreadful dwarswicked queen   -
    11  Friends Katie Hall; done in Brittain, USA and Jap an in July/ August 1997
    12  The me and nobody knows   September 1997
     The Seekers opening act!
     The Lord Mayor Gala ball
     Golden star cabaret
     Empire receptions
     Whitehorse plaza
     Fountain gate
     Melbourne central
     Dallas Brooks hall
     National theatre

    We like to know what you think:

    Note: If you're looking for a good singer or actress, contact me through
    email (guestbook) and I contact Kellie.

    Visitors since August 11th 1996: credits to WebCounter from Simplenet.
    : statistics for this page by NedStat.
    Maintained by: Merijn van der Meer
    I must thank Kellie and her parents (officially endorsed) for their info on:
    Kellie Smythe!
    Linked by:   CelebStuck,   The Internet stars,   Webways  , celebrity index and &nbs p; Mudpuppy,   Listed Since 1998 - Link Directoryfansites .