Hotel Manager








Name: Justin Chanley
Nick: Banshee/DixonHill
Age: Seventeen
Date of Birth: August 7th, 1981 at 09:38 hours
Birthplace: Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital in Salinas, California USA
City of Residence: Salinas, California USA
Latitude 36.670, Longitude -121.650
Places of Schooling: Pre-School: Melody Park
K-2: Sacred Heart School
2-6: University Park Elementry School
7-12: Palma Jr/Sr High School
Computer: P133 - 47Mb RAM - 2.5Gb HD
ViewSonic 17G Monitor
Sportster Vi 33.6 FAX Voicemail
EPSON Stylus COLOR 600 Printer
Windows 95 v4.00.950 w/ MSOffice97 & MSPlus!
Netscape Communicator v4.02
mIRC v5.02
Places of On-Line Chatting: IRC Networks: EFnet & Undernet
Web Based Chat Networks: WBS
Favorites: Music Genres: Swing, 80's Retro, Alternative, Country, Original Cinematic and Theatrical Scores, Classical, and some Pop.

Bands and/or CDs: Cherry Poppin' Daddies, U2, Too Many Retro Bands to Name, Surgar Ray, Third Eye Blind, Clay Walker, Terri Clark, and the Scores to: Tomorrow Never Dies, The Peacemaker, and The Saint.

Movie Genres: Sci-Fi, Drama, Comedy, Horror, and Mystery.

Movie Titles: Star Trek 1-8, The Rocketeer, Dark City, Labyrinth, Contact, Threesome, The Puppet Master Series, Jeffrey, LA Story, Scream & Scream 2, and The Batman Series (Rank: 2,3,1,4).

Actors: Bill Campbell, and Tobias Mehler.

Actresses: Jennifer Connelly, and Kathleen Turner.

Food: Italian

Animal (mammal): Polar Bear

Animal (non-mammal): Common Loon

Color: Green