Welcome to the Club Nate intro page. This page is intended to welcome anyone and everyone who has an interest in learning about the Nates (Cable and X-Man). You can also help provide ideas for ClubNate through the guestbook on the experimental ClubNate page.
the X-Man bio sheet is now up courtesy of Jason Yu (it's a little old, but it's here).
If you wish to help us grow, visit the Official ClubNate Page or the alternate ClubNate Page
If you want to see who the officers of Club Nate are, click here. The Rules for ClubNate are also available for viewing (a must for anyone desiring to join Club Nate).
A final thing, We have added Sponsors (our official sponsor's page), so check it out.
Since this became the opening page (2/15/99), you are visitor #
If you have any questions, contact President B-Cool or
Mystic Mutant
The co-maintainters of the page.