note: please scroll all the way down and read the entire page.
First of all let me say that I'm VERY busy now ... which means I don't have as much time for tape dubbing. I will probably trade with you if you have something I really want, but I cannot do requests, sorry.
Another rant of mine which is on the music page, but I felt should go here as well: For Jrock groups (I suppose this applies to anime soundtracks too), I *strongly* suggest that if you do end up linking the bands you hear, that you please buy their original albums and videos to support them! They are now readily availiable on the net from such places as cdjapan and other on-line stores. I realize the high price of imports makes one wary of buying cd's and vids immediately, that's why there's this trading page - so we can sample first at lower risk. Now for anime fansubs, the genral rule is once a title becomes commercially availiable in North America, the tapes are pulled from trading lists, so if I have any titles that have gone commercial and I'm not aware of, please let me know.
1.Please state which tapes you would like to use. (I would prefer not to use no-name brands or Sony ED's or lower grade Memorex.)
2.If you are someone with whom I've traded with before (ie I can trust you), we can send tapes out at the same time. If you are someone I haven't traded with before, I'll ask that you send your tapes first before I send my set out. I'm sorry to ask this of people as I know it can discourage some, but I can only ask you to trust me to send your tapes. I've had to ask this because I've lost TOO MANY tapes to other people from supposed "trades".
3.If you are requesting tapes, please note I would prefer payment to be in CDN$ (MO's in CDN$ are fine). But if you MUST send USD$ I would only like Bank MO's please. Also note, I will only do requests if I'm not too busy.
*note: I can only tape in mono right now, and I'm in Canada - if that's discouraging/encouraging to any of you.
--> Danielle and Tina, if you're out there, email me!!!
Please email me if you would like to trade.
Last Update: March 11, 2000