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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

"New Adventures"
Opening Act

Scene opens at the County Memorial Hospital. Doug Ross in on duty with Carol Hathaway and Mark Greene. Everybody is working on different things...Carol watching monitors, Mark going over a chart, and Doug reading back some notes he's made about something else.

Action is interrupted by a ringing phone, which Carol quickly reaches
to answer.

Carol (into phone receiver):
County Memorial, Carol Hathaway speaking.
(her face brightens into a smile at the sound of the voice on the other end, which we do
not hear)
Hi, Chris! Yeah! He's right here! Hold on!
(reaches the phone to Doug quickly)
It's Chris! He wants to talk to you!

Doug takes the receiver and leans back against the desk station. Cut the screen to show both brothers in the picture...Doug in his hospital scrubs leaning on the desk...Chris in jeans and a t-shirt sitting on a desk.

Doug (brightly):
Hey, Kiddo! What's up?

Chris (smiles):
How's Chicago, Bro?

Oh, same ole, same ole. You know how it goes.

Guess you read about the track crash, huh?

Oh, yeah! I read all about that. They said you're OK though, and they expect
you back on the track in no time.

Yeah, well, it may not be quite that simple. The doctors here are talking about
surgery for my knee.

Banged it up pretty good, did you?

Listen, Doug, I'll be honest with you, OK? I got a lot of things on my mind and I think I need to get out of here for a while. I'd like a second opinion about my knee. And I'd like it to come from somebody you trust. If I come up there, could you get somebody to take a look at it?

Sure, Bud! That's not a problem at all.

Chris (quietly):
And if I do have to have it cut on, well, I think I'd just rather be with family for a while, OK?

Doug (smiles):
Come on home, Bro. The door's open.

Chris (smiles now):
Thanks, Doug! I'll be there tomorrow, OK?

I'm on duty all day! Just come on to the hospital and I'll see you then.

You know someplace I can stay while I'm there?

Sure! Hotel Ross! The accommodations aren't the greatest, but, I got a sofa bed that's never been slept on and it's free! I'll be glad to have you! It's OK.

Then, I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks, Doug.

Doug (smiles):
Hey, Kid, that's what families are for!

Show Chris hanging up the phone in Florida and Doug reaching the phone back to Carol in Chicago.

So, you're gonna have company for a while, huh?

Doug (smiles as he starts away):
Yeah! My little brother's coming home!

What was that about him being as good as new in no time?

Doug (looking back over his clipboard note):
Had a crash on the track about three weeks ago. Hit a wall and banged up his knee pretty bad. Doctors in Florida are talking surgery and he wants a second opinion, so, he wants to come home. (turns to look at her quizzitively) Why?

Carol (dumbfounded expression):
Oh, no reason, really. Just wondered what was wrong.

Doug (laughs, goes back to his notes):
Got a thing for my little brother, now, have you? (Laughs again) Just can't leave those Ross men alone, can you, Carol?

Doug goes on off down the hall, chuckling to himself.

Cut to show Carol with a 'slow burn' look on her face and fade

Opening Act into Opening Credits of show

Act One