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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

Second Chances for the Lucky

Part 1

Scene 1-Doctors' Lounge

(Greene & Ross enter doctors' lounge)
So in less then an hour you'll be on a plane to Baltimore for the exciting Pediatric Conference. Why again did you volunteer to go?(looking bewildered)

I get two days away from the chaos I call my life and get to participate in a seminar conducted by Ben Carson.

(entering the lounge)
You are going to the Carson seminar?

Yes, and get a tour of Johns Hopkins Pediatric Ward, a real hospital.

Carson's a great man and superior doctor. Pediatiric neurosurgeon.. one the the toughest fields.
(Greene staring at the phone. Benon's pager goes off.)

Damn it!(rushes upstairs to surgery)

(looking at Greene)
For god sakes call her!

Call who?

Call Susan, that's why she gave you her number. Chat up a storm and let the hospital pay for it. Say it's a professional call.

I don't know....

Doug, we have a three year old, just pulling up, fell down the stairs.. pretty bad.

I'll take it, you better go.

No I got it, it's only 10 minutes to the airport. You call Susan and get the gossip from Phoenix.
(Ross leaves lounge, Greene picks up the phone and dials)

Scene 2-Malcom X Community College

(Carol and William working on project)

Wow, I think we finally have finished and I must say it looks great.

Yeah, but you did most ot the work, however, that seems to the only way for me to get an A. So I'm going to take it. (slightly laughing)

Hey, that's what I'm here for. (smiles at Carol)

Scene 3

(Ross working on helping the three year old. Child suffers a dislocated shoulder and a severe gash on his forehead. Ross is taking longer then he expected with the child, who is in terrible pain. He gives the child something for the pain and is talking to him, in hopes of calming the child down.)

Scene 4--doctors' lounge

(Greene talking on the phone to Susan and playing with the lounge's TV remote. Greene looks at his watch realizes he's been on the phone for close to an hour.)

Susan I gotta go, can I call you later tonight?... Okay, talk to you later and Susan.. I miss you.
(As he is hanging up the phone, Greene notices a SPECIAL REPORT flash on the TV screen.)

TV Commentator
SPECIAL REPORT--Passenger plane just crashed during takeoff at O'Hare Airport. We repeat....
(Greene runs out to the ER to notify everyone of the coming patients. Mark asks someone to call Carol. Doug is coming out of the exam room, as the three year old is being taken to the peds ward for observation, he says he'll call her. He then goes to the phone book and gets the number fo the communitiy college. Right before the first patient is brought in Carol arrives.)

Go to Part Two

Scene 4--various exam rooms
Greene & Haleh
(Male crew memeber in shock with various cuts and bruises is taken by Greene. He is crying and not sure of where he is at. In his hands is a pillow from the plane, spotted with blood. Greene and Haleh work on getting his vitals and prying the pillow from his grasp.)
Weaver & Jeannie
(An elderly man with serious head trauma and neck injuries is taken by Weaver. Weaver and Jeannie works on his injuries as he goes into cardiac arrest. Jeannie starts CPR, as Weaver charges the paddles. Pladdles, charged as high as they can go, fail and Jeannie keeps performing CPR.)
Benton & Carter
(Elderly man's wife is next victim, she is taken by Benton. She suffers internal injuries, ruptured spleen and a puncture to her kidneys. Carter helps Benton stabilize her vitals, so they can transfer her to the OR for surgery to remove her spleen and try to save her injured kidney.)
Ross & Hathaway
(Seven year old girl with an amputated foot and collapsed lung is brought in and taken by Ross.)
(to paramedic)
What happened?(looking at the child's missing foot)Do you have her foot?
Her foot wasn't located. Don't know what happened. The plane took off, then a few seconds later it just dropped out ot the sky, according to witnesses. Hell of a scene. Many passengers were killed instantly. The few that might be saved are being spread between you, here at County, Mercy and Chicago Hope.(looking at the patient)Good Luck!
(putting pressure on the child's stump)
American Airlines Flight 716 to Baltimore
(working on stabilizing her breathing)
What?!(turning pale)
That was the flight. She has her ticket stub in her pocket.(looking at Doug) Doug, are you all right?
Fine, someone call upstairs to surgery and tell them we have a seven year old with a collapsed lung and amputated foot, but no foot found, so we are going to focus on stabilizing her and getting her to surgery to repair her lung.(Ross and Hathaway work on helping the girl. Soon Jerry enters..)
Dr. Ross you won't believe this.
What is it Jerry? We're quite busy!
Chicago Hope just called, they have a small child's foot and no child to put it on.
Oh my God, Lydia get us some ice for her stump and fast.
Is it on its way?
Yes, they have it on a chopper as we speak. ETA is about 4 minutes.
Jerry notify the surgeon on duty that the foot was located and that we are going to need a microsurgeon. Lydia, start icing her stump we need to keep those nerves alive for reattachment.

(Medical procedures go on...
Weaver and Jeannie are not able to restart the elderly man's heart. Benton and Carter surgically remove elderly women's spleen, but have to remove her injured kidney. She's in ICU in critical condition. Greene stabilizes crew member and stitches up his cuts. He, soon, starts to remember the crash. Move victims flow into County, most are DOA or in severe critical condition, very few come in with only minor broken bones and cuts.)

Scene 5--admission desk
(Greene/Weaver taking information on the various patients from Hathaway & the other doctor's and nurse's)
Dr.Greene.. we have a list of the passengers being faxed to us, so we can identify the one's we have at County.
Give it to me as soon as it's recieved.(looking around)Where's Doug?
He went to check on that little girl up in surgery. I guess he is still up there.
(reading the fax of passenger name's, Jerry looks stunned as the last of the names is received)
Oh My God!!(everyone turns and looks at Jerry)
What is it?
One of the passenger's names...
Someone you know, Jerry?
Someone WE all know! Dr.Douglas Ross.
(looking stunned)
That was Doug's plane... that's why he almost fained when I told him the flight number. God, I didn't even make the connecction that it was going to Baltimore.
(look of shock on his face)
He IS one lucky guy.

Scene 6--basketball court outside of hospital
(Doug shooting baskets, Carol walks out and looks at him)
I heard the little girl's going to be fine and her foot was reattached with no problems.
Yeah! Someone must have been watching out for her. Too bad that person wasn't watching out for the others who had to die.
Well, someone must have been watching out for you, too.
I guess.(looking down as he bounces the basketball)
It scared me for a brief moment, when Jerry read your name from the list of passengers. I had a second where I forgot you WEREN'T on the plane.. and that you were safe.
(there's a moment of silence)
(stops bouncing the ball and looks at the basket)
I guess I'll have to make every moment count to make up for this so-called second chance.(he shoots the ball and it drops through he net and then turns and looks at Carol)
It's not a so-called second chance, it IS a second chance. I should know(looking directly at Doug), waking up from my suicide attempt was mine.
I guess we both have someone watching out for us.
(Ross walks over to Carol gives her the basketball, places his hands on her face, as he gives her a gentle, but passionate kiss on the lips. He then walks back into the hospital. Carol smiles and shoots the ball, making a basket, then turns back and goes into the hospital.)

Scene 7--waiting room TV
TV Commentator
We are, live, at the scene where American Airline Flight 716 destine to Baltimore crashed right after takeoff, some 10 hours ago. The passenger plane was carrying 168 passengers, 11 of the 168 were crew memebers. It was originally stated at 173 passengers, but we have confirmation that 5 passengers missed the flight for some reason or another. So far, we have been informed of 89 deaths, 10 being crew member's. There is notification that one crew member did survivie and once he or she is stable, investigators will begin questioning them on what they remember before the plane went down. Most of the 89 were dead on arrival to the crash scene. The injured were taken to either Cook County, Chicago Hope or Mercy Hospitals, depending on the injuries. We'll have more when more is avialable. Back to the studio.