Season Number: 7 Production (Airing) Number: 552 (152)
Part II of II ( Part I: Image in the Sand )
Guest Stars: Jeffery Combs - Weyoun
Casey Biggs - Damar
Barry Jenner - Admiral Ross
J.G. Hertzler - Martok
Deborah Lacey - Sarah
Megan Cole - Cretak
Brock Peters - Joseph Sisko
Director: Allan Kroeker
Writing: Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
Summary: Sisko meets Ezri, the new host of the Dax symbiont, before departing Earth for the planet Tyree with his father, Joseph, and son Jake. Ezri wishes to accompany them on their search for Bajor's mythical Orb of the Emissary, which Sisko has been led to believe exists. Back at the station, Kira prepares a blockade to stop the Romulans, who have placed weapons on a Bajoran moon. On a Klingon ship, Worf, O'Brien, Bashir, and Quark embark on a mission of their own: to destroy a Dominion shipyard, thus securing a place for the spirit of Worf's dead wife Jadzia in the sacred Klingon afterlife of Sto-vo-kor.