How my page is managed

      How I Manage My Web Site


The goal of my web site is to be a source of information and entertainment about the art of animation and the Features we know and love. This site will not simply have links from page to page. It will have pertinent information. This site will not be a redundancy of what is already on the web. I will try to be original. Should you feel I have broken my word, feel free to e-mail me. My e-mail address will be at the bottom of each page.

My Apology

My apology to you is that I cannot promise to constantly update my web site. Currently, I am in college, and I only have internet access while I'm here. I am in college to learn, not maintain a web site, so during times of great stress (and homework!!) I am afraid this site will be out of date. I will do my best to keep up. I would appreciate your patience.


Thanks for taking the time to read this admittedly boring preliminary page. I felt it was necessary to explain some fundamentals of my web site. This site is my hobby, and I am just learning HTML. I do not use a HTML generator. (I'm stubborn that way...). I figured the best way to learn HTML was to make a page over one of my favorite things- ANIMATION. So with all this in mind, please enter my web site and enjoy! Any suggestions are welcome. Have fun!

Last Updated 1/16/99