About Me

Edward Vagg

Age: 29

Location: Near Canberra, Australia.

Job:  Graphic Pre-press Operator.

Car: 1982 Toyota Celica. (real), 1968 Dover Lightning (My Interstate '76 car)

Hobbies: Photography, Skiing, Scuba Diving. I'm also trying to play Tennis!

Music: Favorite band is The Beatles, but also enjoy U2 and rock music in general. Favourite Australian band is The Gadflys, a great yet underrated band that plays music that defys genre.

Movies: Almost all of them. My favourite Aussie film is THE CASTLE.

Favorite beer: Toss up between Hahn Ice, Carlton cold, or Tasman Ice.

Least favorite beer: Fosters.

Non Anime Links: Other peoples sites that I like.

a href="/SunsetStrip/Backstage/3304/">

A Night Out In The Big City: A Blog website done by someone called "Old Fart" which is worth a look.

The Gadflys: The official Gadflys website.

Canberra Independent Music Newswire:  This site is features lots of handy information about the Canberra music scene.

Bert is evil!: When I was a kid I didn't realise just how horrible the Sesame Street muppet was. But now I know..

The Gypsy Bar: A great place where you can actually find live music...

Australiana: Australian News: A dead useful site that I keep bookmarked for up-to-date news.

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