Question of the Week!
~This Weeks Question~ If you had 20 Seconds to talk to your favorite Hanson brother, what would you say to him and why? Hurry, ya only have 20 seconds!!!!! Email me with your Answer. . . . HURRY!!!

Don't forget to tell me your name! so, you can have full credit for
what you wrote!

Last weeks Question: If you could be an object in Hanson's
bedroom, what would you be and why?
Well, if I was an object in Hanson's bedroom, I would be a t.v. because
they would turn me on (they do that even if I wasn't a t.v hehe)  and
when they're around me, they can be themselves. I would make them laugh,
cry, be mad...whatever t.v. show they picked. Plus they would sit and
watch me for as long as they wanted, all eyes on me. Instead of them
always entertaining people, I would be the one entertaining them, which
would be really cool.
 ~Melanie~ ( )
I would be Zac's pillow so i could smell his golden shiny
hair!!!!!!!!!!! He he he he he he he he he he!!!!!!!!!
~Laura~ From Indiana!
( )
I wrote this one myself:
If I could be an object in Hanson's Room, I would be their ceiling,
so that they would stare at me everynight before they fall asleep.
~Heidi~ from Canada
( )
Thankyou to Laura and Melanie for their very good responses!
Peace, Love, and Bullet Proof (_()'s!

PLEASE send me any good suggestions that you have for
my next question of the week! Here

 Here's a little quote that's kinda neat, that I thought you should read:
" Issac, Taylor, Zachary are normal human beings like the rest of us.
They're not just pop culture gods, fashion models, or the love children of
every teenage girl in the nation. They're normal mature teenagers who do
the stuff you or I do...hang out at arcades, rollerblade, spend time with
friends, and eat at fast food restaurants. But there's something else there,
something that can only be referred to as God given- and that is the
blessing of musical talent."