7 / 14 / 98

First off, I want to thank all of the wonderful people who have been supporting me through this. I know that a lot of you took the Shutdown really hard, and to you guys, I really do apologize if I upset you. My last post, however justified, was a little bit out of line.

If you noticed the headline on the mainpage, you'll know that I don't intend to disappear after this. I'm starting up a personal homepage, so all of my friends and page patrons can see how I'm doing. I'll post the address when it starts looking halfway decent. Anyway, on with Newsie-Related News:

I talked to Flash. She was a little let down (but BOY did I deserve the guilt trip) but she ultimately agreed with me. She was a little unclear on the themes I used in my manifesto (see below) but now that I thin kabout it, I am to. So she said it would be up to me to decide the fate of the page. There have ben countless offers from gals who wanted to take care of it, and I'm looking into many of them. I'll keep you guys posted.

Speaking of the fate of the page, looks at this (it was in the guestbook) : "I got this petition from someone that wanted to take over the site. I signed it but I don't remember who it was that wanted to take over, does anyone know?" Take over my page? (Yes, still MY page. I DO own it.) I'm sorry. I live in America so I wouldn't let my page be hijacked. But, for the person who started the petition, and EVERYONE who signed it (just as guilty in my book), don't even think about. Don't let the thought enter your mind again. You're full a' poop. :)

While we're on the subject of the guestbook, I wanna take this moment to address a few interesting posts. Here's one I actually laughed at: "Send the letter to everyone you know that likes the movie (i think it sucks)!!!" Then why are you at my page?? *l*

Becki from Kansas writes : "Some people have no life if they live, breath and die for another new story on a this site. I love Newsies, it's a great movie, and I love it to death, but some people got a little pathetic. Okay that's my two cents. Kudos to Button's!" I love that girl all ready. *bg*

And important one from Daisy in Colorado : "Whoever is running the whole petition thing send it to me. B&F- See, there are lots of people who love you guys and this place!(Myself included) Please listen to all of us who didn't do anything wrong and give us a second chance. I think(and this is NOT an insult in any way,shape, or form) that you guys should have some people help you run it in here. Yes, you do have lives, and this is not the only part of it that you have.(does that make sense?) As for those bums who had the nerve to trash you guys, I say us Newsies and Newsgirls should soak em'! Don't let what those people upset you! they`re just looking for a fight. If there's any more public bashing you guys, we'll defend ya!"
The merciless bashing wasn't the whole reason we closed the page. There were a plethora (ooh, college word) of reason behind it. The mean-ness on the Banner was simply the last straw. I didn't do it to punish anyone. I did it because I was tired. I was tired of working, tired of HTMLing and backgorund-ing and spell-checking. I was also kinda tired of Newsies. So please don't take the Shutdown as "Buttons tary with revenge". Because it wasn't that at all. And as I said before, while the reign of Buttons may be falling, I'm fairly sure that soon another will take my place, as King of the Jungle. WOOPS! Wrong simile.

Yikes. Spud in Chicago reports : "If you have read all of Button's final statement, you will notice she said that she wouldn't mind anybody taking over the page. This petition is not to yell or command her to continue, but for MYSELF and a few others to take it over, cuz we and all the other Newsies would hate to see it go!" Now I know who started that petetion! really, I'm not surprised. And it STILL isn't happening. I'll tell you frankly: I don't like Spud. I think he was rude and obnoxious. Sorry if this insults him or his buddies. It's just an opinion I REALLY wanted to share. *expects a post from Spud full of b-words*

Okay, that's enough of that.

In conclusion, I'm really sorry that this page has lost ALL integrity. Many people have taken this so seriously. They bicker and fight and now, instead of bashing me, they've bashed on themselves. We must remember that a Lodging House divided cannot stand. I hate the idea of the fighting that this page has caused. I hate (hate hate HATE) the petition. And I hate that even as the fire of the page was reduced to embers, so many failed to respect the page, the Banner, Flash and I.

Again, a big hug and kiss to everyone who supported us. You have no idea how much easier it made things. I hold no grudges against the people who helped us out (you know who you are). And even if you supported us but didn't email or sign the Banner, I still am really grateful for you. I love you guys. Not Gone Forever Buttons PS: Can't we all just ... get along? *l*

6 / 24 / 98

Okay. First, this is Buttons. Flash has nothing to do with the ramble I am about to embark on. She doesn't even know it's happening. In fact, she isn't even in the STATE. Okay, on with my shpeil.

Before I start defending myself, my page, and Flash, I have some questions. Since when were Flash and I up for public BASHING? Why do you guys feel you have the right to yell at us about what we do or don't do? Would you ever, EVER consider emailing Jack Gambol with slurs like, "learn a new word: UPDATE", or litter his guestbook with garbage? (Another thing, when did the Banner turn into a "let's see who can diss B&F the worst" grafitti wall?) No, you wouldn't. Maybe that's because we were way friendlier than Jack. I love Jack. Jack is great. Jack is God. But he kept to himself. He was professional. And the only thing that made Flash and I un-proffesional-like was the fact that we opened up to you guys. We decided to be your friends. We got to know you on a cool-factor level. Is that why you guys thought you had every right to bust on us? Because we were friends, all of us? Okay, wait. So people you don't know, you are nice to. People you are buddies with, you can hiss about behind their backs. Actually, many didn't have the decency to keep it quiet. A lot of people did right in our faces. Right in the banner! OUR Banner! On OUR page, which we will update when we choose. Why? Because it's ours. The page belongs to us. Anything that happens to it or doesn't happen to it is entirely under OUR control. And just so you understand, our page is a hobby. A hobby. Something we do when the urge strikes us.

And you were right. We did have a responsibility. And I'm sorry you guys feel let down. But if you're taking it so seriously--if you're taking this insignifigant little thing, this little page, this one issue, so greatly much to heart--maybe you should be worrying about OTHER things. If you check daily, hoping and praying for something new, that's almost sad. I'm sorry I couldn't meet your expectations. (Jesus, I can sense it...this is the part where my resolve breaks down and I weep at the keyboard. I came to this wanting to bitch until my face turned blue, and now I'm apologizing. What a world!)

In conclusion, the page is dead. It's gone. This is an archive now.

UNLESS, someone worthy wants to take over. Email me. But you have to prove you can handle it. It will eat your time. People will hate you, turn on you. VULTURES, all of them. No, no wait. That was just me.

Why are we giving it up? Why? Many reasons. The main one is, as the way-cool, ultra-lovable "unknown of the banner" pointed out...this Newsies thing is so old. It's been over a year that we've worked on this. Me alone for two months, Flash on board for the rest of the time. And around that, oh....NINTH month, it got so old we wanted to hurl. Newsies will always hold a place very dear in our hearts. I, personally, am still enthralled with it. I sat down and watched it the other day. I was so excited I almost choked on a pretzel. But fanatics (and you know who you are) really do cheapen it for the rest of it. I'd rather not have my newsie-loving status equated with infantile, driveling teeny-boppers. And it's only a few who make it this way.

I remember the good old days. I was there with the brave gals who started this she-bang we call the Newsie Net Invasion. Song, Aly of the Lodging House, Jack Gambol (patron saint of Newsies, we love you), my near and dear Chickadee (love ya girlie), Missy (I wonder if she's even still around in our little cult), Cola, and so many others. I remember the day when I had only four stories to my credit. When I was scavenging for the minimum five sites for the creation of the Newsies Web Ring. It was cool then. It was real then. And when it was growing so fast, we were proud, the founders and I. We thought, "Hey, now THIS is something. Look what we've started! Look what we've sparked!" But I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that it has gotten too far. And seems lke everything it began as is gone. Is it even about the movie anymore? Do we even care about it? You say you are hungry for stories. What are you hungry for really? Rejoicing in our boys, or the satisfaction of wearing us down? (Am I being overdramtic?)

I've said my peice. One last thing. Someone said they KNEW for SURE I was on the Net because I IM-ed her friend. I don't even know what IM-ing is. Isn't that an AOL thingie? And whoever that sorry, blodd-sucking fiend is who wrote that you are DAMN lucky I don't remember your name. DOUBLY lucky that I don't care enough to check.

I, personally, have been pushed too far by you people. I really appreciate those of you who have supported us, who have been really kind and offered us help. To all the unkowns out there who have hated this stupidly one-sided fued as much as I have, I thank you from the bottom of my newsie-loving heart. *slight chuckle* You know, Newsies is still the only thing I write about?

Would whoever runs the mailing list, please add me to it? I will miss all my friends when this crazy whirligig of misery is over. I want to be a part of it. Maybe I'll circulate my new Newsie stories to the listers as I write them. Gracie stories are in the works, and I have a lot of storylines all kinked out in my head. I hope you'll have me. If you won't, if you cannot forgive me my sins...I understand. And I'm sorry I can't make it up to you. Please forgive me, though. If you could forgive me, it would be all I ever asked of you . . . .

The Newsie Fan Fic Collection is dead. Move on. Go home.


PS: Flash is going to skewer me and roast me alive when she reads this. If you ever wonder if it was nice to know you, let me assure you now, that it was.

4/ 5 / 98

Hey, Flash here. Buttons & I have been getting a lot questions about the page lately and since some of them have been asked by more then one person I'm going to answer the commonly asked questions up here to save time.


Geocities gives you only a little bit of space for each little section of your page, and Buttons & I used up all of our space given to us for the Complete Works section. We had to start the More Completed Works section for all the new complete works we get.


Buttons made a little boo-boo when she put that story (she forgot to html it), so I had to take it down. An htmled version of the story will be up soon, in the mean time you can check out part 1 of the story by going to Works in Progress.

2/ 22 / 98

The winning story for the "Write Your Heart Out" contest is...... Sanctuary of Darkness by J.H. Eisler. Since Buttons and I weren't able to meet our deadline for when the winner would be announced, we're working on a special new section on our page to make up for it. Hopefuly you all will forgive us. Also I wanted to thank everyone who has been mailing us offering to help with the page. We'll getting back to each of you personally soon. Oh, one more thing. The second Academy 1896 Awards are rapidly approaching. The ballads will open March 15th and close March 30th. The Awards will then be held April 4th, the specifics will be given out when the ballad box is open. Well, that's all for now. Later!


2/ 21 / 98

Hi! My parents went on a road trip, leaving me alone with the computer for six hours. Stupid fools. *giggle* So I did a bunch a' work. The Academy 1896 Awards are now posted on their respectively winning stories! Check 'em out, they're very snazzy. The best author winners' aren't up tho, but soon (hopefully) I'll be constructing a little shrine for 'em. Her'es a sample award, the one I won for Gracie (go me!) :

Pretty cool huh? A big thanks to my friend Steve (aka Smee) for making those for us, we're eternally thankful.

So check out the new stories! My rents are due back any moment now so I gotta jet. Love ya!!!!!


2/ 20 / 98

Hey kids! Bad news. Well, good news first :

Ever wonder who the crazy chick is who started all this Newsie-madness? *g* Well, here I be, in all my glory. Me as a tyke...

Wasn't I cute? That's all for now, I don't have any recent pics of us scanned yet. The New York pictures turned out great and when the bad news blows over, I'll scan them on and you can witness the beauty of Flash too! Including one pic of me on her back (she is TOO buff).

So for the bad news :

We got grounded. We're devastated. Our page is left in ruin (it's archaic in here....ooh, vocab word). I weep as I type. But we will return...eventually. We hope. Until then, we are torn as to what to do! We don't want to burden Chick again (the big college student). Anyone out there qualified? Email me (I check it at school sometimes, I'm at school right now as a matter of fact.)

Lately like a million bajillion people have mailed me about the WebRing. For those guys (I hope you read this) I'm not ignoring you, you are entirely worthy people, I'm sure. It isn't my fault I SWEAR! All you need to do is email the owner of a WebRing site (ANY WEbring site) and they can get you in (they've got the passwords.) Wow I love parantheses (you have no idea).

Well, until the universe attains balance and I return to you, my friends, I gotta jet.


2/ 13 / 98

Hey everyone! If you haven't voted for the Write Your Heart Out Contest yet you better do it soon, valentines day is the absolute final day to vote. The results of the contest will be posted by Feb. 16 at the latest. I know Buttons and I haven't updated the page in a little while, well actually a long while, but we will be able to at least keep on top of the contest and stuff like that. To go directly to the voting ballad click here. Well, that's all for now. Seeya!


1/ 23 / 98

The voting ballad for the Write Your Heart Out Contest is finally up. Just go to the contest page and you'll find a link to it. Also on the contest page is the new contest theme, so go check it out!

Also, Buttons' and I are EXTREMELY sorry for the lack of effort on our parts on the page. We don't have as much 'net time as we used to due to some trouble with our 'rents so it's hard for us to work on the page. For the most part the only time we get adequate amounts of 'net time (enough time to put up stories on the page) is on weekends, and we're usually with our buds then. But, we ARE trying so try not lose ALL your faith in us just yet. If worse comes to worst we'll hire someone to work on our page for us until we're better able to care for the page, but that's kind of a last resort. The two of us have probably be letting you all down a lot lately, and once again we're really sorry. Just stick with us and things will get better soon.


1/ 11 / 98

Heya! Some of you might be wondering what exactly is going on with Write Your Heart Out (the bi-monthly contest). Well, we've finally got the last story up for the Male Bonding theme (which, might I add, happens to be pretty good). So, be expecting the voting ballad this week, hopefuly in the next few days, as well as the new theme for the next contest.

One more thing. Anyone who won an Academy 1896 Award, or was either 1st or 2nd runner up, Buttons and I will be mailing you your award this week. Seeya!


1/ 4 / 98

As you probably noticed Buttons and I made a few changes in the page. We were getting sick of the way it looked before so we decided to spiffy it up a bit. You like? Mail us with what you think of the page's new look.


1/ 3 / 98

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh! *banging their heads against the wall*. We've got some not-so-great news. As you prob'ly noticed a li'l mistake was made in the last message. It was supposed to say the awards will be held Jan. 3rd (which happens to be today). We are soooooooo sorry for the mistake. The awards will be held this Tues. no matter what, we SWEAR. If anything at all goes wrong you can..... you can... well, you can do something really bad to us! Once again, we are EXTREMELY sorry. Please forgive us.

Your loyal servents for eternity,

Buttons n' Flash

1/ 2 / 98

The Academy 1896 Awards will be held Jan. 2 (tomorrow). Sorry one of us didn't confirm sooner, it totally slipped our minds. Anyways, the pre-awards festivities will commence at 7:00 EST. See you all then.


12/ 28 / 97

Buttons and I were talking the other day and we realized that we had scheduled the awards to be held on New Years Eve. So, due to the fact that we, well at least I have previously scheduled plans, and that no one (especially Buttons and I) wants to spend the last night of '97 on the 'net, the two of us have decided to bump the awards back a little, probably 'til Friday, we'll know for sure tomorrow. But, no matter what day the awards are held, the time schedule will be the same as specified earlier (meet in the AWARDS room at 7:00 EST, check back at the page at 8:00, etc.). We're really sorry for the setback, we wern't thinking right when we made the plans. Well, hope to see you all at the awards!


12/ 28 / 97

Hey! Buttons here! I tried to get onto chat today and it kept freezing my computer you think it's a sign? *laughs* So here I am, working dilligently. *smile*

About the WBS party, if aren't familiar with WBS go here and get registered. Don't worry, it's free!!!

Alright, here I go. One more thing : I worked a LOT the other day but was stupid and didn't update the main page, you know where it says # new and all that junk. But there ARE new stories to be read so go read 'em!!!


12/ 28 / 97

Hey everyone, big news! Buttons and I have set a date for the Academy 1896 Awards. They'll be held this Wed. at 8:00 EST. But, before they start we're having a pre-awards show party at WBS in the private room AWARDS which will start at 7:00 EST. At 8:00 go to the Awards page and reload a few times until you see the results. Afterwards come back to the party.

One more thing, I for the most part am back on the 'net, and Buttons is slowy gaining more and more 'net time so the two of us will be back on top of things shortly. Keep an eye out for some changes in the page coming soon.

Oh, and I almost forgot, we are no longer accepting stories for the contest. All the details regarding the contest aren't worked out yet, but as soon as they are you all will be notified.

Oh, one more thing, this is it, I promise. Buttons and I will be giving you all a run-down of our trip to New York and our rendez-vous with Chick and Swifty sometime in the near future. We're going to wait until the pictures we took get developed so we can scan some of them on.

Well, that's all for now.


12/ 18 / 97

Hey guys! Me AGAIN.

Today Chris Farley died. Can you believe this????? *cry* I loved him!!!! He was the best. Remember when I built a memorial page for Dominic Lucero? Well, I did the same for Chris earlier to day. Please go see it here. It's not quite done yet. Wanna get a full bio and some more pics. And maybe some sounds. So keep checking back.

Boy this sucks.


12/ 17 / 97


I'm a good person. I really am!!! But lately, my dad's been working like crazy and I'm lucky if I can get on to check my MAIL. I'm only on right now because the 'rents are out buying me goodies. *evil grin* So, I'm working now, and I hope to get some work done, not much mind you, but some. I'm just going to forgo the editing process (typos, spelling, outrageous accents, etc.) so don't be surprised if there are some glaring errors in the new stories.



Woohoo!!!! We are thrilled. My mom is the coolest and even though our train (ooh, tell me, does it have a club car?) leaves at five, she's getting us out of school at noon so we can sleep. We need, of course, to be rested so we can hang with Chick and Swifty all night. *s* We can't wait to meet them. I love Chick. She's my sis, my compadre. We're going to force her to take us to the Horace Greeley statue. =)

And Flash's dad is still a penis so her access is sparse. Like, even more than mine.

Guess who's starting a Newsie trend at school??? ME!!! I've forced Newsies on people. First, I lent it to the musical-lovers. Then my other buds felt left out of the "newsie craze" and I lent it to them. They became obsessed. Lastly, I gave it to the people who seemed like they wouldn't watch it if their lives depended on it. I got ONE of those. =) I'm so thrilled, people are ocming up to me and singing lyrics at me. Even today in gym, I was changing when Alison and Maria, some girls in my class, charged in the locker room, belting out a verse of "King of New York". I am SO thrilled.

My last little note for now : Number 1) We've decided to nix the whole Hall of Fame idea. It just doesn't WORK. Number 2) The deadline for votes for the Academy1896 Awards is Monday, so if you haven't voted, DO IT. DO IT NOW.


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