What's Up

What's Up

Wanna' know what's up with the page or my life in general? You've come to the right place! I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible (and who knows how often that will be!).

Updated 05/08/98
I'm ba-a-a-a-ack! School is FINALLY out, and I miss it already! Anyways, I have a bit more spare time on my hands, so I'm hoping to get things a whole lot more caught up. "And Starring..." desperately needs to be improved, so that's next on my LONG list! I just finished something new, so if you have a minute, click by and take my Pointless Survey! Thanks!

Updated 04/02/98
Well, I finally made a little bit of significant change to the page! Woohoo! Boy, if that's the most exciting moment of my day, I would say I live a pretty pathetic life... ANYWAY, in case it didn't hit you on the face when you loaded the page, I FINALLY got around to making myself a banner. It is a little thing, but my own. *S* We started Photoshop in my computer graphics class on Tuesday, and I apparently picked up enough to be able to fool around like that. Also, me and my pal Bit are going to be working on a whole seperate page for the fan fic directory instead of having it just be part of this one. If you want to check out what's almost there, you can go here. Ummmm...what else is new in my life? Not much, really. I got my schedule put together for next semester, so that's out of the way. I'm almost a non-freshman! Yea!!! I survived my first year of college! Boy, am I proud of that. I've made the pretty-much-final decision to do double concentration in Mass Com of telecom and journalism, and it looks like I'll be minoring in Psychology. That should look minorly impressive on a resume, I would hope... okay I think I'll shut up and go read something. More later, when the mood hits me!

Updated 03/20/98
Contrary to popular opinion, I have not fallen off the face of the earth. Although there are times that I wish I could! No, I have been dealing with things like overdue projects and midterms and lovely stuff like that. :-} As a matter of fact, I just got done taking my World Cultures 102 midterm. I have no idea how I did, but my hand feels like it's going to fall off after spending 45 minutes writing as much as I could as fast as I could. Wish me luck on that grade! Anyway, not too surprisingly, I haven't made a whole lot of inroads on the development of this page. Just little stuff when I've had the time. There are some more banners on the links page, although several of them still aren't working. I also reformatted the type and construction of "Episode in Brooklyn," which I've needed to do ever since I uploaded it. I had a lot of nervous energy before that exam, so I spent it deleting paragraph tags. So that should now be easier for you to read. Yea!!! I think I'm babbling, so maybe I'll go work on something else. Can you tell I'm on my 3rd Mt. Dew of the afternoon?!?BTW ~ we downloaded AOL IM at home, so if you have it you can page me at Chikka19.

Leonardo DiCaprio For President!

This is totally unrelated to anything else on the site, but I found it by accident and just had to add it! Feel free to cop it.

Updated 02/16/98
'lo again! I'm back, after a week of barely remembering to look at this page! But, my pride and joy, aka Virtual Newsie Dates is now up and running. Visit if you get the chance and let me know what you think! I've gotten a lot of great feedback, and I've had a blast sending out all those dates. (= I haven't updated the page much, but I've got some work to do. Several of the banners aren't working, and I need to figure out why the heck not. I've also got a few new And Starring... entries to add. Check for them soon! Well, I'm off to watch the Ice Dancing on the Olympics...talk about unfair judging. Grrrr. However, Gwendal Peizerat and his hair will make up for that a little bit... More later!

Updated 02/06/98
Okay. Well - it's been an interesting three days, thanks to a freak snowstorm that's buried most of Southern Indiana and Northern Kentucky. UE even canceled classes yesterday, which this place rarely ever does, so I had an extra 24 hours to study for the psych exam I just got done taking. I've discovered that my comp at home (or maybe it's just Dynasty's fault) will not let me access anything on GeoCities, so I can't work on this page from there. DARN. My big news for this posting is that The Back Page is going on hiatus (25 cent college word) until at least Valentines Day. I've got something else that I am going to attempt to throw -- and I do mean throw -- together by Feb. 14. So check back after that to see what's up!

Updated 01/28/98
I'm sitting in my Online Media Writing Class right now waiting for everybody else to finish their exams, so this may get cut short if Smith decides to move on. But, I'll do what I can! Okay - first order of business: THE GUESTBOOK. According to my counter, I've had 118 visitors since I set up this site, but my GB has a measley 8 little entries! (BTW - THANK YOU to everybody who's signed, I'll love you forever!) Now, if I'm doing my math right, that's less than 10% of the people who've visited. If that GB was a person, he'd be dying of starvation by now! So please, I am begging you on bended knee, if you are here, stop reading this and GO SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!! (then come back and finish reading!) I've gotten a couple of contributions for the And Starring... page, and I'm glad to know somebody's reading it! When I have a little more time (Spring Break, probably *groan*), I'm going to get everything seperated, i.e. the results will go on a seperate page, and maybe I'll have a specific form up by then. Other than that, I don't think much is going on right now, so I'll shut up...

Updated 01/21/98
I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm slowly but surely getting my files in order! When I started this page I just sort of threw everything up and told myself I'd get around to sorting it out later, and I've finally decided that right now is "later" enough! All of the pics and interviews from an old issue of Seventeen are now up, and I'm planning to scan in a pic of Gabe Damon that was in another magazine as soon as I can get to it. Also new is my "And Starring..." page. You'll have to check it out, because it'd take too long to explain here! I've got another feature that I'm planning to add soon, but I've got to finish writing it first...I'll probably get that done while I'm sleeping...uhhh...sitting through my World Cultures lecture today. Look for "Newsies Psychology" on a computer screen near you soon!

Updated 01/12/98
Well, this is my first post! I'm back in class (started today, as a matter of fact!), so I've got access to decent computers again! One of the required classes for my major is an Online Media Writing class, so hopefully I'll pick up enough to improve this page a little! I've got a lot of things to add/rearrange, so if you give me a few days, that should get done! I'm planning on starting another page pretty soon, so my time will probably be divided between the two, with this page being top priority! If you have any comments about what's on here (or what's NOT), please let me know!