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Tim is one hec of a friend...
He is kind & considerate, a fab listener, a wicked adviser, a very patient teacher and to top it all he is amazing fun !

Like most friendships we have had our ups and downs but no matter what happens we are still buddies ! (i think !!)

Before he moved to snowy/sunny America he lived here in not so sunny/snowy England.

Over the time ive know Tim, we have had many strange telephone conversations, the one that my best friend Ann (who sounds very much like me on the phone) remembers the most was whilst he was driving and we were working (yeah right we do work sometimes) there was some mention of cream, and everyone ended up laughing very much....remember that one Tim !

Once we even got silly drunk and caused havoc online with two puters side by side, oh what a night !

Anyway, what im trying to say is Tim has a heart of gold and i am really pleased that things are working out well for him now in America. I guess i miss him being here in sunny (ha ha ha) England but we still keep in touch often.

Im just pleased that he looks after his "pea" even though he is millions (still cant count) of miles away *smile*

This guy has tallent like you would not believe check out his home page

So Tim......Thank you for everything you have even done. Friends like you are so hard to find, please dont ever lose touch.