A View Of Notre Dame From The Left Bank

Welcome to my homepage. I encourage you to browse the various subjects listed in the index at left; as this is my first stab at HTML-ing, I've tried to keep things relatively simple, and I'll do my best to update regularly. These pages are best viewed with Netscape, version 3.0+, and were constructed with a 386/40 B.P. (ahem, Before Pentium), and consequently what few bells and whistles grace them ought to be figuratively audible on almost any web-worthy p.c. (all you unfortunate 286-Jockeys, hold your collective tongue...)

-S. Parker

If you don't see a frame with a listing of my pages at left, click here.

If your browser doesn't support frames, then get off your ass and download the latest versions of either Netscape or Internet Explorer and quit whining; the non-frames version of this page is giving me trouble, so either get frame-in-ated or you're out of luck...

1/18/98 - Is anybody else mildly outraged at the near categoric acclaim which James Cameron's "Titanic" has received of late? Check out my 20 minutes working up some bad karma with regard to that movie at my Titanic Page

1/18/98 - Anybody seen Martin Scorsese's latest film, "Kundun"? It is the story of the 14th Dalai Lama's early years, and also of the beginning of Communist China's cultural choke-hold on Tibet...and it is an extraordinary film. Check out its official site:

One of the top 5 films of the year, in my opinion

This Damned Thing Flipped Over Like Some "Asteroids" Game At, Like, 3,000...No, Really - It Did

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copyright Sulivan Parker 1997