films ekele

tungtung Here are the movies and drama serials that dAnIeL had done...and though the films made are not that many...but they are all so enjoyable as it is already a pleasure to watch him...moreover having the chance to see him in action(chuckles) let me introduce to you his work....

Hu-Du-MeNfilmed and released in 1996, this movie has starred some influential actors and actresses...such as Josephine Siao Fong-Fong and Anita is about this autobiography of a famous opera singer..dAnIeL played a minor role in this film, as Josephine's son , whom she has givenHu-du-MeN away 20 years ago and the boyfren of Anita Yuen..though dAnIeL's role was small...he was nominated in 1997 Hongkong Golden Statue Movie Awards..not bad for a start..the movie is quite good actually, but the sad part is that you see little of dAnIeL... NiGhT jOuRnEy
NiGhT jOuRnEy this drama serial is about 20 episodes long..if i remember NiGhT jOuRnEycorrectly...this is dAnIeL's first and so far the only drama serial and he is given a bigger role to play this time...this serial revolves around two brothers(shixiong) who are skilled in the art of the supernatural..where dAnIeL is the disciple of the younger one. However the two brothers differ in no doubt about it...the two bros fell out with each other and dAnIeL chose to go with the former whe he found out how unscruplous his shifu was....the Hu-Du-MeNserial is a number of stories twist to another part was dAnIeL with the girl that he loves..whom had someone else in her heart and rejected was only after this guy dumped him that she began to appreciate him...there was this part where he risked his life for her...this serial is quite interesting..further it's comedy based so if you got the time...get the tapes and watch them... you will enjoy dAnIeL's performances as well as the comic elements!! bEsT oF tHe BeSt
bEsT oF tHe BeSt this is a production of 1996 too and dAnIeL played a lead role...he was selected to join "Flying Tigers"...a special group of law enforcers...and he met up with Cheng Chi-Lam....who is his step-brother..this he was not aware of and Chi-Lam made things difficult for him in the training camp.....this film is not bad but pretty skimpish.....especially on the parts of dAnIeL.... LuRvE uNlImItEd
lUrVe UnLiMiTeDYup!!! this is the latest and the most talked about show among us fans...a lurve story between gigi and dAnIeL...Wat a couple. Many have said they looked so cute together....okay enuff of that and get back to the story...dAnIeL and GiGi comes from very different backgrounds...dAnIeL is a F-grade student and comes from a less than average family while GiGi is an excellent student born in a wealthy family. The two of them fell in love when they saw each other....there is this scene where dAnIeL had to run up a hill to bring some flowers to GiGi.. (heehee...dAnIeL had to run up 4 times just to get the shots right and he revealed that it was tiring). But they are separated due to a misunderstanding by GiGi's mom. dAnIeL became despondent and kept himself at home. GiGi, on the other hand couldn't concentrate on her studies. dAnIeL came to realise that it was his poor results that led to a prejudice of GiGi's mum. So he began to worked hard and did obtained good results. dAnIeL went to see GiGi with his good results, but GiGi's results suffered and has to go abroad for further was so sad...dAnIeL even cried ....there are a lot of kissing scenes..but i dun mind them b'coz they both look absolutely like a couple, all lovey dopey....this is one great of me all time favourites...romantic,sweet, funny and if you got the chance...get the VCD or LD!

The mention of the cast will no doubt let you believe that it is a comedy. This time, dAnIeL plays the son of a coffeshop owner, "Ah Nam". He is a journalist working for a gossip magazine and absolutely adores "Chibi Maruko". He has a net pal who shares the same interest and decided to meet him. The sight of his net pal scares dAnIeL into hiding and chance upon "Fongfong" (Shu Kei). In order to hide from her pursuers, she kissed dAnIeL, surprising him totally! Later she followed him to his place and lied that she was his fiancee to his father to stay there. Actually she was the daughter of a very rich guy and dAnIeL found that out. He decided to take advantage of her and took many pics, maligning her to get the cover page of the magazine. However,dAnIeL realised he has feelings for her. He felt ashamed and tore up the pics. But Fongfong discovered the torn up pieces and left. The pics never made it to the magazine, and dAnIeL put up an ad to apologise. So the ending?? Whatcha think?

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