May I service you?

Empire Records is a movie about a group of teenagers sellin tunes (They're selling music but not selling out!) and finding themselves at the same time. The plot starts off when the man Lucas gets to close up one night (and while doing so, breaks all of Joes rules: Dont drink beer, dont touch the drum sticks, and dont smoke the cigars) and feeling really powerful goes through Joe's desk. We see him zoom to Atlantic City to gamble away the days earnings in a (what he thinks) heroic attempt to save the Empire. Poor Lucas loses the money and rides back to the store to sleep. From there the story twists and turns. The clerks spend the rest of the day raising money and hell at the Empire. Between shoplifters, speed, and Rex Manning day, it seems like anything can happen with this crew!

AJ has to tell Corey he's in love with her by 1:37. Corey has to lose her virginity to teen idol Rex Manning. Gina's the turbo slut, Marcs the brownie-lovin-man-with- the band. Eddie's the stoner pizza guy who makes Marcs brownies, Debs the chick with a bic (and a moisture strip!), Berko...well Berko (to be frank) is just kinda there and seems to like his guitar, and Joe, the manager, is the glue that keeps em all together.

Hello and welcome to a very official-un-official Empire Records fan page. Take your time to stop by the Empire Records Survey and pick your favorite character, let me know your favorite quote, and tell everyone what you think of this page. I'm sorry that this page is very limited and I'm hoping to have it up and running soon!

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